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Cannon Ammunition 13 - 20 mm

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INERT DEACTIVATED. Cold War Era, Battle Field Recovered, 40 Inert Rounds of .50 Inch Bowning Machine gun Rounds in Links. Sn - 22846:87
INERT DEACTIVATED. There are 40 inert .50 inch Browning machine gun rounds in disintegrating links that can be used in the .5 inch Browning ground or aircraft guns. The rounds have been previously buried in soil and when dug up they have been deactivated. The rounds would make a nice display either in a circle or a half moon shape on a wall. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess these inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22846:87

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired, 1970 Dated, British 30mm Rarden (30 x 170) FACTORY DISPLAY, APCR (Armour Piercing Composite Rigid) (Tungstun Uncored) Cannon Round For The Warrior, Scimitar And Fox Armoured Vehicles. - O 2195
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired British 30mm Rarden (30 x 170) APCR (Armour Piercing Composite Rigid) (Tungsten Cored) round for factory display with a half section taken out of the cartridge case and a screw on ballistic cap. The round was for the 30 mm Rarden cannon fitted to the Warrior, Scimitar and Fox armoured vehicles in the British army. The round was developed in the 1970s from the WW2 Hispano-Suiza 831L aircraft cannon round and shares the same cartridge case dimensions by Royal Armament, Research and Development Establishment and Enfield. The round was issued in three round steel clips with a handle at the bottom for loading. The brass cartridge case is headstamped 30mmAFV 70 (date) RG (Radway Green). The alloy projectile has a copper driving band and a screw on alloy cap. Under the cap is a tungsten penetrator that is crimped into the lower part of the projectile. This type of armour piercing projectile was replace by the discarding sabot projectile in service use. The round is mounted on a mahogany display stand. No licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes U.K. delivery. O 2195

DEACTIVATED INERT. WW2, German 1941 Dated 20 mm FFM (20x80) HET (High Explosive Tracer) Cannon Round. Sn - 22441:4
DEACTIVATED INERT. This a WW2 German 1941 dated 20mm FFM (20x82) HET (High Explosive Tracer) aircraft cannon round fitted to various German aircraft during WW2, including the Me109, FW190,various night fighters and bomber aircraft. The brass cartridge case is head stamped kam (Hugo Schneider AG, Werk Skarzysko Kamienna, Poland ) 2c 41 (date) waffenampt 102. The steel copper driving banded high explosive tracer projectile is fitted with an alloy nose fuse and retains much of its original yellow painted and stencilled finish. The projectile retains its original screw in tracer element in the tail. The projectile is stencilled round its circumference 20 41 (date) 150 waa71. The projectile is stamped above the driving band P204 1f 1940 (date). The fuze is stamped round its circumference 2cm Kpf Z45 dom (Metall-Industrie , Lippstadt) 41 (date) 67c Waa22. The price includes U.K. delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Sn 22441:4

INERT DEACTIVATED. Very Rare, British, 1942 Dated, HS 804, 30mm (30x170) EXPERIMENTAL Aircraft Cannon Cartridge Case. - O 2186
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an extremely rare British WW2, 1842 dated fired case from the trials of an experimental gun produced by British Manufacture and Research Co Ltd based at Grantham (BMARC). The gun was proposed by the company in late 1941 based on the 20mm HS404 Hispano cannon for anti tank and anti submarine use. there was no requirement for the gun so the company went ahead with the experimental gun as a private venture. The company were unable to manufacture its own ammunition and a request for the Ordnance factories to manufacture it was refused by the controller of Research and Production of MAP. For an unknown reason, the Minister overruled the decision and a small quantity of ammunition was made by the Royal Laboratories in 1942. The gun proved most unsuccessful in its development and the trials were abandoned in1945 at the end of the war. Nothing was heard of this cartridge case (30x170) until the 1980s when the Royal Small Arms Factory adopted the cartridge case dimensions for their successful 30mm Rarden cannon used in British armoured vehicles. This is a fired brass cartridge case from the first lot produced for the trials with the gun in 1942. The cartridge case is headstamped 30MM LOT1 a crowfoot G777 1942 (date) RLB (Royal Laboratories). The cartridge case is screwed for a percussion primer and has 4 stab crimps round the case mouth. See The Guns of the Royal Air Force 1939 – 1945 by G.F Wallace on page 189 and British 30mm Rardin Ammunition (30x170), 1941 – 1999, Technical Ammunition Guide, Series 2, Pamphlet 14 by Peter Labbett. No licence is required to possess this inert cartridge case in the UK if retained as part of a collection or displays. Delivery is by arrangement and at cost. O 2186

INERT DEACTIVATED. Soviet, Rare, WW2,1943 Dated 20mm (20x99R) ShVAK TYPE OZ HE (High Explosive) Aircraft Cannon Round. - O 2182
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a WW2, 1943 Dated Soviet 20mm (20x99R) ShVAK TYPE OZ HE (High Explosive) aircraft cannon round. The gun was developed in 1935 and was the main Soviet heavy aircraft gun throughout WW2 and was used in various aircraft including the Yak-1, Yakovlev Yak-3, Yakovlev Yak-7B, LaGG-3, Lavochkin La-5 and La-7, the Petlyakov Pe-3 , Pe-3 and the Ilyushin Il-2. It was also used in theT-60 and T-38 armoured vehicles. This round has a drawn brass cartridge case which is headstamped 3 43 (March 1943 Date). The steel projectile has a copper driving band and a steel nose fuse with a copper tip. The nose fuse is stamped 1-3-395 mr 207. The side of the projectile is stamped 4 16 and a diamond. Price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to retain this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2182

INERT DEACTIVATED. Rare WW2 Experimental American T17 .6” (15.2x114) AP (Armour Piercing) Drill Anti-tank Gun Round. - O 1000
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a rare experimental American WW2 .6” T17 anti-tank gun drill round developed for the American T17 anti-tank rifle that was experimented with but never adopted by the military. This brass cased round is headstamped F A 45 (Frankford Arsenal) (1945) and has three 5mm holes under the case shoulder. The primer pocket is drilled through. The steel projectile has a narrow copper driving band above the case crimp. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1000

INERT DEACTIVATED. German, WW2, 1942 Dated, 13 mm MG131/13 (20x82) Armour Piercing Aircraft Cannon Round. - O 2166
INERT DEACTIVATED. This a German 13mm MG131/13 (20x82) armour piercing aircraft cannon round fitted to various German aircraft during WW2, including the Me109, FW190,various night fighters and bomber aircraft. The brass cartridge case is headstamped is dmf 3y 42 (1942 date) waffenampt 61. The round is fitted with an electric primer and the projectile is held in with three stab crimps. The armour piercing projectile has an iron driving band and is stamped above the driving band wa(Hasag, Hugo Schneider AG, Abteilung Lampenfabrik, Leipzig) 42 (1942 date). Both projectile and cartridge case have no cracks in the necks. Price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2166

DEACTIVATED INERT. Rare, Japanese Navy, Unfired, WW2, Type 96, 25mm (25x163) High Explosive Tracer (HE/T) Round. - O 2165
DEACTIVATED INERT. Rare, Unfired, WW2, Japanese Navy, Type 96, 25mm (25x163) High Explosive Tracer (HE/T) round. This round was the standard light anti aircraft gun used by both the Japanese army and Navy. The gun was made in 1, 2 and 3 barrelled versions and were fed by a 15 round magazine which severely slowed the rate of fire. The gun was based on the French 25 mm anti aircraft gun and was adopted and manufactured by the Japanese in 1936. This is an excellent 25mm Japanese type 96 high explosive tracer round that retains much of its original dark red painted finish signifying a high explosive tracer round. The round was self destroying, being initiated by the tracer element burning through. The projectile is crimped in the cartridge case and is fitted with a screw in brass nose fuze and a copper driving band. The brass cartridge case is headstamped 2 over 12 SE and a naval anchor. The price for this hard to find round includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. O 2165

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW2, 1944 Dated, German 30 mm MK108 (30x90RB) HE (High Explosive) Cannon Round. - O 2161
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an excellent German, 1944 dated 30 mm MK108 (30x90RB) HE (High Explosive) cannon round for the German 30mm MK 108 (30x90RB) aircraft cannon fitted to various German aircraft during WW2, including the Me262, Me163, and the Me109. The steel cartridge case retains most of its original brown coloured lacquer and has an electric primer retained by a single ring crimp. The cartridge case is headstamped aux 768 44 (1944). The high explosive incendiary projectile has a copper driving band and retains much of its light green (high explosive) and red ring (high explosive) near the fuse. The zz1589a alloy nose fuse is stamped zz1589A rcr 44 (1944) waffenampt 76. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2161

Vulcan Air Défense System (Vulcan) M103 Gun, 20mm (20x102) Armour piercing (AP) Tungsten Cored Round. Sn - 22190
The Vulcan M61 aircraft gun was a 6 barrelled gun developed for aircraft use and was first fitted to the Lockheed F104 fighter aircraft. The gun was developed further and fitted to the F14 Hornet, F17 Eagle and now the F22 Raptor in a lightweight and modified form. These aircraft are used by many countries worldwide. This is a Swiss Oerlikon made unfired 20mm Vulcan gun armour piercing round with a tungsten penetrator in the steel projectile which has a copper driving band and an alloy windshield. The black painted projectile is stencilled 591-1430 007-06 Oe (Oerlikon). The brass cartridge case is fitted with an electric primer without a headstamp. The cartridge case is stencilled on the lower part 20MM M103 DDS 11B 110-102. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess these inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22190
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