Hardback Book ‘The Grand Old Lady of No Mans Land’ The Story of the Vickers Machinegun with Original Associated Ephemera BO 482. - BO 482 The Grand Old Lady of No Mans Land is Goldsmiths triumphant, in-depth sequel to his best selling ‘The Devils Paintbrush’. After some 19th Century background on the influential and powerful Vickers family, steelmakers and shipbuilders extraordinaire, this book opens in 1908, the year Maxims own patents expired, when in a stroke of genius, the Maxim action was turned ‘upside down’ to become the ‘Light Pattern’ Vickers machinegun (The Vickers machine gun or Vickers gun is a water-cooled .303 British (7.7 mm) machine gun produced by Vickers Limited, originally for the British Army. The gun was operated by a three-man crew but typically required more men to move and operate it: one fired, one fed the ammunition, the others helped to carry the weapon, its ammunition, and spare parts.[18] It was in service from before the First World War until the 1960s, with air-cooled versions of it on many Allied World War I fighter aircraft). Included with book is a Headquarters RLC Territorial Army admittance ticket and letter to an ‘Emma Gee’ exercise in 1995 of the 80th anniversary of the Vickers gun along with a newspaper cut out and original WWI photograph and one of the exercises in 1995 (Why 'Emma Gee'? Because it is phonetic, the men called it MG which became Emma Gee. Their original magazine was called The Boy David, but this was changed to Emma Gee). Hardback in excellent condition with original cover. 567 illustrated pages. The price includes UK delivery. BO 482. £140.00