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ARTILLERY Ammunition 37 mm +

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INERT DEACTIVATED. German WW2, 1939 Dated 3.7cm PAK 36 (37x250) APHE (Armour Piercing High Explosive/Trace) Round. Sn - 20487
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a German WW2, 1939 Dated 3.7cm PAK 36 (37x250) APHE (Armour Piercing High Explosive/ Trace). The brass cartridge case is headstamped P 120 G 8331 (the code for the 3.7cm Pak cartridge case). 1937 (1937 date) 6331/67 waffenampt 400. The cartridge case has a steel screw in percussion primer and retains much of its original black stencilling. The unfired projectile retains much if its original black painted finish and is stencilled in red with the letter 52 Cwg (Westfaelisch-Anhaltische Sprengstoff AG, Coswig plant) 1.39 (January 1939 date) and above this 89 RX. . The base of the projectile is screwed for a percussion primer and has a copper driving band. The copper driving band is stamped round its circumference 33 FFEB WaA231 and WaA231. The base of the projectile is stamped 70D.L. 414 1938c. See pages 189 to 192, Hogg, German Artillery of World War Two. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 20487

INERT DEACTIVATED. German WW2, 1937 Dated 3.7cm PAK 36 (37x250) APHE (Armour Piercing High Explosive/Trace) Round With Rare Two Piece Brass And Steel Composite Cartridge Case. Sn - 20486
INERT DEACTIVATED. German WW2, 1937 Dated 3.7cm PAK 36 (37x250) APHE (Armour Piercing High Explosive/ Trace) round with the rare early two piece brass and steel cartridge case. The brass and steel cartridge case consists of a brass body and a steel base which is headstamped P 1937 (1937 date) 6331/67 waffenampt 400. The base of the cartridge also has 4 equally spaced 4mm diameter holes. The steel base has a screw in C/13nA percussion primer which is stamped C/13nA 145 RHS270/37. The unfired projectile retains some if its original black painted finish and is stencilled in red with the letter C. The base of the projectile is screwed for a percussion primer and has a copper driving band. The copper driving band is stamped round its circumference 33 Waa400 and Waa760. The base of the projectile is stamped 803 and various other stampings on its base. See pages 189 to 192, Hogg, German Artillery of World War Two. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 20486

DEACTIVATED INERT. French, WW1, 30/55 Model 1913 time fuse. - O 1880
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a French WW!, 30/55 Model 1913 time fuse that was used by the French artillery in WW1 with the 105, 120 and 155 mm guns for use with shrapnel shells. The fuse was adopted from the Model 1889 30/55 time / time and percussion fuse with the deletion of their percussion part which was not need for airburst shrapnel rounds. The fuse and adaptor stand approximately 5 ½ inches high and are undamaged. The fuse and adaptor were screwed to the top part of a shrapnel projectile and have been pushed off a shrapnel projectile by the ejection shrapnel balls. The fuse and adaptor are in an excellent undamaged condition with original markings and is probably a battlefield pickup from the First World War. The brass fuse is graduated from 1 to 49. The adaptor is nicely stamped and retains all of its undamaged screw threads where it screwed into the body of the projectile. The adaptor is stamped round its circumference JD. A.IN.96.11.K.890. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert fuses in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1880

INERT DEACTIVATED. German WW1, 1915 Dated 77mm (77x229R) Shrapnel Round. Sn - 20428
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an WW1, German, 1915 dated 77mm (77x229R) shrapnel round fitted with a DoppZ C/96 Sb alloy nose fuse. These shells were called 'whizz bang' in the trenches due to the made by shells fired from the German 77mm field guns, the 7.7 cm Feldkanone 96 nA (neuer Art) and the upgraded 7.7 cm Feldkanone 16 (FK16). The brass cartridge has 2 crimping grooves at the neck and is headstamped St160 PATRONFABRIK KARLSHULE Juni 1915 (June 1915 date) and a crown over Ke. The projectile has two crimping rings at the bottom and is fitted with an alloy and steel DoppZ C/96 Sb time which is graduated to 50. The projectile still has inside it the shrapnel ball pusher and the flame tube from the fuse that ignited the shrapnel powder charge in the base which expelled the balls. The price for this round includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 20428

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW1, 1917 Dated, Fired, British 13 Pounder 9 Cwt (75x294R) Anti-Aircraft Gun Shrapnel Round Fitted With A No. 80 Mk VII Time And Percussion Fuse. - O 1867
INERT DEACTIVATED. The 18 pounder field gun was the standard field artillery gun during WW1. The 13 pounder horse drawn field gun was successfully adapted to an anti-aircraft gun in 1914 and 1915. Trials were soon undertaken with the 18 pounder field gun to improve on the performance of the 13 pounder guns then in service. It was found that by re-lining the 18 pounder gun barrel to 3 inches using 13 pounder projectiles, the velocity was much improved with the smaller projectile. The gun proved highly successful in the anti-aircraft role throughout the First World War. These guns were usually mounted on the back of lorries, the Thornycroft Type J being common. The gun was also fitted to a 2 wheeled high angled carriage and a thus could also be used also as a field gun or howitzer. This is a British 13 pounder 7 Cwt shrapnel round, with a fired projectile and fuse. The cartridge case is headstamped 13Pr 7Cwt I CF (Cordite Full Charge) RL (Royal Laboratories) 1917 (1917 date) BB7 and a crowfoot. The projectile is fitted with an undamaged brass number 80 mark VII time and percussion fuse which is stamped underneath 80 VII 1131 and 7/17 (July 1917 date). See Hogg British Artillery Weapons and Ammunition 1914 – 1914, pages 64 – 69. The price includes U.K. delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. O 1867

INERT. WW2 British 2pr (40x304) Tank And Anti-Tank Weighted Brass Drill Round. - O 1858
INERT. This is a British 2pr (40x304R) weighted brass drill round for the British 2pr anti-tank gun and the 2 pounder tank gun fitted to early WW2 British Valentine and Cruiser tanks. The anti-tank gun was also fitted on the back of a Morris or Chevrolet lorry which was called the Portee. During the war, the 2 pounder tank gun was used in the Littlejohn trials with the squeezebore 40mm to 30mm adapter fitted to the 2 pounder gun. Post war, the gun was fitted to the early Saladin armoured cars. The round consists of a solid brass body to the profile of the armour piercing round with a steel base for durability attached to the base and held on by a brass cross pin. the round bears no markings and the steel base has a small hole in the centre where a rubber firing pin protector would have been fitted. Solid brass drill rounds are uncommon for the 2 pounder guns because they were replaced early in their service with the wood and brass type due to wartime economies. See page 73 to 75, Hogg, British and American Artillery of World War Two. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1858

INERT DEACTIVATED. Rare Unfired Cockerell 90mm gun (90x352) Target Practice Trace HEAT-T (High Explosive Anti-Tank/Trace) (M620A1) (Fin Stabilised , Hollow Charge) Projectile for the Cockerell Mk3-MA1 90mm gun. - O 1857
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a rare unfired 90mm Cockerell (90x352) low pressure gun HEAT-T (High Explosive Anti-Tank/Trace) (Fin Stabilised) target practice tracer projectile for the Cockerell Mk3-MA1 90mm gun fitted to turrets of several armoured vehicles, including the Scorpion 90 and Indonesian Anoa 6x6 armoured car. The alloy projectile retains most of its original light blue paint and has two thin copper driving bands with a steel nose cone. The projectile is stamped 90 MM TP – T NR6479 A3 M J-01-16 90 above the driving band. The projectile has gold coloured anodised investment cast alloy stabilising fins attached to its base. Price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1857

INERT DEACTIVATED. 1944 Dated Unfired German WW2 5cm Patr 39 Armour Piercing Caped, High Explosive Tracer (APC/HET) Round For The Pak 38 (PanzerAbwehrKanone 38) Anti-Tank Gun and the KwK39, and the L/60 gun, the main armament of the Panzer lll tank. - O 1854
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a 1944 dated unfired German WW2 5cm) (50 x 420R) Patr 39 Armour Piercing Caped, High Explosive Tracer (APC/HE/T) round for the KwK38 (Kampfwagenkanone) gun, the main armament of the Panzer lll tank fitted with the L60 gun and the Pak 38 (PanzerAbwehrKanone) anti-gun. The brass washed steel cartridge case retains much of its original finish and has two crimping rings. The cartridge case is headstamped 5cm Pak awb 44 (1944 date). The unfired Patr 39 projectile armour piercing caped, high explosive, tracer (APC/HE/T) projectile is stamped on the base V ayl 426 14. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1854

Russian Unfired, 57mm (57x348SR) HET (High Explosive Tracer) Quarter Sectioned Round For The S-60 Anti-Aircraft Gun & ZSU-57-2 Anti-Aircraft Self Propelled Gun. - O 1853
The Russian S-60 anti-aircraft gun which started its development in 1945 and entered service in the early 1950s. The gun was also used in a two barrelled turret in the ZSU-57-2 tank a self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon against fast low flying ground attack aircraft from its introduction in 1957. The gun which is fed by a 4 round clip is still being used by the Ukrainian Army to provide indirect artillery support. This is a quarter sectioned high explosive tracer (HET) round which has been sectioned for instructional purpose showing the internals of the round including the inert propellant and high explosive filling. The brass cartridge case is headstamped 8 over 59 (August 1958) and 2 in an oval. The steel screw in percussion primer is stamped K-W-5U and 21 on an oval. The cartridge case is stencilled in black UOR 281U 57-5 60 SW 1/87-381 07-87-6 F . The steel projectile has a wide grooved copper driving band with a grey painted finish. The projectile is stencilled round its circumference in black A-IX-2 and OR-281U. The price of this round includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. O 1853

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW2 1942 Dated, Unfired American 37mm M16 (37 x 222R), HE (High Explosive) Base Fused Tank/ Anti-Tank Gun Round. - O 1852
INERT DEACTIVATED. The Americans developed the 37mm M3 gun during the late 1930s. The gun was finally approved an anti-tank gun in 1940 as the 37mm M1 anti-tank gun for use by the infantry. The gun was later used to arm the M5A1 Stuart as its main gun, the M3 Lee/Grant tank as a secondary armament and in the M8 greyhound 6 wheeled light armoured car. This is a WW2, 1942 dated unfired American 37mm M16 (37 x 222R), HE (High Explosive) base fused Tank/ Anti-Tank Gun round with its complete brass base fuse. The brass cartridge is headstamped 37MMM16 LOT79662 -3 * GL 1942 (1942 Date). The brass primer is stamped PA3 15535-63 M23A1 1942 (1942 date). The unfired high explosive projectile retains most of its original yellow paint and black stencilling. The projectile is stencilled is in black 37G SHELL M63. The copper driving band is stamped LOT-5211-12NS 37 MM. M63 1942 (1942 date) and an armoury mark. See Hogg, British and American Artillery of World War 2, pages 83 to84. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess these inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1852
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