RESERVED RESERVED ANCIENT 1580’s -1680’s BLADE** Wakizashi Short Sword ‘BISHU OSAFUNE MOTO SHIGE’ By Unknown Smith In Homage To An Earlier 14th Century Famous Smith With C1600-50’s Iron Tsuba, Ko-Gatana Knife Scabbard & Expert Assessment. Sn 21350 - 21350 This Wakizashi with ancient blade has been examined by UK Japanese sword expert Bill Tagg and a copy of his assessment notes accompany the sword. In extracts of his notes he states “It appears to date to 1580’s to 1680’s period, end of Koto (old sword) into Shinto period. It has a very good Bizen curve & shape and has a good strong stone polish, with precise shinobi and yakote lines, still healthy & good thickness to sides. Looks like it would polish well. Surface is covered in old black finger rust and fine scratches, obscuring any grain. You can only se the hamon in some clear patches. Looks a nioi edged ko-notare based on suguha but the original polish is obscuring the activity in the hamon. Signature looks like a homage one put on as a tribute to a famous smith, signed ‘BISHU OSAFUNE MOTO SHIGE’, this is definitely not a 14th century blade which is when this man worked, so a quality blade by an unknown smith. Needs a good professional polish. Saya is good quality Honoki wood covered with black lacquer good condition but some small patches of damage. Finished with horn kurikata & a Ko-Gatana in side pocket withreplacement blade. Has a good quality kodjuka soft metal in shakadu with Nanako & gold leaf, crayfish & banner all gilt intact, one small bit of damage to edge. Tsuba is ancient iron oval plate pattern copying Musashi work Circa 1600-1650, good condition, some old rust. Tsuka hilt is 19th century put together, blue ito wrap, fish skin small bits missing. Menuki tiny pouch clasps (odd), copper plain fuchi with very good kashira carp in waterfall. A nice looking sword”. In his illustrations of the blade he describes the cutting edge of blade as 44cms. Total length 56cms. He also describes other blade characteristics and dimensions which can be seen in the images. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 21350