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Bayonets - All Other Countries

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*Excellent* WWII Dated Australian ‘1907’ Pattern Bayonet Scabbard and Frog Made at ‘Lithgow Small Arms Factory’. 22426:57. - 22426:57
Lithgow 1907 bayonet was designed at the Lithgow Small Arms factory in Australia starting around 1913, just prior to WWI (The Lithgow Small Arms Factory, or Lithgow Arms, is an Australian small arms manufacturing factory located in the town of Lithgow, New South Wales. It was created by the Australian Government in 1912 to ease reliance on the British for the supply of defence materials). The Lithgow 1907 Bayonet would become Australia's staple weapon along with its counterpart, the Enfield No1 Mark III rifle. This example was made in ‘July 1942’ (7’42) which is marked to the ricasso, along with ‘M.A.’ and other inspection marks. See pages 4 & 5 of Watts & White for reference. The blade is excellent and retains its blackening. The leather, stitching and furniture on the scabbard are all very good. The webbing frog has some scripture to the rear with a Broad Arrow and is in good condition. Blade length 43 cm (55 ¼ cm overall). The price includes UK delivery. 22426:57. (07 Box 1)

WWII Dated Australian MA Marked 4th Pattern 1907 Bayonet and Scabbard. 22426:43. - 22426:43
This is a Pattern 1907 bayonet for use with the Lee-Enfield rifle no1 mk3 or 3*, better known as the SMLE, as used throughout WWI and the first half of WWII. The ricasso markings show MA for Lithgow Arms (Opened on 8 June 1912, the factory initially manufactured SMLE III rifles (and Pattern 1907 bayonets) for the Australian military during World War I.[1] During World War II, production expanded to include Vickers machine guns, Bren guns and, postwar, branched out into sporting goods (including civilian firearms and golf clubs), tools, sewing machines, (from the mid-1950s) the F1 submachine gun, L1A1 SLR, KAL1 general purpose infantry rifle prototypes, general purpose machine guns, and similar products) as the manufacturer, above 1907 for the Pattern above a date of 4 '42. The other side shows broad arrows and bend test, and MA again with 2 ’42 (manufactured February 1942), who made these bayonets until 1942. The parkerised steel blade is in very good condition, very good unsharpened edge and good point, with good blacked cross-guard and pommel. The wooden grips are in very good condition with good release button. The Australian made round-frog stud scabbard is also in very good condition, all stitching is intact, nice tight throat and chape. ‘W.J.H.B’ (manufacturer W.J. Hill Ltd of Birmingham) is marked below the throat A lovely piece of history to compliment any WWII Aussie issue SMLE, or indeed any SMLE. The price includes UK delivery. 22426:43.

*Matching Numbers* Argentine M1909 Bayonet and Scabbard for the Mauser Rifle. 22426:10. - 22426:10
In 1875 Argentina adopted the robust and popular Remington rifle, and it is believed that a brass hilted sabre bayonet similar in appearance to the French M1842 sabre bayonet was issued with this rifle. A specimen of a brass hilted bayonet of this type has been noted with Argentine crest and was possibly of German or Belgian manufacture. In 1891 a German made Mauser rifle was adopted together with a sword bayonet, probably manufactured to Argentine design by Weyesburg and Kirschbaum of Solingen. A similar bayonet to the M1891 was used on the Mauser rifle. This later bayonet has however, two wooden grip plates secured by two rivets. In the M1909 bayonet the press stud for the internal coiled spring is on the right side of the pommel. The dimensions are exactly the same as the M1891 series. This superb example is in excellent order. The polished blade is true and clean. The ‘Modelo Argentino’ inscription is clear (usually lost by filing). The obverse states the manufacturer ‘Weyesburg and Kirschbaum of Solingen’. One side is stamped ‘G 1631’ which is replicated on the scabbard. The scabbard is all steel with its original drab olive paint. See pages 1 & 2 of White & Watts for reference. The price for this excellent pair includes UK delivery. 22426:10. (Other Countries Box 2)

British ‘1907’ Pattern Bayonet MkII Scabbard Leather Frog. 22426:5 - 22426:5
This is a nice ‘1907’ bayonet that has had its quillon removed on re-furnishment. When the British military adopted the Short Magazine Lee-Enfield rifle, its barrel was shortened to 25.2 inches (640 mm), 5” (130 mm) shorter than the preceding Magazine Lee-Enfield. British military strategists were fearful that the British infantry would be at a disadvantage when engaged in a bayonet duel with enemy soldiers who retained a longer reach. Bayonet fighting drills formed a significant part of a contemporary British infantryman’s training. Soldiers were drilled in various stances and parrying techniques against an enemy also armed with rifle and bayonet. The blade is stamped ‘Crown over G.R. 1907 and ‘Wilkinson Pall Mall’ with numerous inspection marks. In ‘1913’ it was decided to remove the quillon and all further bayonets were made without the quillon, and those that came in for refurbishment had it removed, (see Watts & White item No 820 pages 323-393). The other side of the blade has a broad arrow ‘19’ and several inspection stamps. The grips are wood, held on by two screwbolts, and are in good condition with a distinct patina. The pommel is stamped ‘T.7.CH.R’ 484. The scabbard is the ‘No1 MkII’ which is in very good order with a round frog stud. The leather hanger is excellent, the leather is supple and the stitching is good. The price includes UK delivery. 22426:5 (07 Box 1)

*Scarce* French M1886/93/16 Epee Lebel Bayonet Manufactured Without Quillon with Scabbard and Hanger. 22426:4. - 22426:4
The model M1886/93/16 Bayonet was standard issue to French soldiers fighting in the second half of WW1 after 1916 who were issued the Lebel rifle. The M1886 bayonet is an usual design which has a long thin cruciform Blade with a peculiar locking device just behind the muzzle ring and an all metal grip. Originally the bayonets had a nickel-silver handle and a hooked quillion. By 1916, with the need to conserve nickel for the war effort, the handles were made of brass. About the same time they were manufactured without the quillion. In 1893 a bayonet with a new press button was adopted, and this is known as the M1886/93. The design of the Lebel bayonet was again altered in 1916 so that it no longer incorporated a quillon. This is known as the M1886/93/16. The bayonets have a cruciform blade and tapered tubular scabbards. Overall length 63 ½ cm, Blade length 51 ½ cm. The bayonet has number ‘14526’ along with inspection marks around the mechanism. The blade is straight and true with minor age-related staining. The scabbard is equally as good with inspection marks. The leather hanger is supple, and all of the stitching is intact. See pages 85 & 96 No 209 of White & Watts for similar. The price includes UK delivery. 22426:4. (Other Countries Box 2)

*Rare* Japanese ‘Thai Contract’ Arisaka Short Model Bayonet. BAYO 615. - BAYO 615
This is a rare Japanese short ‘Arisaka’ bayonet with hooked quillon with no visible makers mark. In late December 1941 Thailand signed an agreement with the Japanese and then on 25 January 1942 declared war on Britain and the United States. It was a decision which split the government with the Thai foreign minister Direk Chaiyanam and the liberal leader Pridi Phanomyong advocating resistance against the Japanese. The Arisaka rifle is a family of Japanese military bolt-action service rifles, which were produced and used since approximately 1897, when it replaced the Murata rifle family, until the end of World War II in 1945. The most common models include the Type 38 chambered for the 6.5×50mmSR Type 38 cartridge, and the Type 99 chambered for the 7.7×58mm Type 99 cartridge, which is comparable in power to a modern .308 Winchester round. The blade measures 297mm (398mm overall) with fullers both sides. The grips are wooden held by two screw bolts and oval washers (similar to the A, B, C & D versions) and the pommel carries Thai lettering. The scabbard is a ball tipped metal version with minor use related dings. See ‘Bayonets of Japan’ by Raymond.C.Labar, page 75 for similar. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 615 (Arisaka Box 1)

Australian M1907 Parade Bayonet and Scabbard with Regimental Numbers. 22256. - 22256
This is an Australian 1907 Pattern bayonet with 'SLAZ' marked grips and regimental markings. In around 1927 bayonet production ceased and was re commenced late in 1940. The bayonet shop was transferred from Lithgow to Orange in July 1942. The wood room, which made up rifle furniture as well as bayonet grips, was removed from Lithgow to the Slazenger Sports Goods factory in Sydney in 1941, and the mark "Slaz" on the grips indicates manufacture there. After Japans entry into the war in the Pacific, Australian bayonet development moved rapidly into newer, shorter and specialised patterns and so the long 1907 bayonets manufactured in WWII were short lived and consequently rare. The bayonet has a polished 17" blade with fullers. The ricasso is stamped with inspection marks and ‘OA’ (Orange Arsenal) and on the other side with "1907 2 43" (February 1943). The blade is in excellent condition. The bayonet has a straight waisted crossguard. The slab wood grips are both stamped "Slaz" and are secured with two screw bolts. The pommel is regimentally marked ‘D 17749’ to one side and has the push button release, which operates smoothly and clearance hole. The No 1 late scabbard has a large frog stud along with three rivets showing on the locket. It is leather and stitching are in good condition and is stamped "Mangrovite 43 (1943). (See page 5 No 6 of Watts & White for reference) The price includes UK delivery. 22256. (Other countries Box 3)

*Rare* Prussian/Danish Model 1794 Socket Bayonet/Long Blade with Kyhl Lock Spring. BAYO 611. - BAYO 611
A Prussian Dreyse Socket bayonet with a unique locking spring designed by Johan Christian Wilken Kyhl (Danish). It was first introduced in 1794. The Kyhl spring catch was used on Danish bayonets from 1794-1860 and was also used by Norwegian and Prussian makers. The bayonet overall length is 27”, blade length is 21” and the muzzle ring is 24mm. In good condition, this original Danish Model 1794 socket bayonet features the distinctive Kyhl lock spring. The bayonet has original brown patina. It has a massive 21" blade. The shoulder is stamped ’22161’. A rare bayonet that will make a fine addition to a collection. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 611. (Bucket)

C1936 Type 30 Japanese Bayonet Tokyo Variation A 11th Series and Scabbard. 22024. - 22024
This is a Japanese ‘Arisaka Type 30’ bayonet with hooked quillon and made by ‘Tokyo Kokura’ arsenal (The arsenal was established in 1916 as the ‘Kojura Arms Factory’ Kokura Heiki Seizojo as one of six arsenals under control of the Government: the others were the Tokyo Arsenal, Nizo Arsenal (Second Tokyo Arsenal), Nagoya Arsenal, Osaka Arsenal and the South Manchurian Arsenal). The Arsenal manufactured various machine guns, cannons and rifles. The blade measures 15 ½ “with fullers and is clearly marked to the ricasso with the four rings trademark of the ‘Kokura’ arsenal. The grips are wooden held by two screw bolts. The pommel is serial number marked ‘1168911’ which puts it to variation A- 11th series. The scabbard is a ball tipped metal version which has an aged patina. (see page 97-99 of Bayonets of Japan by R.C.Labar for reference). The price includes UK delivery. 22024. (Other countries Box 1)

Swiss M43 Officer's Dress Dagger with Black Painted Scabbard and Leather Hanger. BAYO 457. - BAYO 457
This Swiss Army Model 1943 Officer Dress Dagger has a spear point double edged bright blade. It is maker marked on the ricasso "Elsener Schwyz Victoria" (Karl Elsener I opened a knife cutler’s workshop in Ibach-Schwyz. Karl Elsener I establishes the Association of Swiss Master Cutlers and delivers the first major supply of soldier’s knives to the Swiss Army) and serial numbered ‘50307’ on the reverse. It has a chromed alloy cross guard and pommel with wood grips which are in excellent condition. It comes with its original black painted steel scabbard *minor dings* and leather hanger. The blade Length is: 20.8mm (total Length: 33.8mm). The price for this nice pair includes UK delivery. BAYO 457. (Fixed blade Box)
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