DEACTIVATED INERT. French, WW2, 1934 Dated, Unfired Brandt Mle 27/31, 81mm High Explosive (HE) Mortor. - O 2018 DEACTIVATED INERT. The Brandt Mle 27/31 81mm mortor was first introduced into service in 1927 and continued in use until the 1960s. Edgar Williams Brandt whilst working for the Brandt company in France developed the British 3 inch Stokes mortor including new projectiles in the 1920-30s and influenced the design of most modern and pre-war mortors. The mortor was a conventional muzzle loading mortor with a firing pin at the bottom of the mortor tube. This is an unfired French 1934 dated, Brandt Mle 27/31 high explosive (HE) mortor for the Mortier Brandt de 81mm, 27/31and consists of a cast iron body with a steel nose fuze, adaptor sleeve, a turned and pressed steel fin assembly with a brass percussion nose fuze. The mortor retains its original orange painted finish to the top of the body which is stamped B29 33. The top of this adaptor ring is also stamped P-R-I-M-17. The top of the mortor has a steel fuse adaptor screwed into the body which is stamped 12 BT 6 34 (June 1934 date). The fuze adaptor is fitted with an impact fuze with a brass body and alloy nose plunger. The fin assembly is made out of a turned steel screw in bottom assembly with 3 fins spot welded to it. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert ammunition in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2018 £475.00