DEACTIVATED INERT. Rare, Imperial Russian, Unfired, 1905 Dated, Naval Hotchkiss 3 Pounder, (47x376R) High Explosive Common Pointed Round. - O 1799 DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a rare unfired 1905 dated, Imperial Russian 3 Pounder Hotchkiss, (47x376R) common pointed high explosive round used in the 3 Pounder Hotchkiss gun and first introduced in Russian naval service in 1884 as a 5 barrelled, hand cranked gun to arm warships. In 1901, a single barrelled gun was introduced into the Russian navy using the same round. The single barrelled gun became standard equipment in the Russian Navy until 1905. In that year, combat during the Russo-Japanese War proved these weapons to be ineffective and they were quickly removed from most of the larger ships. The brass cartridge case is head stamped 1905r (1905 date) No 3 0,311-2 HB over a naval anchor and a monogram 3b within a shield at the top. The cartridge case has a small brass percussion primer. The common pointed high explosive base fused projectile has the typical grooved brass driving band and is stamped below the driving band OE 900-902SA and anchor and K1. The base is screwed for a percussion impact fuse. The price of this rare round includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. O 1799 £475.00