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Cannon Ammunition 13 - 20 mm

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DEACTIVATED INERT. WW2 1944 dated German 20 mm MK151/20 (20x82) API Armour Piercing Incendiary Round. O 1236 - O 1236
DEACTIVATED INERT. This a German 1944 dated 20mm MK 151/20 (20x82) API Armour Piercing Phosphorous Incendiary aircraft cannon round and its steel ammunition link and was fitted to various German aircraft during WW2, including the Me109, FW190, various night fighters and bomber aircraft. This round retains most of its original finish. The brassed steel cartridge case is electric primed and retains its original brassed finish. The headstamp is wg (Hasag, Hugo Schneider AG, Altenburg) 241 44 (1944) .The projectile is a sintered iron driving banded Armour Piercing Phosphorous Incendiary and is stamped round its circumference ctu (Christ u. Co., Gruenberg in Schlesien) 88/44 (1944 date) and retains most of its black finish with a light blue phosphorous filling band. The projectile is stencilled in white PH over edq (Deutsche Waffen u. Munitionsfabriken AG, Luebeck Schlutup) 218/44 (1944 date). Both projectile and cartridge case have no cracks in the necks. No licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O.1236

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW2 German 20 mm Flak 28 and 29 (20x110RB) HE (High Explosive) Flak Round O 1181 - O 1181
INERT DEACTIVATED. This German 20mm Flak 28 and 29 (20x110RB) HET High Explosive Trace round for the Oerlikon 20mm Flak 28 and 29 anti-aircraft gun. The steel cartridge case is percussion primed and retains approximately 90% of the original brown lacquer. The headstamp is WG (Hugo Schneider A.-G., Werk Altenburg, Altenburg, Germany) Waa 42 (1942 date) 48g .The projectile is an iron driving banded high explosive projectile and is stamped above the driving band bkz (Johannes Schaefer, Gartzer Schraubenwerk GmbH, Gartz / Oder ) 31 1941 (date) waffenampt74W retaining traces of its original yellow paint . The fuse is stamped 2cmKpfZ.45 dom (Westfälische Metall-Industrie A.-G., Lippstadt, Germany) 42 (1942 date) 202 Waa269 Both projectile and cartridge case have no cracks in the necks. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1181

DEACTIVATED INERT. Unfired, British, 1951 Dated Kynoch made Masden 20x120 Ball Round. O 1163 - O 1163
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a unfired British Kynoch made Masden 20x120 ball round for the Masden 20mm automatic cannon developed in Denmark in the 1920s for the 20mm Madsen automatic cannon, offered in various mountings for aircraft, AA and anti-tank use, although only successful in the AA role. The brass percussion primed case is headstamped MASDEN 20MM T1 K (Kynoch) 51(1951 date) . The solid copper driving banded projectile has a flat tip. No licence is required to possess these inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery.Price includes UK delivery. O 1163

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired WW2 1944 Dated German 20 mm Flak 38 Soluthern (20x138B) HE (High Explosive) Round, O 1161 - O 1161
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired WW2 1944 dated German 20mm Flak 38 HE (High Explosive) round for the Soluthern 20mm Flak 38 anti-aircraft gun . This gun was used singularly or in the Quad Vierling 38 mount as an anti-aircraft weapon. The lacquered steel cartridge case is percussion primes. The headstamp is P waffenampt WaA4g XV 38 33b . The projectile is a HE (High Explosive) iron driving banded projectile and is stamped above the driving band eej 24 44 (1944date) waffenampt781 I 10i 4 waffenampt 218 W . The alloy nose fuse is stamped AZ49 gld 44 (1944date) 290 waffenampt 600 . Both projectile and cartridge case have no cracks. No licence is required to possess these inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery.Price includes UK delivery. O 1161

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW2 1944 Dated German 13 mm MG131/13 (20x82) (APT) Armour Piercing Trace Cannon Round. - O 1150
DEACTIVATED INERT. This a WW2 1944 date German 13mm MG131/13 (20x82) APT, (armour piercing trace) aircraft cannon round fitted to various German aircraft during WW2, including the Me109, FW190,various night fighters and bomber aircraft. The lacquered steel cartridge case is electric primed and retains all of its copper washed original finish. . The headstamp is wg (Hasag, Hugo Schneider AG, Altenburg plant) 2624 44 (1944 date) . The projectile is a cintered iron driving banded armour piercing trace which is stamped nhr (Rheinmetall-Borsig AG, Soemmerda plant) 237/44 and retains some of its original black finish together with some of the red trace band above the driving band. Both projectile and cartridge case have no cracks in the necks. Price includes UK delivery. O 1150

DEACTIVATED INERT Unfired Near Mint German WW2 (1943 Dated) German 20 mm Flak 38 Soluthern (20x138B) HET (High Explosive Trace) Round With Original Cardboard Transit Tube. Sn O 1148 - O 1148
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an unfired near mint WW2 (1943 dated) German 20mm Flak 38 HET (High Explosive Trace) round for the Soluthern 20mm Flak 38 anti-aircraft gun . This gun was used singularly or in the Quad Vierling 38 mount as a anti-aircraft weapon. The lacquered steel cartridge case is percussion primed and retains most of the original lacquer. The headstamp is va (Kabel- u. Metallwerke Neumeyer AG, Nuernberg) star 43 (1943 date) 71o waffenampt 836 .The HET (high explosive trace) projectile has a iron driving band and retains most of its original finish. It is stencilled in red above the driving band eey (Metallwarenfabrik Treuenbrietzen GmbH, Roederhof plant) 46c 42W Waffenampt ??? over Br 120g . There is a red 5mm tracer band above the driving band. The projectile is stamped above the driving band bk (Metall-, Walz- u- Plattierwerke Hindrichs Auffermann AG, Wupperta) l z41 42 waffenampt 411 W . The alloy AZ49 nose fuse is stamped AZ49 arl (Bergmann Elektrizitaetswerke AG, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh) 43 (1943 date) 65 Wa1244 . Both projectile and cartridge case have no cracks. This round is complete with its near mint original cardboard transit tube. No licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. Sn O 1148

DEACTIVATED INERT. WW2, 1943 Dated Unfired Italian 20mm Breda 35 and Scotti gun (20x138B) High Explosive Round. O 1147 - O 1147
DEACTIVATED INERT. This a WW2, 1943 dated unfired Italian 20mm high explosive round for the Breda and Scotti guns ground automatic guns. This high explosive round is fitted with an alloy nose fuse stamped BPD26 (Bombrini Parodi Delfino, Rome, Italy) . The steel projectile is fitted with a copper driving band and has the remains of a white painted band mid-way along the projectile. The lacquered steel case retains most of its original lacquer and has the following headstamp BPD (Bombrini Parodi Delfino, Rome, Italy) 2-43 28 g . The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess these inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1147

DEACTIVATED INERT. Scarce Unfired WW2 Japanese Navy Type 96 (25 x 163) High Explosive Anti-Aircraft Gun Round. S. O 1113 - O 1113
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a scarce unfired WW2 Japanese Type 96 (25 x 163) high explosive anti-aircraft gun round and was the standard Japanese medium anti-aircraft gun used in the Japanese navy and army in the conflict. The gun was a French Hotchkiss design adopted by the Japanese and used in single, twin and triple mounts with a 15 round box magazine. This round has a brass cartridge and the headstamp consists of two Japanese characters and an anchor together with S 9/17 . The brass percussion primer has a Japanese character and an anchor. The brass driving banded steel projectile is fitted with a brass impact nose fuse. No licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. Sn O 1113

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW2 1945 Dated German 30 mm MK108 (30x90RB) Tar Filled Practice (M geschloss) Aircraft Cannon Round. Sn O 1089 - O 1089
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a German WW2 1945 dated German 30mm MK 108 (30x90RB) Tar Filled Practice (M geschloss) aircraft cannon round fitted to various German aircraft during WW2, including the Me262, Me163, and the Me109. The steel cartridge case retains some of its original brown coloured lacquer and has an electric primer. The headstamp is eeo (Deutsche Waffen- u. Munitionsfabriken AG, Posen plant) 165 44(1944) . The steel practice Type B Minengeschoss (High Capacity) projectile has a copper driving band and retains part of its dull green finish and is stencilled in black ?k? ?/45 round the circumference. The nose is fitted with a silver painted steel plug resembling a AZ1504 fuse which was fitted to 20mm cannon ammunition. The cartridge case has no cracks to the necks. It is probable that this round is experimental, as these rounds have never been seen with a AZ 1504fuse. Price includes UK delivery. Sn O 1089

INERT DEACTIVATED French WW2, 1939 dated 25mm (25 x 163) Hotchkiss anti-aircraft gun ball round. Sn O 1069 - O 1069
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a scarce inert ball round for the French mitrailleuse de 25 mm CA mle 39 anti-aircraft gun developed in the 1930s and used in a ground role and on French warships. It was introduced in1938 in small quantities, totalling approximately 200 guns in service at the outbreak of the German invasion of France in 1940. This round consist of a copper sheathed projectile crimped in the brass cartridge case and is headstamped SF (Société Française des Munitions de Issy-les-Moulineaux (French Society for Munitions) France) over H 4 39 (December 1939) I . The brass primer is stamped EB 211 39 (1939) . No licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery. Sn O 1069
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