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DEACTIVATED INERT. French WW1 Viven-Bessières (VB) Rifle Grenade. - O 1672
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an original WW1 French Viven-Bessières, commonly called the VB rifle grenade developed during WW1. The grenade was fired by a cup discharger fitted to the standard Lebel infantry rifle and was fired unusually by a live round, the bullet going through the centre of the grenade, thus arming the mechanism and the residue gasses launching the grenade. The grenade is of a cylindrical shape and was made of cast iron with internal grooves to facilitate fragmentation. The grenade has two internal tubes. The first, central, allows the passage of the ball that sends the grenade, the second contains the detonator. This cast iron grenade has cast into the side VO. The brass fuse holder is stamped FCP 68 37 in the side. No licence is required to possess this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery. O 1672

INERT Sidewinder Air to Air Missile, AIM-26 Factory Display Full Sized Model. Sn. - 18629
INERT. Sidewinder air to air AIM-26 factory display full size model on a glass and alloy display stand which has BONAMI etched into the round glass base, displaying it at an angle. This missile is painted white with a red nose and stands 54 inches tall. The steel missile has two pairs of four, fixed dummy guidance vanes . The body of the missile has stencilled on the side AIM-26 SFR-NO R.A.F. – GB 357261 CODE REF - XB17 WR4469S WH EXP. RDX/87 INST DATE 9-5-83 round its middle circumference. The top of the missile is stencilled RDX – 67FLD FUZE TYPE AAM 906. The base circumference is stencilled in black CRDTE PROP CHRGE NO 5831100 9 (Cordite Propellant Charge). The body is further stencilled SER-N R.A.F. GB357261. The wooden dummy warhead is painted white with a red tip and is stencilled in black round its circumference AAM 906. No licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. Sn. 18629

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW2, 1943 Dated, German 5 cm, High Explosive (HE) Mortar Round. - O 1647
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a WW2, 1943 dated German 5cm high explosive mortar. The cast iron mortar retains much of its original red painted finish and is stamped MW 11 43 (November 1943 date) round its circumference. The mortar also retains some of its original red stenciling round its lower circumference W19 11 43 (November 1943). There is further stampings under the thick red paint including a waffenampt. The tail fins are made of pressed steel spot welded to the body. The Bakelite fuse is stamped Wgr ZT foz 131 Waffenampt 47 . The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1647

INERT DEACTIVATED, WW2, 1942 Dated British No.68 AT (Anti Tank) DRILL Grenade. O 1639 - O 1639
INERT DEACTIVATED. The Grenade, Rifle No. 68 /AT was a British anti-tank rifle grenade used during WW2.The No. 68 was an early form of shaped charge grenade, and has some claim to have been the first High Explosive, Anti-Tank (HEAT) device in use. The design of the warhead was simple and was capable of penetrating 52mm (2 inches) of armour in 1940. The fuse of the grenade was armed by removing a pin in the tail which prevented the firing pin from flying forward. The grenade was launched from a rifle cup. The four fins gave it some stability in the air and, provided the grenade hit the target at the proper angle (90 degrees), the charge would be effective. Detonation occurred on impact, when a striker in the tail of the grenade overcame the resistance of a creep spring and was thrown forward into a stab detonator. This is an original inert, British WW2 service pattern DRILL No. 68 MK IIII AT grenade retaining much of its original white painted finsh. The grenade is stencilled in black round the circumference DRIL (DRILL). One of the fins is crisply cast with No-68 ATI/L and 1942 is on another fin. There is also has a small ‘pdc’ mark in an oval near the base of one of the fins (A and F Pears Limited, Die Casting Co, Peterborough). The grenades body is hollow and its screw off steel cap has a black rubber weighted insert in. There are 2 x ¼” holes drilled diagonally in the body. Its integral fins are secure and straight. A bolt is used to secure the circular gas check to the base of the projectile. The drill grenade has the original safety pin, consisting of a split pin and a piece of string to which is attached a small steel warning tag with TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM GRENADE BEFORE FIRING stencilled on it. There is a contemporary photograph shows a member of the Home Guard with a rifle equipped to fire a No68 anti-tank grenade at Dorking, 3 August 1942. The price includes UK delivery. O 1639

INERT DEACTIVATED. German WW2, 8 cm Granatwerfer 34 High Explosive Half Sectioned Mortar. - O 1637
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a German WW2, 8 cm Granatwerfer 34 high explosive half sectioned mortar round. The round has been sectioned in half for display and instruction. The round consists of a cast iron body with 3 pairs of presses steel fins spot welded to the base. The body of the mortar is stamped 17 dDL 393 37 and also at the bottom fin assembly waffenampt34 37 (1937 date) 17 and a double ended arrow. The alloy WER Z38 nose fuse is stamped WER Z38 1942 bot 10 waffenampt 658. The fuse is screwed into a half sectioned steel gane and fuse adaptor. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this mortar in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1637

INERT DEACTIVATED. British 1939 Dated 20 Pound High Explosive/General Purpose Aircraft Bomb. Sn 18953 - 18953
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a complete British 1939 dated 20 Pound High Explosive/General Purpose Aircraft Bomb that retains most of its original painted finish. The bomb consist of a turned steel body and retains most of its original buff paint signifying high explosive with a 1 inch green filling band half way down the body signifying an Amatol explosive filling. There is approximately 1/3 of red ½ inch high explosive band just below the nose fuse. The bomb is stencilled in black on the body F20LB HD/ 5/ 39 (May 1939 filling date) LOT 43 at the top, 791 at the bottom and a C over a crowfoot at the centre. The bomb is complete with its original pressed steel fins, retaining much of their original buff paint. The fins are held onto the body by two rivets. The bomb is stamped at the green filling band FII 20LB over MP 1/39 manufacture date. the bomb is fitted with its original steel gaine which retains its original red leaded finish. the No 27 mark 1 nose fuse is complete with its safety pin, brass arming peg and a steel warning/arming tag. The base of the brass fuse is stamped No 29 1 (Fuse No 29 mark 1) PL and 4738 (the serial number). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess it in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 18953

**Inert** Belgian ‘M3BG’ Smoke Grenade and Fuse. 18954:2 - 18954:2
A smoke grenade is a canister-type grenade used as a signalling device, target or landing zone marking device, or as a screening device for unit movements. Smoke grenades generally emit a far larger amount of smoke than smoke bombs, which are a type of fireworks typically started with an external fuse rather than a pin and are more complex. The phrase "to smoke", meaning to fake, bluff, or beat around the bush, comes from the military usage of smoke grenades to obscure and conceal movement. This Belgian smoke grenade dating from the 1950/60’s has a fuse marked ‘A.W.F.M. 1Bg A2 – LOT AS MUN 8-60’. The light green coloured grenade has the markings ‘SMK GR M3 BG Wp INERT LOT 1 ASM 71 LOT-S5-64’. The price includes U.K. delivery. 18954:2.

*Inert* Belgian ‘M62BG’ Offensive Grenade with Fuse. 18954:1. - 18954:1
The high explosive or offensive grenade is an anti-personnel device that is designed to damage, daze or otherwise stun its targets with overpressure shockwaves. Compared to fragmentation grenades, the explosive filler is usually of a greater weight and volume, and the case is much thinner. This is a Belgian M62BG grenade with fuse marked ‘A.W.F.M. 18g 42’ ‘LOT.A.S.MUN. 8 – 60’. The grenade is drab olive coloured and is marked ‘OFF GR M62BG INERT TNT/S 35/65 LOT-S 5 – 64’. The price includes U.K. delivery. 18954:1.

DEACTIVATED INERT. French ‘DF 37/46’ Defensive Hand Grenade. O 1649 - O 1649
DEACTIVATED INERT. After WW2 , the DF (and OF) stayed in service for a long time. The different fuzes give new dimensions, but the body stayed the same as used in WW2.The body was fitted with an adapter to fit the fuze with detonator. Various forms are known. The post-war DF37/46 was filled with 60gram pulverized Tolite. Bodies were made of cast steel and fuzes used on this grenade were the Mle1935, F3 or F5.Its total weight is around 560gram, depending on fuze. This example is a classroom instruction model. These are factory made and are issued with a complete inert fuze with a dummy detonator attached. This detonator has a small drilled hole on the side of it. The price includes U.K. delivery. O 1649.

DEACTIVATED INERT. Czech ‘URG 86 – SK’ Grenade. O 1648. - O 1648
DEACTIVATED INERT. The URG-86-SK is an inert filled grenade with an inert fuze. The manufacturing of these grenades takes place in the Czech company ZEVETA Bojkovice and the VOP Nováky in Slovakia. The fatal fragmentation radius is approx.8m, injury up to 75-100 meters. Delivered to the military in boxes of 20. Selector lever can be set to impact or delay. The price includes U.K. delivery. O 1648.
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