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INERT DEACTIVATED. British WW2, 1942 dated Mills No 36 MK 1, Instruction Hand Grenade By H Limited. - O 1970
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an original British WW2, 1942 dated Mills No 36 MK I, instructional hand grenade manufactured H Limited. The body of the grenade has a half section taken from the front of the hand grenade to show the internal workings. The alloy base plug has cast into it No36M.Mk1 HLD 1/42 (January 1942 date). The drill alloy detonator holder has cast into it the letter Z signifying a zinc alloy and is part sectioned to show the action of the firing pin on the detonator. The drill detonator is stamped DRILL III & WDC. The grenade has an alloy filler plug fitted and the painted finish is obscuring the markings. The grenade retains much of its original cream painted finish with red marking where the metal was sectioned and it has three 4mm diameter holes round its cricumference. The grenade is complete with its firing pin, spring, fly of lever and split pin. See pages 111-119 in ‘GRENADE’ British & Commonwealth Hand & Rifle Grenades by Rick Landers. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1970

DEACTIVATED INERT. German, WW2, 1Kg Incendiary bomb. - O 1960
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an original German WW2 1Kg Incendiary bomb that was air dropped in containers by German bombers in WW2. The bombs were used to great effect in the German Blitzes during the early part of WW2 against British cities. The bombs were made of a magnesium alloy body including the fuse holder and would burn brightly and furiously once ignited. The bombs filling was thermite which burns at a very high temperature, ignited the magnesium body. The bombs body has three tail fins of pressed steel with a steel reinforcing ring at the tail. The assembly is soldered together from four pieces of pressed steel and are held to the bomb by 3 short steel screw pins. The bomb fin assembly is held on by 3 screw pins. This example is stamped on the body S243K III Rhs 143 G S4 in a square 124 Rhs 143G. The alloy nose fuse is stamped AZ8312* 164c Rhs over 143 G and SK between two bars. See pages 27 and 139 in German Air Dropped Weapons to 1945 by Wolfgang Fleischer. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert incendiary bomb in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1960

DEACTIVATED INERT. French, 1939 Dated, Unfired Brandt Mle 27/31, 81mm High Explosive (HE) Heavy Mortar / Mortor. Sn - 20735
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an unfired French 1939 dated, Brandt Mle 27/31 high explosive (HE) 81mm heavy mortor was first introduced into service in 1931 and continued until the 1960s. Edgar Williams Brandt whilst working for the Brandt company in France developed the British 3 inch Stokes mortor including new projectiles in the 1920-30s and influenced the design of most modern and pre-war mortors. This mortors designation was the (Mortier Brandt de 81mm, 37/31 was a conventional muzzle loading mortor with a firing pin at the bottom of the mortor tube. This mortor is the heavy version which held a greater amount of explosive and had a shorter range. The mortor measures 22 inches long. The mortor has a cast iron body which is stamped above the fins 1939 (date) and two feint inspection marks. The body retains most of its original painted finish of painted light grey with the top 90mm painted red. The top has a steel fuse adaptor screwed into the body with a screw in brass percussion fuse fitted. The fins are made of pressed steel and fold out with the assistance of coil springs when fired. The fins are kept closed by brass wire to prevent damage in transit and in use. The body has a white 3cm band near the base and is stencilled EMPTY on the side. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert ammunition in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 20735

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired American, ¾ sectioned 81mm High Explosive (HE) Mortar And Fuse. Sn. - 16366
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired American ¾ sectioned high explosive (HE) mortar round for the M43A1 mortar used extensively throughout WW2 and in later service. The steel body retains most of its original green painted finish with yellow stencilling. The mortor consists of a cast iron machined cylinder which is stamped RA -68 81MM M43A1B1 round the circumference. The mortor has a pressed steel fin assembly and is complete with its spring steel charge retaining clips. One of the charge retaining clips has an empty charge holder under it. The body of the mortar is stencilled in yellow M43 AL BI LOT 4-RA-67. The alloy nose impact fuse is stamped 58 BRANNROR PDM52A1 LOT round its circumference. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn. 16366

INERT DEACTIVATED. German WW2, 1944 Dated, 3cm, HE (High Explosive) Rifle Grenade. - O 1946
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a German WW2, 1944 dated, 3cm rifle grenade that was fired from a cup type rifled discharger fitted to the standard K98 infantry rifle. The discharger was clamped onto the muzzle of the rifle and the pre rifled projectile loaded into the muzzle. The grenade was fired with a special blank cartridge. This grenade is the last pattern 3cm high explosive rifle grenade, having a solid bakelite pre rifled screw in base without any provision for a pull chord to convert it into a hand grenade. This grenade has a steel body with a bakelite pre rifled screw in base and is complete with its AZ5075 steel screw in nose fuse which retains some of its original black painted finish with a bakelite nose plunger. The fuse is crisply stamped AZ5071 St (steel) 44 (1944 date) mne 141 and a waffenampt 494. The tip of the flat topped plunger has moulded into it 3721 jrx The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1946

INERT DEACTIVATED. British 60MM L5-A1 6 Illuminating Mortar & Black Cardboard Transit Tube. - O 1945
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a British L5-A1 60mm illuminating mortar round in its original black cardboard with metal ends transit tube for the M6-895 British mortar. This mortar was introduced in 2007 to give a greater range than the 51mm mortor in service but was lighter than the 3 inch mortar. This mortar retains most of its original white finished body with a 15mm brown band round its circumference and the gray anodised finish tail unit which is fitted with an alloy percussion cartridge. The tail assembly has 8 cast tail fins. The mortar is stenciled in black round its circumference 60mm MOR ILLUM L5-A(1)2 HP 0410 Z 018 and the illuminating sign. The mortar is fitted with an alloy time nose fuse and is stamped round its circumference MT DM93-mod SG01 10 009. The time ring is graduated to 54. The primer is stenciled HP0104 82 1CMk2 on its base. the mortor is complete with its original black cardboard with metal ends transit tube and has a white label on the side which is stenciled in black BOMB MORTOR 60 MM ILLUM L5-A2 W / FUSE DM93-MOD. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert mortor in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1945

DEACTIVATED INERT. Unfired, Belgian A.P. 55 (Armour Piercing), HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) Practice Rifle Grenade. - O 1943
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an unfired Belgium A.P. 55 Practice HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) rifle propelled grenade for the 7.62mm Belgian FAL automatic rifle developed in 1953. This rifle was widely adopted by many countries, including NATO and became the British L1A1 FN rifle. The grenade is of the spigot type which is attached to the rifle by a grenade launching spigot which usually included a sighting arrangement and was fired by a special bland cartridge. This grenade gave the infantryman an anti armour capability using the standard service rifle. This practice grenade is consists of a steel body with an alloy nose fuse assembly and a cast alloy tail fin. The grenade retains most of its original black painted finish with a 6mm wide blue band near the nose. The grenade is stenciled in white round its circumference with a monogram A.P. 55 INERTE. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this rifle grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1943

INERT DEACTIVATED. 1940 Dated, Mills No 36M MK1, Factory Cutaway, Chrome Plated, Hand Grenade & Rifle Grenade Gas Check By A.Kindrick & Sons. - O 1942
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an excellent, WW2, 1940 dated Mills No.36M MK 1,factory cutaway hand grenade complete with its steel gas check for use in the Lee Enfield rifles grenade discharger cup. The 36M refers to the pattern of Grenade 36 M originally 'Mesopotania' and the fact they were waterproofed. The grenade has a section cut out of the body to reveal the inner workings of the grenade. The body has been factory chrome plated including the striker and spring. The grenades body has the K and stars monogram of A.Kindrick & Sons of West Bromwich cast into the front. The zinc alloy baseplate has cast into it No36M Mk1 Z (zinc alloy) WD over C PSC (Parkinson Stone Company Limited) 40 in a circle (1940 date) and an O. The fly off lever has the K and stars monogram of A.Kindrick & Sons of West Bromwich stamped into it. The body has the mould numbers 4 over 3 under the fly off lever. The zinc alloy filler plug has cast into it 7 and WD over C. the grenade is fitted with a zinc alloy detonator which is signified by the letter Z stamped into it. The grenade is fitted with an inert detonator which is stamped INERT on the copper detonator tube. The steel gas check plate is stamped 1 REVO (Revo Electrical Company Limited). See pages 111-119 in ‘GRENADE’ British & Commonwealth Hand & Rifle Grenades by Rick Landers. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1942

INERT DEACTIVATED. Scarce WW2 Japanese Type 4 Ceramic Fragmentation Hand Grenade. - O 1941
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a scarce WW2 Japanese Type 4 hand grenade, commonly known as the Ceramic Grenade that were made at the latter stages of WW2 (late 1944 onwards) by the Japanese due to a shortage of raw materials. The grenades were made from white terra cotta and are glazed with various colours including a very dark brown, tan, cream, white and a clear glaze. When these grenades detonated they fragmented into sharp chards of ceramic being just as effective as a normal cast iron hand grenade. This grenade has a dark tan coloured ceramic glaze to the body. There is no damage to the grenade or any cracks in the body.The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert mortor in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1941

INERT DEACTIVATED. Original Armaco 81MM Smoke Mortar. - O 1738
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a Armaco 81mm Smoke mortar for the 81mm L16 mortar. The mortar retains most of green painted finish and the gray anodised tail fins. The body is stenciled round its circumferences 81MM M SMK RP RO 1/01 and is stamped at the back SIL-99-001-VM-433 08 AP TT2 C5TT1. The top of the tail fin assembly is stamped TV180 RG8/98. The mortar is fitted with an alloy time nose fuse and is stamped round its circumference DM93-505.39 LOT SG-99-0002. The time ring is graduated to 54. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert grenade items in the UK if retained as part of a collection or displays. O 1738
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