INERT DEACTIVATED. WW1, 1917 Dated, Fired, British 13 Pounder 9 Cwt (75x294R) Anti-Aircraft Gun Shrapnel Round Fitted With A No. 80 Mk VII Time And Percussion Fuse. - O 1867 INERT DEACTIVATED. The 18 pounder field gun was the standard field artillery gun during WW1. The 13 pounder horse drawn field gun was successfully adapted to an anti-aircraft gun in 1914 and 1915. Trials were soon undertaken with the 18 pounder field gun to improve on the performance of the 13 pounder guns then in service. It was found that by re-lining the 18 pounder gun barrel to 3 inches using 13 pounder projectiles, the velocity was much improved with the smaller projectile. The gun proved highly successful in the anti-aircraft role throughout the First World War. These guns were usually mounted on the back of lorries, the Thornycroft Type J being common. The gun was also fitted to a 2 wheeled high angled carriage and a thus could also be used also as a field gun or howitzer. This is a British 13 pounder 7 Cwt shrapnel round, with a fired projectile and fuse. The cartridge case is headstamped 13Pr 7Cwt I CF (Cordite Full Charge) RL (Royal Laboratories) 1917 (1917 date) BB7 and a crowfoot. The projectile is fitted with an undamaged brass number 80 mark VII time and percussion fuse which is stamped underneath 80 VII 1131 and 7/17 (July 1917 date). See Hogg British Artillery Weapons and Ammunition 1914 – 1914, pages 64 – 69. The price includes U.K. delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. O 1867 £175.00