INERT DEACTIVATED. 1940 Dated, Mills No 36M MK1, Factory Cutaway, Chrome Plated, Hand Grenade & Rifle Grenade Gas Check By A.Kindrick & Sons. - O 1942 INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an excellent, WW2, 1940 dated Mills No.36M MK 1,factory cutaway hand grenade complete with its steel gas check for use in the Lee Enfield rifles grenade discharger cup. The 36M refers to the pattern of Grenade 36 M originally 'Mesopotania' and the fact they were waterproofed. The grenade has a section cut out of the body to reveal the inner workings of the grenade. The body has been factory chrome plated including the striker and spring. The grenades body has the K and stars monogram of A.Kindrick & Sons of West Bromwich cast into the front. The zinc alloy baseplate has cast into it No36M Mk1 Z (zinc alloy) WD over C PSC (Parkinson Stone Company Limited) 40 in a circle (1940 date) and an O.
The fly off lever has the K and stars monogram of A.Kindrick & Sons of West Bromwich stamped into it. The body has the mould numbers 4 over 3 under the fly off lever. The zinc alloy filler plug has cast into it 7 and WD over C. the grenade is fitted with a zinc alloy detonator which is signified by the letter Z stamped into it. The grenade is fitted with an inert detonator which is stamped INERT on the copper detonator tube. The steel gas check plate is stamped 1 REVO (Revo Electrical Company Limited). See pages 111-119 in ‘GRENADE’ British & Commonwealth Hand & Rifle Grenades by Rick Landers. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1942 £395.00