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INERT DEACTIVATED. Dated British Unfired 1968 Dated 3 Inch Smoke Base Eject Mortar. Sn - 19530:23
INERT DEACTIVATED. The British 3 inch mortor was in general use in the British army from the 1930s into the late 1960s by the L16 81mm mortor. This is an unfired British 1968 dated 3 Inch smoke base eject mortar. The cast iron body retains some of its original green body and is stenciled in white 3 IN M FLASH BE GD 2/68 (February 1968 date) SR524. The turned steel bottom half of the mortor has a green lacquered finish with a yellow crowfoot and three black stenciled acceptance crowfeet stencils. The pressed steel fin assembly retains some of its original black finish and has stamped on each of the three separate fin assemblies NO 9 RCB 1/50 struck out. The brass and alloy number 390 nose time fuse has a green finish to the alloy top section which is stamped 390MK3/1. The brass bottom half is graduated to 30 and is stamped round its circumference CY8 90n150 and BN 7 90 022. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert mortor in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 19530:23

INERT DEACTIVATED. Rare British WW1, 1915 Dated No 16 Hand Grenade. Sn - 19322
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a rare WW1, 1915 dated No 16 Mark 1 hand grenade and was the last of the emergency hand grenades introduced in the first half of 1915. This grenade was an improvement over the No15 ball grenade whereby its smaller oval shape made it easier to carry and throw and internal segmentation made fragmentation easier. This grenade however still had the external Brock matchhead igniter against the fuse to ignite it which was a carry over from the Number 15 ball hand grenade. This hand grenade is made of cast iron with a smooth outer surface with a screw in filling plug in the base and a screw in brock fuse holder at the top. The body has cast into it the makers monogram of DL within a diamond and 1915 (manufacturing date) underneath. See page 59, Grenade, British and Commonwealth hand and rifle grenades by Rick Landers. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 19322

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired British 51MM L1-A1 High Explosive (HE) Mortar. - 18530:6
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a unfired British L1-A1 51mm high explosive (HE) mortar round for the 51mm British L10-A1 mortar. This mortar was a replacement for the 2 inch mortor used in World War 2 and was introduced in the late 1980s until replacement in 2007 by the 60mm mortor. This L1 A1 mortars streamlined steel body retains virtually all of its original dark green finished body and the early alloy full stabilizing fins. The body of the mortar is stamped RLB (Royal Laboratories) 026 over H. The fins are the later split type are anodised in grey. The mortar is fitted with an alloy percussion L127A4 nose fuse and is stamped round its circumference L1217A4 SG 04.09 040 . The nose fuse is complete with its safety wire and has a delay screw on the side. The nose fuse has its alloy gaine fitted. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert mortor in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 19530:6

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired Mint British 51MM Drill Mortar. - 19530:5
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a mint unfired British 51mm drill mortar round for the 51mm British L10-A1 mortar. This mortar was a replacement for the 2 inch mortor used in World War 2 and was introduced in the late 1980s until replacement in 2007 by the 60mm mortor. This mortars steel body retains all of its original dark blue finished body and alloy full stabilizing fins. The fins have a gray anodised finish and are stamped BN 9 in the recess. The mortar is fitted with a drill M935 drill point detonating fuse is stencilled in white DRILL FUSE RO 03-01A1 REP M935 GWM . The fuse retains its original small ring-pull safety pin on the side of the fuse and the time delay screw on the side. The body of the mortar is stamped RLB 026 over H and has two 8mm holes that were originally drilled in the side of the body to show that the mortor is inert. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert mortor in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. SN 19530:5

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired Mint British 51MM L1-A1 High Explosive (HE) Mortar. - 19530:4
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a mint unfired British L1-A1 51mm high explosive (HE) mortar round for the 51mm British L10-A1 mortar. This mortar was a replacement for the 2 inch mortor used in World War 2 and was introduced in the late 1980s until replacement in 2007 by the 60mm mortor. This L1 A1 mortars early non streamlined steel body retains all of its original dark green finished body and the early alloy full stabilizing fins. The fins are anodised except for the bottom 15mm which are painted dark green. The mortar is fitted with an alloy percussion L127A2 nose fuse and is stamped round its circumference L1217A2 39/ the nose fuse is complete with its safety wire and has a delay screw on the side. The nose fuse has its alloy gaine fitted. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert mortor in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 19530:4

DEACTIVATED INERT. Unfired, Belgian Mecar Telgren M93BG Practice Rifle Grenade Rifle For The 5.56mm FNC Rifle. - O 1628
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an unfired Belgium Mecar Telgren M93BG Practice Rifle Grenade Rifle For The FNC (Fabrique Nationale Carabine). The rifle was made by FN Herstal in the 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge from the 1970s. The grenade is of a bullet through design meaning that the bullet exits through the nose of the grenade, so a special blank cartridge is not needed. The grenade fits onto the barrel and is armed by pulling the nose section of the rifle grenade forward. In doing so, a spring loaded black plastic rear sight pops up with graduations for 50, 100 and 150 metres. The telescopic body of the grenade also has white stenciling on the body above the fins with CAL. 5.56 and ranges MAXI, 300, 250, and 200 yards. The grenade retains all of its original blue painted finish with white stenciling. The telescopic nose of the grenade is stenciled in white GREN RFL 5,56 MM BULLET THROUGH PINT M93BG LOT 0001 F9B 93 (1993 manufacture date). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this rifle grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1628

INERT DEACTIVATED. 120mm Brandt High Explosive (HE) Heavy Mortor - O 1623
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a Brandt 120mm high explosive heavy mortor which consists of a cast iron body with an alloy fin assembly. The nose has a screw in cast iron adaptor for the nose fuse which acts as a gaine for the bomb. The mortor retains most of its original pale yellow finish to the body and black paint to the fins. The mortor is fitted with a DM MODSG93B0002 alloy nose fuse. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert mortor in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1623

INERT DEACTIVATED. Russian 1976 Dated 73mm SPG-9 ‘Kopye’ (Spear) Recoilless, Rocket Assisted, Fin Stabilised High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) Round. - 19426
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an excellent Russian 73mm SPG-9 recoilless, rocket assisted, fin stabilised High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) round complete with its launching cartridge. This was used as in vehicle mounted weapon in the BMP-1 amphibious infantry armoured vehicle. The green painted projectile retains most of its original finish and black stencilling round the top of the projectile 378-1-76 K SZKOLNY. The projectile is stencilled in black under this PG-9 406 1 – 76. The projectile is then stencilled in black round the waist 1 – 76-406 and RG-9 406- 1-76 (date) NISJ – 2K 14-3-71 WPZ – 9 28-7 3Cz R6 21-1-71 378-1-76 K . The projectile has a white band 15mm wide round its circumference. The alloy nose fuse plug fitted to the top of the round and is complete with its cloth pull off safety pin with Russia writing on it. The alloy fin stabilised lower part of the round consists of six flip out alloy fins with 11 stencilled in black on the boss. The fins are kept retained by a black steel coil wire. The steel cartridge case is headstamped EZKOLNY 184 OVER N AND 30. The cartridge case is also stencilled in black round its circumference S2KOLNY P?..15P NB 60-1-7? 73-34 161G. The steel percussion primer is stamped SZK and 184. Price for this excellent condition SPG9 includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 19426

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired, British L87A1 Practice HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) Rifle Grenade For The SA80 Rifle. - O 1614
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired British 87A1 practice HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) rifle grenade for the current SA80 British service rifle. The rifle grenade consists of a pale blue anodised body with a white plastic fin assembly which has 6 fins moulded in. There is also a 75mm white plastic sleeve above this the plastic fin moulding is held on by a steel crimped on collar. The body is stencilled in white GREN RFL PRAC HEAT L87A1 I.M.I. (Israel Military Industries) 01-98-01 . Price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert rifle grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1614

DEACTIVATED INERT. Unfired Original Full Carrying Case of Six (6), 1944 Dated British 2 Inch Practice (High Explosive) Mortar Reissued In 1952 In Transit Tube and the original 1944 Dated No.9 Carrying Case & No.B167A Steel Outer Case. - O 1708
DEACTIVATED INERT. British original case of 6, WW2, 1944 dated unfired 2 Inch Practice (high explosive) mortar in their original cardboard transit tubes, No 9 Mk 1 steel carrying case and B167A outer case. The mortars consists of original WW2, 1944 dated steel mortar bodies which are stamped lightly round their circumference 2” MOR 1 ASC 11/44 (November 1944 date). The mortors were fitted with new tailfins and charges in 1952 and reissued for use. The steel fin assembly S&W 2/52 (February 1952) and a crowfoot on one fin and No4 , a crowfoot 84D and a stencil on another fin. The alloy primer protector has cast in to it 50 (1950 date) S and ORB1. There are traces of a red thread sealer round this cap. The painted body retains most of its original black finish, including its yellow (practice) band at the middle of its body and the red band near the nose signifying an explosive content, (the propellant). The mortor is stencilled round its circumference 2” MOR MK1/1 and a crowfoot in white. The steel nose cap representing the safety cap on the nose of the mortor is stamped REMOVE BEFORE FIRING (picked out in yellow) and retains its original lacquered finish. The mortors are contained in their original cardboard transit tube which is segmented internally into two halves and is complete with their originally brown painted steel end caps. The thick black cardboard tube is stencilled in yellow CONT. No. 215 MK. 1 SV.67 A 1952 (date) LOT456 2RONDS 2 MOR PRAC. MK1/1 W/CART (2 rounds, 2” mortor practice mark 1/1 with the propelling cartridge) and in red EXPLOSIVE). The 1944 dated No.9 mark 1 rectangular open steel carrying case has a hinge on one end of the top and a clasp fastener on the other end. There is a folding steel carrying handle on the lid and two metal loops for a webbing carrying strap. This case carries the 3 cardboard mortor tubes. The mortor case is contained withinin a number B167A steel outer carrying case that originally held 3 mortor carriers. The brown painted B167A carrying case has 2 folding steel handles and is stencilled in yellow on the front ML 2IN. 18 BOMBS MOR PRAC Mk 1/1 STEEL TAILS No4 IN 3 CARRIER No 9 AND 9 CONTAINERS 215 and LOT 456. The lid of the container is impressed on the lid B167A SV-50A MARK 1 SF 1952. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess these inert mortors in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1708
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