INERT DEACTIVATED, WW1, Mint, Austrian Schwerhand Heavy Fragmentation Hand Grenade With Fuse And Wooden Fuse Protector, Recovered From The Italian Front. Sn - 15533 This is a near mint original WW1 Austrian Schwerhand heavy hand grenade recovered from the Italian Front. The cast iron body retains most of its original black painted finish has deep segmentation with has no cracks or other damage. The grenade has its original steel screw top with its alloy tube fuse and the nipp,le for holding the percussion cap to ignite the fuse. The grenade still retains its original wooden threaded, screw on fuse protector with a recess to protect the nipple and percussion cap. The casing which is empty is 8 ½” circumference at its widest and 4 ½” length. With fuse attached it is 5” overall length. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to own this inert deactivated grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 15533 £295.00