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ARTILLERY Ammunition 37 mm +

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INERT DEACTIVATED. WW2 1942 Dated, Unfired American 37mm M16 (37 x 222R), APCBC/T (Armour Piercing Capped Ballistic Capped /Trace) Anti-Tank/ Tank Gun Round. Sn - 22846:95
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a WW2, 1941 dated unfired American 37mm M16 (37 x 222R), APCBC/T (Armour Piercing Capped Ballistic Capped /Trace) Anti Tank/ Tank Gun round. The projectile has an alloy nose cap and an empty tracer cavity. The brass cartridge is headstamped 37MMM16 LOT966 L1942 (1942 date). The brass primer is stamped WC 6- 22579-63 M23A1 1942 (date). The driving band is stamped LOT80 23140.125 1943. W.F&J. 37MM-B51B1. See Hogg, British and American Artillery of World War 2, pages 83 to 84. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess these inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22846:95

INERT. British 1975 Dated 76mm ARMDC (76.2x230R) L23A1, HE (High Explosive) Weighted DRILL Round For The Scorpion Light Tank and Saladin Armoured Car. Sn - 22846:93
INERT. This is an original British 1975 dated 76mm ARMDC (76.2x230R) L23 A1 HE (High Explosive) weighted DRILL round for the British 76mm ARMDC gun fitted to the Saladin 6 wheeled armoured car that replaced the AEC armoured car in 1958 and the later Scorpion Tank introduced in 1973. The 76mm gun used in these vehicles is the Royal Ordnance Factories L23A1 low velocity gun that fired HE (high explosive), HESH (High Explosive Squash Head) an anti-armour projectile, Smoke and a Canister (a projectile filled with shot pellets used for anti-personal use) rounds. This drill round will have originally been made for the Saladin armoured car and resembles the high explosive round including its weight and consists of a steel base with an alloy mid body, a steel upper part and a brass nose fuze plug. The round is headstamped 76MM ARMD C RLB (Royal Laboratories) 1975 (1975 manufacture date) DRILL and has a black rubber firing pin protector fitted. The alloy lower part of the round is engraved DRILL on the side. The round is fitted with a brass nose plug the same profile as the nose fuze. Price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. Sn 22846:93

INERT DEACTIVATED. Scarce, Unfired, British 20pr (84x618R) Smoke (SMK) Base Eject Round. Sn - 22846:90
INERT DEACTIVATED. This a scarce British 20pr tank gun smoke (SMK) round that was used in the British Charioteer and early Centurion tanks. The 20pr gun replaced the WW2 17pr tank gun originally fitted to the tank with the bore of the gun increased from 3 inches to 84mm. The smoke projectile has a narrow copper driving band and is of the sealed base eject type. The projectile retains most of its original green painted finish and stencilling. The projectile is stamped round its circumference CU311AD BE (base eject) 20pr SMK (smoke) MK1/1 LOT 1 RLB (Royal Laboratories) 5/51 (date). The projectile is stencilled in black G.E 70 GD 3.52 (Date). The projectile is fitted with a number 390 mark 3/1 fuze. The fuze is stamped BN (RoF Blackburn) 390 MK3/1 49 cy 10/51. The unfired brass cartridge case is headstamped 20Pr NR13C1 LOT4 AI 1961. Price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. (34), Sn 22846:90

DEACTIVATED INERT. WW2 British 1942 Dated 6pr7cwt (57x441R) Tank and Anti-Tank Gun Wood And Brass Drill Round. - O 2197
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a rare brass and wood drill round for the British 6pr 7cwt tank gun and the towed anti-tank gun. The anti-tank gun was first introduced on November 1941. Later the gun was fitted to the Churchill III & IV, Valentine IX, Crusader III tanks and the AEC armoured car Mk III. This drill round has a brass collar at the shoulder of the round which is held on by 4 brass screws. The nose of the round has a pointed brass profile representing an armour piercing round. The base of the round is headstamped 6pr7cwt mark I LOT RL (struck out twice) ASL 1942 (twice) 19 over a crowfoot. . The rim on the base of the round has straight knurling round its circumference. The round is fitted with a No 15 Mk2 brass screw in primer which is stamped No15 II PDC 5/42 (May 1942 date). Price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2197

INERT DEACTIVATED. Early a scarce British 20pr (84x618R) High Explosive (HE) Drill Round. Sn - 22846:89
INERT DEACTIVATED. This a scarce British 20pr tank gun High Explosive (HE) DRILL round that was fitted to the British Charioteer and early Centurion tanks. The 20pr gun replaced the WW2 17pr tank gun originally fitted to the tank with the bore of the gun increased from 3 inches to 84mm. The weighted round is made from aluminium and brass, the brass parts used on high wear areas. These rounds have the same profile and weight of live rounds and were used by tank crews to practice loading the rounds in the gun in the turret so very few were made and survive. The round is in excellent condition and is heavy, it being weighted to the weight of a live round. No licence is required to possess this drill round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. Sn 22846:89

INERT DEACTIVATED. Early, scarce, 1952 Dated British 20pr (84x618R) APDS (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot) DRILL Round. Sn - 22846:88
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a scarce British 20pr tank gun APDS(Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot) petal sabot DRILL round that was fitted to the British Charioteer and early Centurion tanks. The 20pr gun replaced the WW2 17pr tank gun originally fitted to the tank with the bore of the gun increased from 3 inches to 84mm. The weighted round is made from aluminium and brass, the brass parts used on high wear areas. The round is headstamped 20PR APDS MK1 RL (Royal Laboratories) 52 (1952 date) DRILL RW20-A 3. These rounds have the same profile and weight of live rounds and were used by tank crews to practice loading the rounds in the gun in the turret so very few were made and survive. The round is in excellent condition and is heavy, it being weighted to the weight of a live round. No licence is required to possess this drill round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. Sn 22846:88

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired German, WW2, 1941 Dated, 3.7cm SC/30 (37x380R) High Explosive Tracer (HET) Round. - O 2193
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired German WW2, 3.7cm SC/30 High Explosive Trace (HET) round for the 3.7cm Schiffskanone SK C/30, a German naval pattern high altitude, high velocity, anti-aircraft/coastal defence gun. These guns were also fitted in a twin mount on surface vessels. The lacquered steel cartridge case retains much of its original lacquered finish and is headstamped 3,7cm 30ST 41 (date). The high explosive projectile has two sintered iron driving bands and retains much of its original yellow painted finish. The projectile has a 6mm wide red tracer band above the top driving band and a 9mm wide black band below the alloy fuse. The unfired projectile is stamped above the driving band 43 akn 9. The projectile is stamped round its circumference in black unt 43 23/4 3/43. The projectile is fitted with empty tracer screw in tracer capsule in the base of the projectile. The alloy KZ40 nose fuse is stamped 3.7cm KZ 40 bda (Uhrenfabrik, Villingen) 42 marine waffenampt. See Hogg, German Artillery of WW2. page 223. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2193

DEACTIVATED INERT WW2 German Tiger 1 Tank 1942 Dated, Unfired 88mm (88 x 571R) High Explosive (HE) (MINT PROJECTILE) Round for the 88mm Tiger 1 KWK 36 tank gun and the Flak 18 Towed Anti-aircraft/Tank and Naval Guns. - O 2192
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an unfired WW2 German 88mm (88 x 571R) High Explosive Round for the Tiger 1 tanks KWK 36 L/56 gun and the 88mm Flak 18 towed anti-aircraft/tank gun. The gun was also fitted to various German naval vessels. These guns had formidable power both in range and hitting power throughout the war. This is an excellent unfired round which has a lacquered steel cartridge that retains most of its original varnished finish and is headstamped 56 over 307 aue (Metall u. Eisen GmbH, Nuernberg) 1942 (1942 date) Waffenampt 484 8.8cm Flak18 (8,8cm 30St). The cartridge case is fitted with a steel percussion primer which is stamped DMW (Deutsche Waffen- u. Munitionsfabriken, Berlin) 1942 (1942 date) 201 C/12nASt. The near mint steel high explosive projectile retains most of its original yellow painted finish and stencilling. The projectile has two sintered iron (FES) driving bands and two cannelure grooves. The projectile is stamped round the circumference 42 ckc (Deutsche Eisenwerke AG, Mulheim/Rhur) 535 Stg waffenampt 13 unt 3 42 (March 1942) FES. The projectile is stencilled in black round its circumference 13 Gr56425 Stg Stg Mbg 2.6.42 E. The projectile is also stencilled in white above the driving band FES FES (cintered iron driving band). The steel AZ23 nose impact fuze retains much of its original green painted finish and has a delay screw on the side. The fuze is stamped round its circumference AZ23 enz (Buehler Nachfolger, Triberg) 43 (1943 date). See page 162 – 170, Hogg, German Artillery of World War Two. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2192

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired, British, L49A1 Practice Tracer Carl Gustaf 84mm Anti-Tank Round. Sn - 22426:67
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired British 84mm Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle L49A1 practice tracer round which was named after Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori who initially produced it the rifle. The weapon is a shoulder-fired recoilless rifle, initially developed by the Royal Swedish Army Materiel Administration during the second half of the 1940s as a close-range anti-tank and support weapon for infantry. The rifle is a lightweight, low-cost weapon that uses a wide range of ammunition, which makes it extremely flexible and suitable for a wide variety of roles. Development of the initial model started from 1946 as one of the many recoilless rifle designs of that era and was in service from 1948. The weapon was in service with the British Army from 1962 and is still used in updated versions. This is a Drill L50A1 84mm Carl Gustaf round commonly called the Charlie G in the British Army and consists of an black anodised alloy cartridge case has a blow out base and is stencilled in white round its circumference FFV 0689058 PRAC A TK L49A1. The projectile is anodised mid blue for practice and is stencilled round its circumference in white 84mm INF PRAC ATK GF HE SUB T (High Explosive substituted with Tracer). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22426:67

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired, British, L50A1 DRILL Carl Gustaf 84mm Anti-Tank Round. Sn - 22426:66
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired British 84mm Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle L50A1 DRILL round the weapon was named after Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori who initially produced the rifle. The weapon is a shoulder-fired recoilless rifle, initially developed by the Royal Swedish Army Materiel Administration during the second half of the 1940s as a close-range anti-tank and support weapon for infantry. The rifle is a lightweight, low-cost weapon that uses a wide range of ammunition, which makes it extremely flexible and suitable for a wide variety of roles. Development of the initial model started from 1946 as one of the many recoilless rifle designs of that era and was in service from 1948. The weapon was in service with the British Army from 1962 and is still used in updated versions. This is a Drill L50A1 84mm Carl Gustaf round commonly called the Charlie G in the British Army and consists of an alloy cartridge case and a steel topped alloy projectile crimped into the cartridge case. The black anodised alloy cartridge case is stencilled on the side 84mm INF DRILL ATK L42A1. The dark blue body of the projectile is stencilled in white round its circumference 84MM INF DRILL . The nose on the projectile is anodised in a dark brown colour. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22426:66
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