INERT DEACTIVATED. **MINT** Rare, Strippable, British WW2, 1943 Dated, British No 700 Mark III Nose Time Fuze for the Z Battery Rocket High Explosive Round. Sn - 22846:98 INERT DEACTIVATED. The solid-fuel 3 in (76 mm) rocket used by the Z Batteries was known as the UP-3 (Unrotated Projectile) and had been developed in the late 1930s by the Projectile Development Establishment at Fort Halstead in Kent under the direction of Alwyn Crow. By June 1940, Churchill was Prime Minister and he requested large supplies of rocket projectors for the anti-aircraft defence of Great Britain. The development of British rockets was under the control of Professor Frederick Lindemann. This naval weapon was intended to bring down low-flying aircraft with a trailing wire, at the end of which was an explosive mine; the land-based system was intended to have a high explosive warhead, detonated by a specially designed photoelectric (PE) proximity fuse. This is the black powder time fuze that functioned on an air pressure system, the air coming in via the small holes in the nose, causing the striker to make contact with the detonator and starting the time train. This is a near mint, strippable, unfired, British WW2, 1943 dated, No 700 m ark III nose time fuze for high explosive Z battery 3 inch rocket. The rocket measured 6 feet 4 inches in length and weighed 54 lbs. the fuze is constructed of brass and is stamped round its circumference No 700 III GK 1943 and is graduated to 30. The rocket batteries were either in twin mounts or in a mount of 20 rockets. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert fuze in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22846:98 £145.00