C 1973-77 U.S.A Weaver Microtrak K2.5-1 20mm Zoom Telescopic Sight. OPT 851. - OPT 851 William Ralph Weaver was born in 1905 and established the W.R. Weaver Co. in a small shop in Newport, Kentucky, in 1930. He built his first scope by hand and soon began offering a simple 3/4-inch tube 3X model, originally called the 3-30 (3X 1930). The design was smaller, lighter, and, best of all, much less expensive than the imported German scopes of the day. This early model offered excellent value for the money, which would become a trait of Weaver scopes, and sold well. With two workers and a truck packed with equipment, Bill Weaver moved to a larger facility in El Paso, Texas, in 1933 and began his quest to produce riflescopes made entirely in the U.S. W.R. Weaver would eventually expand until it employed some 600 workers at its height in the 1960s. Maj. George Nonte stated that in the late 1960s half the scopes built in the U.S. bore the W.R. Weaver logo. Measuring 26 ½ cm in length with broad and thin cross hairs and mounts. There are very minor age-related marks to the body. The lenses are in in perfect condition. The price for this scarce retro scope and mounts includes UK delivery. OPT 851. £175.00