DEACTIVATED INERT. German, WW2, 1941 Dated, SD-2 Small Fin Butterfly Bomb With a Number 41 Fuze. Sn - 22441:3 DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a mint, original German WW2, 1941 dated SD-2 small fin butterfly bomb complete with a number 41 fuse. The bombs were loaded in AB23 and AB 250-3 bomb containers holding 23 or 96 butterfly bombs, the container opening in flight scattering the bombs. The small fin butterfly bomb was a later development and was designed to drop onto bomber formations from above to destroy them in the air. This bomb was not very successful, the smaller vanes not fully arming the bombs in time or the bombs bouncing off the airplanes.
The cast iron bomb fitted a nicely marked alloy number 41 fuze which is stamped AZ 41 (fuze number) ZEIT emu (Friedrich Meuthe GmbH, Schwenningen am Neckar) 85 41 (1941 date\0 . This fuze has an external selector switch with two settings. The "Zeit" (time) setting will detonate the bomb in the air, approximately 5 seconds after being armed. The - "AZ" (Aufschlagzünder - impact) setting triggers detonation when the bomb hits the ground. The fuze is armed if 4 screw threads at the base of the arming spindle are visible. This fuze is highly sensitive to disturbance if the selector switch is set to "Zeit" and the bomb is unexploded. The number 41 fuze is a mechanical clockwork double fuze and is attached to the arming vanes by a steel cable which is held onto the fuze by two screws. The other end of the cable has a steel fitting with a square and crimped on which engages with a corresponding square hole in the arming vanes bracket thus allowing the canted arming vanes to spin thus arming the bomb. The spring loaded vanes and mounting bracket retain much of its original yellow painted finish. See pages 207 and 141 in German Air Dropped Weapons to 1945 by Wolfgang Fleischer. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert butterfly bomb in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22441:3