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DEACTIVATED INERT. French, 1938 Dated, Unfired Brandt Mle 35 60mm High Explosive (HE) Mortor. - O 2022
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an unfired French, WW2, 1938 dated, Brandt Mle 35 mortor was first introduced into service in 1938 and continued until the 1960s. The mortors designation was the (Mortier Brandt de 60mm modele 35) and was a conventional muzzle loading mortor with a firing pin at the bottom of the mortor tube. This high explosive (HE) mortor had a cast iron body with a pressed steel fin assembly. The top of the body retains traces of its red painted ring and is stamped CO – 153 – NS – 37 (1937 date). The mortor is fitted with a brass nose fuse which has an alloy nose plunger and a screw in brass gaine. The fuse is stamped round its circumference 21/28B Mle 1935 ATS 19-38 (1938 date). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert ammunition in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2022

DEACTIVATED INERT. French, 1947 Dated, Unfired Brandt Mle 35 60mm Smoke Mortor. - O 2023
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an unfired French 1947 dated, Brandt Mle 35 mortor was first introduced into service in 1938 and continued until the 1960s. The mortors designation was the (Mortier Brandt de 60mm modele 35) and was a conventional muzzle loading mortor with a firing pin at the bottom of the mortor tube. This smoke mortor round had a cast iron body with a pressed steel fin assembly. The mortor is fitted with a brass nose fuse which has an alloy nose plunger. The mortor has three smoke vent holes in the lower sides of the body and retains some of its original blue painted finish to the top of the mortor and fuze, The top of the body is stamped round its circumference ARS-1947-2-59. The brass propellant primer is headstamped Mle 60mm SL 1947. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert ammunition in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2023

DEACTIVATED INERT. Unfired, 1988 Dated Soviet PTAB2.5KO Fragmentation Bomblet. - O 2019
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an unfired 1988 dated Soviet PTAB2.5KO HE-FRAG (High Explosive-Fragmentation) steel fragmentation bomblet that is dispersed from a container carried by aircraft and helicopters. This bomblet is an anti-tank/personal type with fragmentation rings to the external surface. There are 6 folding fins that deploy in flight and an arming propeller. PTAB translates to ‘Anti-tank aviation bomb. The air to ground fin stabilised fragmentation bomb was developed in the early 1950s and first introduced into service in April 1955. This fragmentation bomb is a Soviet PTAB2.5KO HE-FRAG (High Explosive Fragmentation) projectile which produced 75 splinters on detonation and was launched using dedicated rocket canisters,(ORO-57, ORO- 57K, UB-16-57 and UB-32 pods) holding 4 – 32 rockets. These canisters were fitted to standard bomb hardpoints on aircraft. Aircraft using this rocket were the MiG-15bis, MiG-17, Su-25 and the Mil 24 helicopter. The silver coloured fragmentation bombs body is stencilled round its circumference in black including STAB-2,5KO TEKOOA-3 M-350AM 611-88 9-88. The circumference of the screw in steel nose is stamped 2/84 57. The rear stabilising fins are kept retracted over the rocket venturi and spring out when the sleeve is removed. The fins are stencilled in black with the following numbers in circles 71 34 . The arming vane on the rear of the bomblet is stencilled in black 5-176 350? 9-88 (September 1988 date). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert bomblet in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2019

DEACTIVATED INERT. French, WW2, 1934 Dated, Unfired Brandt Mle 27/31, 81mm High Explosive (HE) Mortor. - O 2018
DEACTIVATED INERT. The Brandt Mle 27/31 81mm mortor was first introduced into service in 1927 and continued in use until the 1960s. Edgar Williams Brandt whilst working for the Brandt company in France developed the British 3 inch Stokes mortor including new projectiles in the 1920-30s and influenced the design of most modern and pre-war mortors. The mortor was a conventional muzzle loading mortor with a firing pin at the bottom of the mortor tube. This is an unfired French 1934 dated, Brandt Mle 27/31 high explosive (HE) mortor for the Mortier Brandt de 81mm, 27/31and consists of a cast iron body with a steel nose fuze, adaptor sleeve, a turned and pressed steel fin assembly with a brass percussion nose fuze. The mortor retains its original orange painted finish to the top of the body which is stamped B29 33. The top of this adaptor ring is also stamped P-R-I-M-17. The top of the mortor has a steel fuse adaptor screwed into the body which is stamped 12 BT 6 34 (June 1934 date). The fuze adaptor is fitted with an impact fuze with a brass body and alloy nose plunger. The fin assembly is made out of a turned steel screw in bottom assembly with 3 fins spot welded to it. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert ammunition in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2018

DEACTIVATED INERT. Unfired Original WW2, 1942 Dated British 2 Inch Practice (High Explosive) Mortar. - O 1992
DEACTIVATED INERT. British, original WW2, 1942 dated unfired 2 Inch Practice H.E. (high explosive) mortar complete with its DUMMY alloy nose fuse with a steel screw on safety cap. The body of the mortor is stamped 2” MOR EL 9/42 (September 1942 date) 39. The alloy dummy nose fuse has CHLtd 42 (1942 date) and a crowfoot stamped into the top. The fuse retains its original steel screw off safety cap. The lacquered body retains much of its original black finish, including its yellow (practice) band at the middle of its body and it is stencilled on the side in white 2 MOR GD . The alloy fin assembly is stamped 5 FDLtd 1942 - 2 (February 1942 date) – Z (Zinc alloy). One of the fins is painted red on one side. The primer protector screw on cap has WDC 42 (1942 date) cast into it. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or displays. O 1992

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired, Original WW2, 1940 Dated, British 2 Inch Smoke Mortar. Sn - 20839
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired British WW2, 1940 dated 2 Inch smoke mortar. The mortor retains most of its original green painted finish and has a steel body with the top cap held on by 3 rivets. This top cap is stamped U12 HB 40 (1940 date). The alloy fin assembly is crimped on by a ring crimp to the bottom of the body and has 6 fins cast into it. One of the fins has cast into it 10 FD Ltd 1940-2 (February 1940 date). The fin assembly has 4 vent holes in it to discharge the smoke. The base of the fins has a screw on alloy propellant holder which has cast into it 41 in a circle (1941 date) and FD on a circle. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert mortor in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 20839

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired Original WW2 1941 Dated British 2 Inch High Explosive (H.E) Mortar. Sn - 20838
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired British WW2 1941 dated 2 Inch high explosive (H.E) mortar. The mortor retains some of its original varnished finish to the body, most or the red filling ring (high explosive)and some of the green ring signifying amatol as the explosive filling. The body is stamped on the side 2” MOR 1 (2 inch Mortor mark 1) /41 (1941 date). The mortor is fitted with a No 151 nose fuze which is stamped on the side No 151 H LTD 260 and has its original brass cap cover. The screw on alloy fuze cap has cast into it REMOVE BEFORE FIRING with an arrow indicating the direction to unscrew. The alloy screw on fin assembly has 6 fins cast into it and has cast into it ADC 8/41 (August 1941 date) Z (zinc) M. the screw on. The base of the fins has a screw on alloy propellant holder which has cast into it 41 in a circle (1941 date) WDC. The mortor still has the brass base of the original 28 bore propellant cartridge which is headstamped ELEY-KYNOCH 28 ICI in a circle 28. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert mortor in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 20838

INERT DEACTIVATED. German, WW2 , 25 x 35R F.Leuchtpatrone Z (Starshell) For The Walther Kampfpistole ("combat pistol"). - O 1979
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an inert German WW2 25 x 35R F.Leuchtpatrone Z (starshell) round for the Walther Kampfpistole ("combat pistol"). This round was used in the Kampfpistole which sometimes had a shoulder stock and was a normal Walther flare pistol specially fitted with a rifled barrel to become the Kampfpistole. The round featured a high / low pressure aluminium cartridge case fitted with a percussion primer. The aluminium projectile was pre-rifled to engage in the pistols rifled barrel when loaded. The nose of the aluminium projectile has a black bakelite round push fit windshield under which the star shell composition would be. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess these inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1979

INERT DEACTIVATED. Rare, Unfired, WW2, 1943 Dated, German WK 361 (Wurfkorper 361) High Explosive Grenade For The 27mm Sturmpistole (Assault Pistol). - O 1977
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a rare unfired WW2 German WK 361 (Wurfkorper 361) pistol high explosive grenade for the 27mm Sturmpistole (Assault Pistol). The pistol is fitted with a shoulder stock and a sight. The grenade is muzzle loaded into the flare pistol and fired conventionally. The primer is at the bottom of the grenade which is ignited by the propellant in the wooden tube which in turn sets off the grenades 4 ½ second delay mechanism primer in its base. The grenade was propelled out of the barrel by a series of 6 gas vents around the primer. This grenade is fitted with a pressed steel Model 39 egg grenade which is attached to a metal sleeve that is crimped onto the wooden grenade shaft where the primer would have screwed in. The top of the grenade is stamped awd 43 (1943 date). The base of the grenade has a 27mm steel cartridge case crimped onto a metal sleeve at the bottom of the shaft. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1977

British, WW2, Commando Training Dummy Limpet Mine Dated 20 July 1944. Sn - 20803
This is an original British WW2 practice limpet mine that was brought from 3 Commando Training School D Troops training room number 1. This limpet mine is a magnetic mine fitted with a time fuse used in the demolition of boat hulls, bunker doors and the like. This mine is made from magnetised steel and would have been used for placement training due to it having no fusing mechanism. The practice limpet mine measures 7 ½ by 4 inches has written in the front DUMMY LIMPET-MINE FROM THIRD SMALL BATTLE SECTION HAUL-SEASHELL II FLUSHING 20 JULI 1944. The rear of the mine has written on it 3 COMMANDO D TROOP TRAINING ROOM 1 DO NOT REMOVE Sgt Garnett. 3 Commando was a battalion-sized Commando unit raised by the British Army during the Second World War. Formed in Plymouth on 23 June 1940 from volunteers for special service, and was the first such unit to carry the title of ‘Commando’. On 24 October 1940 No 3 Commando and No 8 Commando were reorganised into the 4th Special Service Battalion. The Battalion HQ was at Brightlingsea. A further reorganisation back to the smaller individual Commando units was authorised on 26th February 1941 and implemented by 5th March 1941.No.3 was the first Commando unit ever to see action with the raid on Guernsey, Operation Ambassador, 14/15 July 1940 with 11 Independent Company. This is a rare piece of commando equipment used by the British Commandos in WW2 and is worthy of further research. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 20803
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