Inert, Post 1960's, British, L9 A1, Anti Tank Bar Mine. O 837 - O 837 The L9- L18 High Explosive (HE) Anti Tank (ATK) series of Mines entered British service towards the end of the 1960's. A number of sub-variants of the Mine exist. They were an improvement on the traditional disc shaped Mines as they provided a larger coverage area per mine which allowed a large reduction of the number of mines deployed. The Bar Mines saw service "in anger" with small detachments of Special Forces of the British Army during the Gulf War of 1991. A number were captured from Kuwaiti Army stocks by the Iraqi Army in 1990, who subsequently used by them in the same conflict. It was reported that they disabled a number of M60 Patton tanks and other armoured vehicles belonging to the United States Marine Corps, even those fitted with mine-clearing ploughs. Unless the plough struck the mine squarely in the centre, the mine would often be rotated into a position in which it would blow up the track and front roller of the tank. The British Army has used the Bar Mine as demolition charges, for instance to blow holes in tough compound walls in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is an excellent original inert Bar Mine. The rectangular casing, measuring 47 1/2" x 4" x 3" is made of Brown coloured plastic. A small circular stopper from one end of the case is missing. The body is embossed at both ends ' Mine ATK HE Blast L9 A1' and marked with original white 7 yellow paint 'Inert'. The casing of this example contains inert filler and weighs 10 Kilos which is close to it's original operational weight of 11 Kilos. The arming fuse assembley is in place (illustrated). Price includes UK delivery. O 837.