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SOLD SOLD INERT DEACTIATED. *RARE* British WW1, Royal Flying Corps Bakelite 3lb Practice Bomb. Sn - 22846:96
INERT DEACTIATED. This is an early British WW1 3 lb bakelite practice bomb that was used by the Royal Flying Corps and the early Royal Air Force for bomb aiming practice. The bomb has two bakelite halves screwed together horizontally with a wooden spigot tail fin assembly with 4 pressed steel fins. The black bakelite body is undamaged and has the profile shape of the Hales and Cooper bombs. The front part of the bomb is held on by 3 slotted screws. The bomb measures 9 ½ inches in length with a diameter of 3 inches. The price for this early Royal Flying Corps practice bomb includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert item in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22846:96

INERT DEACTIVATED. British No 94 Mark 2, Energa SECTIONED, HEAT (High Explosive Anti Tank) Rifle Grenade. Sn - 22846:94
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an excellent, original, British Energa Number 94 Mark 2, sectioned HEAT (High Explosive Anti Tank) rifle grenade. The grenade has been sectioned for instructional use. This series of grenades were the last of the rifle propelled grenades were fired by a blank cartridge in the rifle. The Energa were replaced by the 84mm Carl Gustav recoilless rifle in the 1970s. This is an excellent No 94 mark 2 rifle grenade that has been sectioned to reveal the inner components and workings. The grenade is complete with its nose percussion No L9A2 nose fuze and the No 107 detonator in the body. The cone is has a section taken out of it as well as the body and nose section. The top of the grenade has the rubber fuze protector fitted. The rifle grenade is undamaged and retains some of its original green painted finish and stencilling GR RIFLE A.TK No 94 Mk2. The grenades 6 fins are undamaged and the grenade is in good condition. See pages 202 – 207 in ‘GRENADE’ British & Commonwealth Hand & Rifle Grenades by Rick Landers. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert grenade in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22846:94

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW2, 467th Bomb Group, Station 145, Rackenheath, Norfolk ‘Gate Guardian’ M28A2 Practice Bomb with Inscription to European Theatre Operatons. Sn - 22846:92
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an inert WW2 practice bomb that was originally the gate guardian at the entrance to the 467th Bomb Group, Station 145, at Rackenheath, Norfolk in England flying Lockheed Liberator aircraft. The bomb was used in WW2 for bombing practice and empty is very light. The bomb has two suspension lugs and originally would have been filled with water (56 lbs) or sand (95lbs). The bomb measures 41 inches long with a diameter of 8 inches and in its present unfilled state is very light, being made of sheet steel. This bomb is painted yellow and has painted on it on the side ‘Site one Between These Eggs Pass The Hottest Dam Flyers In The ETO! This bomb was originally one of a pair at the main entrance (Pass between these eggs). Bombs were often called eggs. ETO refers to the European Theatre Of Operations of the American Air Force in WW2. The 467th bomb group was disbanded at the end of WW2 and moved to the United States and the base was taken over by the RAF 94th Maintenance unit. The base today has either overgrown or returned to agriculture. This is a rare survivor from WW2, used as a gate guardian. A photograph is with the bomb showing it suspended outside the entrance to the Rackheath base showing the inscription. No licence is required to possess this inert bomb in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. (34) Sn 22846:92

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW1, Rare, German, 12.5kg P.u.W (Prufanstalt und Werft der Fliergertruppe) High Explosive (HE) Bomb. - O 2196
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a very rare WW1 German 12.5kg Zeppelin and aircraft high explosive (HE) bomb developed in 1916 to produce an accurate bomb by the P.u.W. (Prufanstalt und Werft der Fliergertruppe) Test Establishment and Workshop of the Aviation Troops. P.u.W bombs were developed from 1916 onwards to overcome difficulties with earlier crude aerial bombs and were considered as the prototype of the modern aircraft bomb due to their superior aerodynamic performance brought on by streamlining and construction. The tail fins were mounted at an angle to help spin-stabilise the bomb as it fell and also to activate the centrifugal nose fuse. The bombs were made of steel instead on cast iron or sheet steel and used the fins to spin stabilise the bomb for greater accuracy a bonus was the spin activated the nose fuze. P.u.W bombs were made in various sizes up to 1,000kg. This high explosive bomb measures 750mm long with a diameter of 90mm the bomb. The bomb has a screw on 3 piece riveted 4 piece tail fin assembly consisting of a streamlined rear section and 3 fins. The bomb is fitted with a brass percussion nose fuze which has 2 settings. The price for this rare WW1 aircraft high explosive bomb includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert bomb in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2196

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW1, Rare, German, 12.5kg P.u.W (Prufanstalt und Werft der Fliergertruppe) Incendiary Bomb. - O 2194
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a very rare WW1 German 12.5kg Zeppelin and aircraft incendiary bomb developed in 1916 to produce an accurate bomb by the P.u.W. (Prufanstalt und Werft der Fliergertruppe) Test Establishment and Workshop of the Aviation Troops. P.u.W bombs were developed from 1916 onwards to overcome difficulties with earlier crude aerial bombs and were considered as the prototype of the modern aircraft bomb due to their superior aerodynamic performance brought on by streamlining and construction. The tail fins were mounted at an angle to help spin-stabilise the bomb as it fell and also to activate the centrifugal nose fuse. The bombs were made of steel instead on cast iron or sheet steel and used the fins to spin stabilise the bomb for greater accuracy a bonus was the spin activated the nose fuze. P.u.W bombs were made in various sizes up to 1,000kg. This incendiary bomb measures 750mm long with a diameter of 90mm the bomb has 8 radial vents in the nose section and 3 further vents in the bombs pressed steel and rivet tail section to dissipate the flames from the incendiary mixture. The bomb was activated by a percussion alloy nose fuze. The price for this rare WW1 aircraft incendiary bomb includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert bomb in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2194

INERT DEACTIVATED. Original, 1956 Dated British 3 Inch Practice High Explosive (HE) Mortar. Sn - 22846:84
INERT DEACTIVATED This is a British, 1956 dated 3 inch Practice high explosive (H.E) mortar with a number 1 Mark 1/1 nose fuze, No161 Mk1/2 nose fuse and protector cap. The inert number 162 mark 1/2 nose fuze is stamped NO152 ½ on the white painted drill gaine and is fitted with an alloy No161 Mk1/2 nose fuse protector cap. The screw on alloy fuse cap is stamped at the top REMOVE BEFORE FIRING 161MK1/2. The body retains most of its original black painted finish and stenciling. The body has a red band below the fuze (An explosive content [propellant]) above a yellow band (practice). The cast iron body has cast into it CO 3MOR 10lb IV B26 L L&G. The body is stenciled in white around its circumference SAND 3.IN.MOR PRAC.MK.8 GD10/54. The pressed steel fin assembly is stamped on the fins No.8A RCB 9/56 (September 1956 date) LOT 26. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert mortar in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22846:84

INERT DEACTIVATED. British, WW2 Era, 25lb Mark 1 Practice Bomb. Sn - 22846:83
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an original British WW2 era 25lb Mark 1 smoke filled practice bomb for daylight use used by the Royal Air Force for bombing practice. The bomb replicated the trajectory of conventional bombs in service but without the explosive content. The cast iron bomb contained a small bursting content to give off smoke on impact. The bomb measures 22inches long with a diameter of 4 inches. This is a complete 25lb practice bomb complete with its hanging loop, an inert burster charge and the safety device. The bomb is complete with its pressed steel tail and fin assembly. The bombs 4 steel vanes are spot welded to the tail assembly with a circular ring retaining their shape from damage. The screwed brass mounting ring if the tail assembly is stamped 25LB MK1 25lb and the makers mark in a circle GGA65. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert bomb in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22846:83

INERT DEACTIVATED. Rare, British WW2, 29mm Blacker Bombard Spigot Practice HE (High Explosive) Mortar fitted with a 3 Inch Mortar Body. Sn - 22846:82
INERT DEACTIVATED. The Blacker Bombard 29mm spigot mortar was developed by Colonel Stewart Blacker as an anti-tank weapon after the evacuation of Dunkirk in 1940, The Blacker Bombard lacked the tube that characterized conventional mortars. Instead, the Bombard featured a steel rod, the spigot that fit to a base plate and the mortar is slid onto it for firing. The bomb itself included a propellant charge in its tail. The Bombard was used solely as a Home Guard weapon except for some used by the regular British Army for the defence of coastal gun batteries. The spigot launcher of the Blacker Bombard inspired the designers of the much more successful PIAT that was used in regular army service. This is a rare to find practice HE (high explosive) Blacker Bombard spigot mortar where a 3 inch high explosive mortar body has been fitted to the spigots screw thread. The mortar body has been filled with concrete for weight. The mortars body has cast into it round the circumference ? MOR 194? SEC (manufacturer). The projectile is fitted with a steel spigot screwed into the projectile and a pressed steel riveted fin assembly at the bottom where the cartridge goes. The mortar originally used cut down 20mm Madsen cartridges cases as the primer. The price for this rare spigot mortar includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert mortar in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22846:82

DEACTIVATED INERT. Complete M33 Anti-Personnel Claymore Mine Training Set with M57 Switch, M40 Electric Tester, Wiring Roll, Original Carrying Satchel with Instructions & Manual. - 22846:79
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an original M33 Anti-Personnel Claymore Mine Training Kit, housed in its original carry bag and complete with the training manual. The Claymore Mine has a curved, oblong plastic casing, mounted on a pair of bipod legs and is positioned facing the enemy and fired electrically from distances up to 300m away. On initiation, the mine scatters about 700 ball-bearings out to a range of 50m across a 60 degree arc. The instructions are sewn inside the green canvas sachel with a green canvas shoulder strap. The mine is complete with its firing switch, tester, wiring roll of 2 core brown wire on a roll and a 1966 dated instruction manual. The front of the mine is impressed in the body FRONT TOWARDS ENEMY and the rear is marked BACK M33 APPERS MINE LOT LOP77C002-002. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this training mine kit in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22846:79

INERT DEACTIVATED. Rare, British WW2, 29mm Blacker Bombard Spigot Practice HE (High Explosive) Mortar. Sn - 22846:78
INERT DEACTIVATED. The Blacker Bombard 29mm spigot mortar was developed by Colonel Stewart Blacker as an anti-tank weapon after the evacuation of Dunkirk in 1940, The Blacker Bombard lacked the tube that characterized conventional mortars. Instead, the Bombard featured a steel rod, the spigot that fit to a base plate and the mortar is slid onto it for firing. The bomb itself included a propellant charge in its tail. The Bombard was used solely as a Home Guard weapon except for some used by the regular British Army for the defence of coastal gun batteries. The spigot launcher of the Blacker Bombard inspired the designers of the much more successful PIAT that was used in regular army service. This is a rare to find 14 lb practice HE (high explosive) Blacker Bombard spigot practice mortar had which has a concrete filled cast iron projectile. The mortar has cast into it round the circumference CI (Cast Iron) 29mm SM (29mm Spigot Mortar) 14lb (projectile weight) 15 7/8/?? (manufacture date). The projectile is fitted with a steel spigot screwed into the projectile and a pressed steel riveted fin assembly at the bottom where the cartridge goes. The mortar originally used cut down 20mm Madsen cartridges cases as the primer. The price for this rare spigot mortar includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert mortar in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 22846:78
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