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INERT DEACTIATED. British, WW2, Rare, 4 Pound Incendiary Bomb. - O 1886
INERT DEACTIATED. At the start of WW2 with the firebombing of British cities by the German Luftwaffe in the 1940/1 Blitz much information was used from the German method of dropping incendiary bombs followed by high explosive bombs which would spread the fires, injure/kill the firefighters/rescuers and their equipment. The British 4 pound incendiary bomb was developed by ICI in 1934 after various trials including the German incendiary bomb. The design was finalised with a all hexagonal bomb with a magnesium body filled with thermite, a flat steel tip and pressed steel hexagonal fins. This bomb could penetrate the roof and 1 to 2 upper floors of a normal building. This is a rare British 4 pound incendiary bomb with the normal flat bottomed type. The bomb measures 21 inches in length including the pressed steel hexagonal tail fins. The bomb is complete with a pressed steel tail fin assembly including the alloy fuse holder that would have originally screwed onto the rear of the incendiary bomb. The bomb has traces of the original black stencilling to one of the sides including the number A/EB ???? 14262. The pages 60, 61 and 88 in the reference book ‘BOMBS GONE, The development and use of British air-dropped weapons from 1912 to the present day’ by Wing Commander John A, MacBean and Major Arthur S. Hogben. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1886

INERT DEACTIVATED. British, WW2, Rare, 4 Pound Tile Breaking Pointed Steel Tip Incendiary Bomb. - O 1885
INERT DEACTIATED. At the start of WW2 with the firebombing of British cities by the German Luftwaffe in the 1940/1 Blitz much information was used from the German method of dropping incendiary bombs followed by high explosive bombs which would spread the fires, injure/kill the firefighters/rescuers and their equipment. The British 4 pound incendiary bomb was developed by ICI in 1934 after various trials including the German incendiary bomb. The design was finalised with a all hexagonal bomb with a magnesium body filled with thermite, a flat steel tip and pressed steel hexagonal fins. This bomb could penetrate the roof and 1 to 2 upper floors of a normal building. This is a rare British 4 pound tile breaker incendiary bomb with a pointed steel tip as opposed to the normal flat bottomed type. This would enable the bomb to penetrate roofs easier instead of bouncing on to the ground where the roofs were very steep which were more frequent in the continent as opposed to British roofs. The bomb measures18 inches in length are the same length as the normal 4 pound incendiary bomb so that it could be packed into canisters. The steel nose is 3 ½ inches in length instead of the normal 1 ¾ inches and has been turned to a point. The bomb is complete with an undamaged pressed steel hexagonal tailfin assembly. See pages 60, 61 and 88 in the reference book ‘BOMBS GONE, The development and use of British air-dropped weapons from 1912 to the present day’ by Wing Commander John A, MacBean and Major Arthur S. Hogben. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1885

INERT DEACTIVATED. Rare WW1 Russian Orlov Friction 'Stick' Grenade. - O 1863
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an extremely rare WW1 Russian grenade designed by Russian Colonel Orlov. The grenade is made of galvanised steel on soldered construction and measures 2 3/8" across its hexagonal top. The top is fixed in place by 2 copper clips. The grenade is fused by a friction igniter at the top of the grenade and the holder for the igniter protrudes 5/8” above the grenades body. The grenade including the wooden 'stick' handle measures 8 1/4" in length. The stick and pivoting steel cover are held on by steel pins. These grenades are rarely seen outside Russia. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1863

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW1 Austrian Schwerhand Heavy Fragmentation Hand Grenade With Fuse Recovered From The Italian Front. - O 1856
This is an original WW1 Austrian Schwerhand heavy hand grenade recovered from the Italian Front. The iron body has deep segmentation and has no cracks or other damage. The grenade has its original steel screw top fuse. The casing which is empty is approximately 2 ¼ “ in diameter and 4 ½” length. The fuse is screwed into the body with a coarse left hand thread and has the remains of the fuse in it. The grenade has a field made wire belt hanger on it. The price includes UK delivery. NB No licence is required to own this inert deactivated grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1856

DEACTIVATED INERT. French, 1938 Dated, Unfired Brandt Mle 35 60mm High Explosive (HE) Mortor. - O 1855
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an unfired French 1938 dated, Brandt Mle 35 high explosive (HE) mortor was first introduced into service in 1938 and continued until the 1960s. The mortors designation was the (Mortier Brandt de 60mm modele 35) and was a conventional muzzle loading mortor with a firing pin at the bottom of the mortor tube. This mortor had a cast iron body with a pressed steel fin assembly. The mortor is fitted with a brass nose fuse which has an alloy nose plunger and a screw in brass gaine. The fuse is stamped round its circumference 21/28B mle 1935 ATS 19-38 (1938 date). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert ammunition in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1855

INERT DEACTIVATED WW2 1940 Dated Mills No 36M MK1, Hand Grenade. - O 1791
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an excellent, WW2, 1940 dated Mills No.36M MK 1, hand grenade. The 36M refers to the pattern of Grenade 36 M originally 'Mesopotania' and the fact they were waterproofed. The zinc base plug is marked 40 (1940 date) PDC No36 M M and is screwed for a rifle grenade base plate. The inner primer holder has cast into it Z (zinc). The alloy filling plug is stamped WD. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1791

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW1, 1918 Dated, Mills No 36 MK 1, Drill Hand Grenade By Josiha Parkes & Sons, Willenhall. - O 1785
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an original, 1918 dated WW1, Mills No 36 MK I, drill Hand Grenade made by Josiha Parkes & Sons, Union Works. Willenhall. The body of the grenade is made of cast iron and has cast into the front JPS, the manufacturing mark of Josiha Parkes & Sons. The body has 5 x 3/16 inch diameter holes drilled into the body to signify it being a drill purpose hand grenade. The grenade has the mould number 8 E cast into it under the fly off lever and is fitted with a steel filling screw. The fly off lever is stamped D.P Co. The grenade is fitted with a steel base plug is nickle plated for durability and is has cast into it No 36 M I TA&S (Thomas Adshead & Sons) 8/18 (August 1918 date). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1785

DEACTIVATED INERT. RARE, Pre Production, EXPEIMENTAL TRIALS, British, Unfired, 1961 Dated, 81MM HE (High Explosive) Mortar. - O 1780
DEACTIVATED INERT. The 81mm mortor introduced in 1965–66, replacing the Ordnance ML 3 inch Mortar in UK service, where it is used by the British Army, the Royal Marines and the RAF Regiment. This experimental TRIALS pre-production mortor was made 4 years before being adopted by the British Army. The mortor retains most of its original paint and stencilling. The mortor is stamped at the top TV.148. RL (Royal Laboratories) 9/1961 (September 1961 date) and also lower down on the body TV148 81MM RL 5/61 (Royal Laboratories May 1961) 1588. The body has the top half painted dark green with a red filling band signifying an explosive content while the lower half is painted in a light blue colour signifying an experimental round which is stencilled in red EXPTL (experimental). The top of the mortor is stencilled 12 DRM IN H.E.S. (High Explosive Substitute) R.D 1058 (Research Design number) 81MM M L10A1. Below this is some stencilling covered with white painting as follows OB 3162 SER No 1588. GD 11/61 (November 1961) INERT PRIMARY INERT AUG. There is some stencilling covered with white painting as follows TRIAL 371 (Trial number 371). The mortor is fitted with a white painted propelling cartridge which is stamped INERT. The top of the alloy fin assembly which attaches to the body is stamped TV151RG7/61 (Radway Green July 1961). The top of the mortor is fitted with a screw in alloy contact fuse which is stamped TV147 Rg 9 61 (September 1961 date). The white painted fuse cap is stamped 162 MK8 J.C.C.L. and has cast into it REMOVE BEFORE FIRING with an arrow. Under the cap is a removable safety pin with a brass label attached to it which is stamped REMOVE PIN BEFORE FIRING. The price for this pre-production experimental trials mortor includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert mortor in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1780

DEACTIVATED INERT. British, 1953 Dated, L5 3.5 Inch Practice HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) (Bazooka) Round. - O 1774
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a 1953 dated British L5 MK 2 3.5 inch practice HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) round designed to be fired from the American 3.5 IN M20A1 rocket launcher used by the British army in the 1960. This round retains alot of its original painted finish. The blue practice warhead is stenciled in white KT PRAC 3.5in UK M29 MK 1/59. Lower down the blue projectile is stenciled in white PRACTICE 5. The green rocket motor is stenciled in yellow T53 BRIT M7 11/53 (November 1953 date) B S 19486 and in red within a red circle 20° 120°F. There is a red and white band round the rocket motor. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1774

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW2, 1943 Dated, German 81 cm, High Explosive (HE) Mortar Round for the 8 cm Granatwerfer 34 (8 cm GrW 34). Sn - 20009:2
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a WW2, 1944 dated German 81cm high explosive mortar 8 cm Granatwerfer 34 (8 cm GrW 34). The cast iron mortar body retains some of its worn red painted finish and has cast into it round the top66hgoB and is fitted with a black bakelite impact fuse which is stamped WGR Z1feh 43 (1943 date) 228 Waffenampt 818. The tail fins are made of pressed steel spot welded to the body and retain some of their original red painted finish. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert mortor in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 20009:2
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