DEACTIVATED INERT WW2 (1942 dated) German 15 mm MK151/15 (15x96) HEIT (High Explosive Incendiary Trace) Cannon Round O 1466 - O 1466 DEACTIVATED INERT Thisa WW2 (1942 dated) German 15mm MK 151/15 (15x96) HEIT (high explosive incendiary trace aircraft cannon round fitted to various German aircraft during WW2, including the Me109, FW190, various night fighters and bomber aircraft. The lacquered steel cartridge case is percussion primed and retains much original finish. The headstamp is OXO (Teuto-Metallwerke GmbH, Osnabrueck) 42(1942) XI 5C waffenampt. The copper driving banded high explosive projectile is stamped eeu (unknown code) 2f 1941 (1941 date) waffenampt 70 . The projectile retains much of its original yellow finish, green incendiary nose band and red tracer band. The lacquered steel nose fuse is stamped AZ1552 wa (Hasag, Hugo Schneider AG, Abteilung Lampenfabrik, Leipzig) 8 42 (1942 date) waffenampt 64. Both projectile and cartridge case have no cracks in the necks. No licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery. O 1466 £145.00