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ARTILLERY Ammunition 37 mm +

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DEACTIVATED INERT. Rare, Imperial Russian, Unfired, 1905 Dated, Naval Hotchkiss 3 Pounder, (47x376R) High Explosive Common Pointed Round. - O 1799
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a rare unfired 1905 dated, Imperial Russian 3 Pounder Hotchkiss, (47x376R) common pointed high explosive round used in the 3 Pounder Hotchkiss gun and first introduced in Russian naval service in 1884 as a 5 barrelled, hand cranked gun to arm warships. In 1901, a single barrelled gun was introduced into the Russian navy using the same round. The single barrelled gun became standard equipment in the Russian Navy until 1905. In that year, combat during the Russo-Japanese War proved these weapons to be ineffective and they were quickly removed from most of the larger ships. The brass cartridge case is head stamped 1905r (1905 date) No 3 0,311-2 HB over a naval anchor and a monogram 3b within a shield at the top. The cartridge case has a small brass percussion primer. The common pointed high explosive base fused projectile has the typical grooved brass driving band and is stamped below the driving band OE 900-902SA and anchor and K1. The base is screwed for a percussion impact fuse. The price of this rare round includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. O 1799

INERT DEACTIVATED. Russian, T34/85 Tank, British Army Instructional, Unfired, Three Quarter Sectioned 85mm Tank Gun (85x629R) HE (High Explosive) Round With Detail Of Fillings. - O 1794
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a British Army instructional round of a Russian T34/85 unfired Three Quarter Sectioned 85mm Tank Gun (85x629R) HE (High Explosive) round for the T34/85 tank introduced in 1944. This gun was an improvement over the previous 76.2mm gun original fitted to the T34 tank and this gun was fitted from 1944 onwards. The wooden projectile has a quarter section taken out of it to reveal the inside of a high explosive projectile with fuse and the cordite filing. The brass cartridge case has a quarter section cut out revealing an inner wooden representation of the propellant. The wooden projectile has two driving bands and the inner quarter section has a printed and coloured projectile, explosive filling and fuse. The cartridge case is stencilled in black NK 85 TK 44 85 K 52 85 PLK 39. D tp 4,7x1,35/490-7,5 13/52 A 1/52+Sn pb 1-52- . The cartridge case is headstamped 40A 138 over 51 and some Russian inspection stamps together with a quarter sectioned steel primer. All propellants, fuse and explosives have been replaced with inert substances. No licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display Price includes UK delivery. O 1794

INERT DEACTIVATED. American 105MM Howitzer (105x371R) Instructional, High Explosive (H.E) Round Including Inert Incremental Charge bags, M577 Percussion Nose Fuse & Transit Case. - O 1787
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired and complete American 105MM Howitzer (105x371R) Instructional high explosive round for the American 105mm light towed field gun complete with its inert charge bags and transit case. This gun was introduced in service with the British Army in 1975 and replaced the 105 mm pack howitzer. This unfired round consists of a brass cartridge case which is headstamped 105MM M14HXP 88 HXP 49 . The cartridge case is also stencilled on the base AMM LOT HXP -202-12-88 CARTRIDGE M1 HOW M2 A1 M2 A2 M103 M137 DUALGRAN. The steel projectile has a copper driving band and retains its original olive green painted finish. The projectile is stamped above the driving band - 15 - 60 HFYD LUY – 3 – 62. The projectile is fitted with a green alloy anodised M577 nose fuse and is stamped SQ and DELAY on the delay switch. The round is complete with 8 inert incremental charge bags and is contained in its original wooden transit case with its quickly detachable lid. No licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. (34) O 1787

SOLD SOLD (17/03) INERT. British, 40mm Bofors QF 40 mm Naval Mark I Brass & Steel Weighted Drill Round (40 x 311R) for the Bofors L/60 Anti-Aircraft Gun. - O 1781
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a scarce British Naval mark 1 brass and steel weighted drill round for the 40mm British Bofors QF 40 mm Mark I gun (40 x 311R). The gun was developed by AB Bofors of Sweden and the 40mm version was adopted by the British just prior to the start of WW2. This is an early British made drill round for the British Bofors gun. The round is made out of a turned brass body with a steel nose and base attached and riveted through to secure them. This round replaced the wood and brass mark 1 round which was not found to be durable in service due to the harsh action of the Bofors gun. The round is weighted internally to resemble the complete round. This profile enabled the round to be fed into the action when gun drill was carried out. This drill round is headstamped 40 M/M N1 (Naval mark 1) DRILL a crowfoot DIFCO 1953 (1953 date). The steel base has a black hard rubber insert to protect the firing pin during practice. The Bofors gun had a harsh action and the ammunition had to be made accordingly. This The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1781

INERT DEACTIVATED. German WW2, 1937 Dated 3.7cm PAK 36 (37x250) APHE (Armour Piercing High Explosive/Trace) Round With Rare Two Piece Brass And Steel Composite Cartridge Case. Sn - 20079
INERT DEACTIVATED. German WW2, 1937 Dated 3.7cm PAK 36 (37x250) APHE (Armour Piercing High Explosive/ Trace) round with the rare early two piece brass and steel cartridge case. The brass and steel cartridge case consists of a brass body and a steel base which is headstamped P130 22 37 (1937 date) 6331-1/67 waffenampt 297. The base of the cartridge also has 4 equally spaced 4mm diameter holes. The steel base has a screw in C/13nA percussion primer which is stamped C/13nA 27/38 RHS 422. The fired projectile is screwed for a percussion primer and has a copper driving band. The base of the projectile is stamped 803 I DL G near the circumference. See page 189 to 192, Hogg, German Artillery of World War Two. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 20079

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired German WW2, 1937 Dated 3.7cm PAK 36 (37x250) APHE (Armour Piercing High Explosive/Trace) Round With Rare Two Piece Brass And Steel Composite Cartridge Case. Sn - 20078
INERT DEACTIVATED. German WW2, 1937 Dated 3.7cm PAK 36 (37x250) APHE (Armour Piercing High Explosive/ Trace) round with the rare early two piece brass and steel cartridge case. The brass and steel cartridge case consists of a brass body and a steel base which is headstamped P90 43 1937 (1937 date) 633-1/67 waffenampt 244. The base of the cartridge also has 4 equally spaced 4mm diameter holes. The steel base is screwed for a C/23 percussion primer. The cartridge case retains some of the original loading stencilling data on the side 179g 18602.2 Bd .38/1 C 89 R. The unfired projectile has a copper driving band retains most of its original black painted finish and is stencilled in red round its circumference 23 374 Dbo. 7.38 (July 1938 date) waffenampt. There are 3 waffenampts and a large letter A stamped into the copper driving band. See page 189 to 192, Hogg, German Artillery of World War Two. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 20078

INERT. British 1986 Dated 76mm ARMDC (76.2x230R) L23A1, HE (High Explosive) Weighted DRILL Round For The Scorpion light Tank and Saladin Armoured Car. - O 1779
INERT. This is an original British 1986 dated 76mm ARMDC (76.2x230R) L23 A1 HE (High Explosive) weighted DRILL round for the British 76mm ARMDC gun fitted to the Saladin 6 wheeled armoured car that replaced the AEC armoured car in 1958 and the later Scorpion Tank introduced in 1973. The 76mm gun used in these vehicles is the Royal Ordnance Factories L23A1 low velocity gun that fired HE (high explosive), HESH (High Explosive Squash Head) an anti-armour projectile, Smoke and a Canister (a projectile filled with shot pellets used for anti-personal use) rounds. This drill round will have originally been made for the Saladin armoured car and resembles the high explosive round including its weight and consists of a steel base with an alloy mid body, a steel upper part and a SX 134A brass nose fuse plug. The round is headstamped 76MM ARMD C RLB (Royal Laboratories) 1986 (1986 manufacture date) DRILL and has a black rubber firing pin protector fitted. The alloy lower part of the round is engraved DRILL while the upper part retains its original white stencil DRILL. The brass nose plug representing the nose fuse is stamped SX 134A PLUG BN (R.O.F. Blackburn) 10/70 (October 1970 manufacture date). This drill round is in an excellent condition and is free from any dents. Price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1779

INERT. British 1960 Dated 76mm ARMDC (76.2x230R) L23A1, HE (High Explosive) Weighted DRILL Round For The Scorpion light Tank and Saladin Armoured Car. - O 1776
INERT. This is an original British 1960 dated 76mm ARMDC (76.2x230R) L23 A1 HE (High Explosive) weighted DRILL round for the British 76mm ARMDC gun fitted to the Saladin 6 wheeled armoured car that replaced the AEC armoured car in 1958 and the later Scorpion Tank introduced in 1973. The 76mm gun used in these vehicles is the Royal Ordnance Factories L23A1 low velocity gun that fired HE (high explosive), HESH (High Explosive Squash Head) an anti-armour projectile, Smoke and a Canister (a projectile filled with shot pellets used for anti-personal use) rounds. This drill round will have originally been made for the Saladin armoured car and resembles the high explosive round including its weight and consists of a steel base with an alloy mid body, a steel upper part and a SX 134A brass nose fuse plug. The round is headstamped 76MM ARMD C RL (Royal Laboratories) 1960 (1960 manufacture date) and has a black rubber firing pin protector fitted. The alloy lower part of the round is engraved DRILL. The brass nose plug representing the nose fuse is stamped SX 134A PLUG BN (R.O.F. Blackburn) 11/76 (November 1976 manufacture date). This drill round is in an excellent condition and is free from any dents. Price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1776

INERT DEACTIVATED 1943 Dated Unfired German WW2 5cm Patr 39 Armour Piercing Caped, High Explosive Tracer (APC/HET) Round For The Pak 38 (PanzerAbwehrKanone 38) Anti-Tank Gun and the KwK39, and the L/60 gun, the main armament of the Panzer lll tank. Sn - 19999
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a nice 1943 dated unfired German WW2 5cm) (50 x 420R) Patr 39 Armour Piercing Caped, High Explosive Tracer (APC/HE/T) round for the KwK38 (Kampfwagenkanone) gun, the main armament of the Panzer lll tank and the Pak 38 (PanzerAbwehrKanone) anti-gun. The copper washed steel cartridge case retains much of its original black copper finish and has two crimping rings. The cartridge case is nicely headstamped 6360St 5cm Pak va (Kabel- u. Metallwerke Neumeyer AG, Nurnberg) amp 288 43 (1943 date) Waffenampt. The unfired projectile is the Patr 39 armour piercing caped, high explosive, tracer (APC/HE/T). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 19999

INERT. WW2 British 1942 Dated 6pr7cwt (57x441R) Tank and Anti-Tank Gun Wood And Brass Drill Round. Sn - 19985
INERT. This is a rare brass and wood drill round for the British 6pr 7cwt tank gun and the towed anti-tank gun. The anti-tank gun was first introduced on November 1941. Later the gun was fitted to the Churchill III & IV, Valentine IX, Crusader III tanks and the AEC armoured car Mk III. This drill round has a brass collar at the shoulder of the round which is held on by 4 brass screws. The nose of the round has a pointed brass profile representing an armour piercing round. The base of the round is headstamped 6pr7cwt mark I LOT (crossed out) C.P. a crowfoot over TT and a triangular makers monogram. The rim on the base of the round has straight knurling round its circumference. The base of the cartridge case has a brass screw in primer is fitted with a rubber firing pin protector which has solidified with age. No licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. See British and American Artillery of World War 2 by Ian V. Hogg, pages 75 to 78. No licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. Sn. 19985
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