Original WWII German M1/52 SS Visor Cap Skull by Deschler & Sohn, Munich. N 114. - N 114 The Allgemeine-SS, (General-SS), was originally formed in May 1923 as the Stosstrupp Adolf Hitler (Shock Troops Adolf Hitler), and was redesignated Schutzstaffel, (Protection Squad), in April 1925 with the official acceptance of the name verified on the second anniversary of the failed Munich “Beer-Hall” Putsch on November 9th 1925. On January 6th 1929 Heinrich Himmler was appointed as Reichsführer-SS, (National Leader {of the} SS), and on July 20th 1934 shortly after the, June 30th 1934, purge of the SA, Sturm Abteilung, (Storm Troopers) on the “Night of the Long Knives”, the SS was rewarded by Hitler by being granted the status of an independent organization under direct control of the NSDAP, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, (National Socialist German Worker’s Party). In an attempt to distance themselves from the SA, the SS introduced a new pattern cap skull to replace the previously used Imperial Prussian Danziger style skull on October 6th, 1934. The distinctive new pattern SS skull remained in use for the duration of the war. 1934 SS pattern, stamped alloy construction skull with a silver wash. The skull features detailed eye and nose cut-outs, two rows of teeth and bottom jaw, superimposed over crossed bones. The skull also has subtle cranium and bone detailing. The hollow backed reverse of the skull is a mirror image of the obverse. The reverse is well marked with embossed RZM logo with dual circular borders and manufacturers code, “M1/52”, indicating manufacture by Deschler & Sohn, Munich (The company of Deschler & Sohn was an important maker during the Third Reich. Deschler received the first contract for the German Cross among all German makers of the period. They also received the first number in both the LDO and PKZ directory. Deschler was also the company that produced one of the first 1939 Iron Closs 2nd Class prototypes). The two original attachment prongs are still intact to the reverse. The price includes UK delivery. N 114. £395.00