WWII Era German Armed Forces Class 2 (Silver) ‘Schützenschnur‘ Badge of Marksmanship. M 141. - M 141 The German Armed Forces Badge for Weapons Proficiency is a decoration of the Bundeswehr, the armed forces of the Federal Republic of Germany. The decoration is awarded to German military personnel of all grades but is only allowed to be worn by enlisted members. The German armed forces regulations point out that "the Schützenschnur is a decoration for weapons proficiency for enlisted soldiers. Officers can receive the award, although it is not currently authorized to be worn on their uniforms. Foreign military members also may be awarded the badge. The German military regulation on officers still applies, permitting only enlisted members to wear the badge. The history of the Schützenschnur dates back to the Eighty Years' War where Spanish troops were ordered to hang any Dutch person who carried a musket. Therefore, Spanish musketeers began to carry ropes which were often carried over one shoulder. Awarding a cord as a decoration began in the early 18th century in Prussia under Frederick William I of Prussia. German Armed Forces Badge for Weapons Proficiency in Silver (Schützenschnur in Silber) is awarded for shooting by a service member with his designated "light" weapon (pistol, rifle or machine pistol) and one of the "heavy" weapons (machine gun or Panzerfaust) with all scores at least in silver. Made from heavy, twisted, interwoven silver/aluminium braid with buttoning loops to both the top and bottom ends. The reverse of the braiding has a protective, pale grey, rayon strip of fabric neatly handstitched in place to prevent chafe wear on the uniform. The top of the lanyard has a stamped, alloy, construction, vertically oval, embossed, oak-leaf wreath with a Wehrmacht style eagle with down swept wings, clutching a canted swastika in its talons, positioned to the top centre encompassing crossed swords which are superimposed on a shield shaped base with a subtly pebbled background field. The shield device is attached to an interwoven silver/aluminium braid rosette with a protective wool backing handstitched to the reverse to prevent chafe wear to the uniform. In excellent order, the price includes UK delivery. M 141. (Misc Drawer) £195.00