DEACTIVATED INERT. Unfired Original Pair Of 1944 Dated British 2 Inch Practice (High Explosive) Mortar Reissued In 1952 In No 215 Cardboard Transit Tube. - O 1707 DEACTIVATED INERT. British original pair of WW2, 1944 dated unfired 2 Inch Practice (high explosive) mortar in their original cardboard transit tube. The mortars consists of original WW2, 1944 dated steel mortar bodies which are stamped lightly round their circumference 2” MOR 1 ASC 11/44 (November 1944 date). The mortors were fitted with new tailfins and charges in 1952 and reissued for use. The steel fin assembly S&W 2/52 (February 1952) and a crowfoot on one fin and No4 , a crowfoot 84D and a stencil on another fin. The alloy primer protector has cast in to it 50 (1950 date) S and ORB1. There are traces of a red thread sealer round this cap. The painted body retains most of its original black finish, including its yellow (practice) band at the middle of its body and the red band near the nose signifying an explosive content, (the propellant). The mortor is stencilled round its circumference 2” MOR MK1/1 and a crowfoot in white. The steel nose cap representing the safety cap on the nose of the mortor is stamped REMOVE BEFORE FIRING (picked out in yellow) and retains its original lacquered finish. The mortors are contained in a Number 215 cardboard transit tube which is segmented internally into two halves and is complete with their originally brown painted steel end caps. The thick black cardboard tube is stencilled in yellow CONT. No. 215 MK. 1 SV.67 A 1952 (date) LOT456 2RONDS 2 MOR PRAC. MK1/1 W/CART (2 rounds, 2” mortor practice mark 1/1 with the propelling cartridge) and in red EXPLOSIVE). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess these inert mortors in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1707 £350.00