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DEACTIVATED INERT. Unfired Original Pair Of 1944 Dated British 2 Inch Practice (High Explosive) Mortar Reissued In 1952 In No 215 Cardboard Transit Tube. - O 1707
DEACTIVATED INERT. British original pair of WW2, 1944 dated unfired 2 Inch Practice (high explosive) mortar in their original cardboard transit tube. The mortars consists of original WW2, 1944 dated steel mortar bodies which are stamped lightly round their circumference 2” MOR 1 ASC 11/44 (November 1944 date). The mortors were fitted with new tailfins and charges in 1952 and reissued for use. The steel fin assembly S&W 2/52 (February 1952) and a crowfoot on one fin and No4 , a crowfoot 84D and a stencil on another fin. The alloy primer protector has cast in to it 50 (1950 date) S and ORB1. There are traces of a red thread sealer round this cap. The painted body retains most of its original black finish, including its yellow (practice) band at the middle of its body and the red band near the nose signifying an explosive content, (the propellant). The mortor is stencilled round its circumference 2” MOR MK1/1 and a crowfoot in white. The steel nose cap representing the safety cap on the nose of the mortor is stamped REMOVE BEFORE FIRING (picked out in yellow) and retains its original lacquered finish. The mortors are contained in a Number 215 cardboard transit tube which is segmented internally into two halves and is complete with their originally brown painted steel end caps. The thick black cardboard tube is stencilled in yellow CONT. No. 215 MK. 1 SV.67 A 1952 (date) LOT456 2RONDS 2 MOR PRAC. MK1/1 W/CART (2 rounds, 2” mortor practice mark 1/1 with the propelling cartridge) and in red EXPLOSIVE). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess these inert mortors in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1707

INERT DEACTIVATED, Rare, WW2, Russian 1939 Dated 1Kg. ZAB-1 incendiary Bomb. - O 1705
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a rare and original Russian 1939 dated 1Kg. ZAB-1 E air dropped incendiary bomb. The bomb consists of a 60mm alloy body with 5 flame holes under the nose fuse. The bomb weighs 914 grams, is 405mm in length with a diameter of 60mm. The steel AM-B nose fuse is armed by a rotating vane on the nose unscrewing off in flight. The fuse has 8 vanes and is stamped XB3 and 3-39 round its circumference. The alloy body is stamped 56 61 39 round the top of its circumference. The bomb has a tail fins which is manufactured out of four pressed steel fins held to the body by four screws. The fins retain much of their original green paint and are stencilled in black at the base of one of the fins 80 over 211 over 1939 (date). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert fuse in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1705

DEACTIVATED INERT. French OF 37 Drill Hand Grenade. - O 1702
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a French OF37 drill fragmentation hand grenade first introduced into service in 1937. The grenade is of a two piece pressed steel construction with the two halves crimped round the centre. The fuse well was made of aluminium and was crimped onto the grenade, This grenade is similar to the DF 37 grenade, the main difference is it being of 2 piece construction as opposed to one piece of the latter. This grenade retains all of its original white painted finish and is stencilled in blue Of 37 1 ECN 72 INERTE round the circumference. The alloy fuse has cast into it RY1 and the steel fly off handle is stamped 55 RYN 62 on it with a square blob of blue paint above the safety pin. No licence is required to possess this hand grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display and the price includes UK delivery. O 1702

DEACTIVATED INERT. French WW1, Fusee Modele 1914 Hand Grenade. - O 1701
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a French WW1, Fusee Modele 1914 hand grenade that was introduced at the start of World War in 1914. This grenade was first introduced as the Mli 1847 hand grenade with a simple wick fuse. This grenade was improved in 1882 as the fusee modele 1882 which replaced the wick fuse with a simple push in, pull lanyard type fuse. This hand grenade was in service with the French at the start of the First World War and was improved in 1914 by making the fuse a screw in brass housing to replace the push in wooden fuse of the Mle 1882. This fuse incorporated a protective wooden surround to protect the pull wire. This fuse still required a pull lanyard to operate it. This improved version of the grenade, the fusee modele 1914 had internal segmentation to the inside to improve fragmentation reached the front line troops in 1915 but was not waterproof and was unreliable in service. This hand grenade was soon replaced by more modern hand grenades. This is an excellent example of the French fusee modele 1914 and consists of a cast iron body with a brass fuse housing the protective wood surround and the pull wire. No licence is required to possess this hand grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display and the price includes UK delivery. O 1701

DEACTIVATED INERT. WW1 Italian Besotti Model 1915 Hand Grenade. - O 1700
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an original rare WW1 Italian Besotti model 1915 fragmentation hand grenade. The grenade consists of two cast iron half spheres screwed together with external fragmentation cast in to the outside of the grenade. The grenade was of an excellent design except for the ignition which consisted a wick with a phosphorated head which normally needed a friction brush to ignite, the wick could also be lit by a match. The wick on this Besotti is at the top of the grenade, indication manufacture in Italy during WW1. The grenade is in good condition and both halves screw together easily. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess these inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1700

INERT DEACTIVATED. Original WW2 American Pineapple Mk 2 High Explosive Hand Grenade With M1 Booby Trap Switch. - O 1689
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired original WW2 American Pineapple Mk 2 Booby Trap high explosive hand grenade first adopted in 1918 and used throughout the Second World War. This example has a segmented cast iron body with the letter A cast near to the top. The grenade is complete with its M1 booby trap fuse which retains some of its original green paint. The fuse has its original circular ring for attaching a trip wire and its split safety pin. The grenade has a lanyard hole cast into the switch with a short length of lanyard for securing the fuse in a booby trap. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1689

DEACTIVATED INERT. WW1 German M1917 Karabingranite Rifle Grenade - O 1678
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a WW1 original German M 1917 Karabingranite rifle grenade that was based on the French Viven-Bessiere rifle grenade. The grenade was fired from a cup discharger fitted to a Mauser GEW98 in a similar way to the French grenade but it was armed by a communication channel in the grenade as opposed to the bullet hitting a hammer on the French grenade. The grenade was fired with a standard ball round, the bullet passing through the hole in the centre of the grenade. This cast iron grenade has cast into the top RFC and BKT. The top which is retained on a central cylindrical core by a nut with two flats. No licence is required to possess this item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery. O 1678

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW1 German Kugel Hand Grenade Model of 1913. - O 1676
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a WW1 original German Kugel Hand Grenade Model of 1913 used by German troops at the start of the First World War. The grenades body consists of a cast iron ball with cast on segments and filled with an explosive to give it a shrapnel effect. The grenade is fitted with its friction tube fuse which is made of twisted wire into the fuse body which when pulled arms the grenade. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1676

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW1 German Kugel Hand Grenade Model of 1915 Na. - O 1675
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a WW1 original German Kugel Hand Grenade Model of 1915 Na, used by German troops in the First World War. This grenade was easier to make than the Model of 1913 and eventually replaced it. The grenades body consists of a cast iron ball with cast on segments and filled with an explosive to give it a shrapnel effect. The grenade is fitted with its original Model 1915 brass friction tube fuse which is made of twisted wire into the brass fuse body which when pulled arms the grenade. See German Grenades of the Great War by Patrice Delhomme. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1675

INERT DEACTIVATED. Mint Norwegian DM78 Practice Hand Grenade In Original Transit Tube. - O 1673
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a near mint Norwegian DM78 practice hand grenade on its original transit tube. The grenade was originally made in Germany and fitted with a Norwegian pattern Tennmek DM18A1 igniter. The grenade has a steel body with a light blue rubber covered body and is stenciled in white on the side HR OVING DM73A1 KIT 01-DMN-12. The igniter is complete with its original igniter, fly off liver and safety pin. The fly off lever is stenciled in white LOT 05-DNM-00 and is stamped TENNMEK OV DM18A1. The grenade is complete with its original transit tube which comprises of a multi diameter black hard cardboard container which is stenciled in white round its diameter GRANAT.HAND. OVING DM78 LAB 11-89 LOT 05-DN-89. The price includes UK delivery and no license is required to possess this grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1673
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