INERT DEACTIVATED. WW1, 1915 Dated, Mills No 5 MK 1, Hand Grenade By H, & T. Vaughan, Willenhall. - O 1913 INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an excellent, original, 1915 dated WW1, Mills No 5 MK I, Hand Grenade made by H & T V (H, & T. Vaughan, Willenhall). The body of the grenade is made of cast iron and is in excellent condition. The grenade is fitted with an alloy detonator and firing pin holder. The grenade is fitted with a brass filling screw and has the correct steel fly off lever. The grenade is fitted with a cast alloy base plug is which stamped No 5 MK I H & T.V, H LTD (H, & T. Vaughan, Standard Works, Willenhall) 11/15 (November 1915 date) . The grenade has the mould letter A cast into the rear under the fly off lever. See pages 41-46 in ‘GRENADE’ British & Commonwealth Hand & Rifle Grenades by Rick Landers. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1913 £345.00