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ARTILLERY Ammunition 37 mm +

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DEACTIVATED INERT. RARE, WW2, 1941 Dated, German Unfired 10.5cm Flak (105 x 766R) High Explosive (HE) Round, For The 10.5cm Flak 38 & 39 Anti-aircraft Guns. - O 2089
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a Rare, German unfired WW2, 1941 dated German 10.5cm (105 x 766R) High Explosive (HE) round for the 10.5cm Flak 38 & 3 Anti-aircraft Guns. The gun was also used by the Kriegsmarine under the designation 10.5cm/65 DK C/33 and installed in the Bismark and other capital ships. Due to the weight of these guns, although mounted on a wheeled cruciform base, they were used in static locations due to their poor mobility. The projectile retains most of its original yellow painted finish and has two unfired copper (KPS) driving bands. And is stamped round the circumference 41 (1941 date) DEV over CSS 48 KPS (bimetallic driving band (50% copper). The projectile is fitted with a steel Zt.Z.S/30Fg1 nose time fuze which is stamped round its circumference Zt.Z.S/30Fg1 W ccw (Kuttroff, Gebr., Doubleketten- und Bijouteriefabrik, Pforzheim) 1944 (1944 date) Waa873. This round has a steel cartridge which is head stamped euk awt (Wuerttembergische Metallwarenfabrik AG, Geislingen (Steige)) O 42 (1942 date). See page 173 – 176, Hogg, German Artillery of World War Two. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2089

DEACTIVATED INERT. RARE, Unfired German, WW2, 1944 Dated, 7.5cm (75 x 640R) Pzgr 39 APCBC/HE (Armour Piercing Capped, Ballistic Cap / High Explosive Round For The Panther (Panzer V) and the Jagdpanzer IV, Sd.Kfz. 162 tank destroyer. - O 2087
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a rare, unfired, German WW2, 1944 dated, 7.5cm (75 x 640R) Pzgr 39 APCBC/HE (Armour Piercing Capped, Ballistic Cap / High Explosive round for the Panther (Panzer V) tanks KwK42 gun and Jagdpanzer IV, Sd.Kfz. 162 tank destroyer. The Panther was built later on in WW2 as a replacement for the Panzer III & IV. This round has a steel case and has a headstamp 30 44 (1944 date). The electric primer is stamped 578 . The unfired Pzgr 39 projectile has a single iron driving band and the base is screwed for a percussion base fuze. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2087

INERT DEACTIVATED. British, WW2, 1944 Dated 2Pr Mark VIII, H.V.Pom Pom (40 x 158R) Practice Round. - O 2084
INERT DEACTIVATED. The 2 pounder pom pom gun was introduced into the Royal Nayv in 1915 and was an enlarged version of the 1 pounder pom pom gun. The gun was introduced as a single barrelled automatic gun and later in World War 2, it was introduced in the high velocity mark VIII Eight barrelled gun. All of these guns used the same 40 x 158R cartridge case. This is an unfired British, 1944 dated 2 Pr Mark VIII HV (High Velocity) pom pom (40 x 158R) practice round. The projectile retains most of its original black painted finish with a yellow band near the nose denoting it as a practice round and a white N denoting for naval service. The high velocity projectile is stamped round its circumfere3nce VI / N 2Pr HV (High Velocity) P (Practice) T & S (the maker) 7/44 (July 1944 date) LOT 26. The brass cartridge case is head stamped 2Pr No II Mk II N (Naval) 1942 RLB (Royal Laboratories) Lot 1861. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess his inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2084

INERT DEACTIVATED. Rare, British RNAS, WW1, 1915 Dated Quarter Sectioned thin cased 65Lb RL (Royal Laboratories) Aerial Bomb. Sn 16693. - 16693
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a very rare British RNAS WW1, 1915 dated quarter sectioned thin cased 65Lb RL (Royal Laboratories) aerial bomb and was one of the first aerial bombs used by the British, especially by the RNAS. The bomb was recovered from the R.N.A.S (Royal Naval Air Service) Station at Meadway on the Isle of Grain which was a First World War Royal Navy Air Service (RNAS) seaplane base and Marine Experimental Aircraft Depot once existed on the Isle of Grain. The seaplane base, commissioned in 1913, was one of the earliest naval air-stations. The Experimental Armament Section was established in late 1915 together with a Seaplane Test Flight and an Experimental Construction Section which together became the Marine Experimental Aircraft Depot. The bomb was quarter sectioned and the fins restored, including painting the bomb in the correct colours. The bomb is stamped on the top N RL.65LB. 10/15 (Naval) (Royal Laboratories) (65 pound). (October 1915 date). The bomb has the correct brass No 1 nose fuse complete with the arming vane which is stamped NoI I 12/16 (December 1916 date) GK 25 and a crowfoot. The bomb is also fitted with a rear arming vane which is stamped RL 2-17. The brass filling plug is fitted below the nose fuse. The bomb has the correct bomb shackle fitted. The interior of the bomb has sectioned brass gains for both fuses and a dummy filling. The bomb is made of light/mild steel sheet, filled with 37 lb Amatol. The length is 29.75 inches without the fuse and the diameter is 9 inches. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess it in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 16693.

INERT DEACTIVATED. Rare German Unfired WW2, 1944 Dated 15.2cm high explosive projectile and wooden transit container specially manufactured by the Germans in WW2 to use in the Russian made 152-mm (6 inch) M1938 (M-10) howitzer. - O 1233
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a rare unfired German WW2 15.2cm high explosive projectile specially manufactured by the Germans in WW2 to use in the Russian made 152-mm (6 inch) M1938 (M-10) howitzer. These guns were made between 1939 and 1941 by the Russians and when captured by the Wehrmacht were given the designation 15,2 cm FH 443(r). The (r) means a captured Russian weapon. The projectile comes in its original wooden transit container and retains virtually all of its original paint and stenciling. The iron driving banded projectiles are painted green with a red band painted round the middle and are stenciled above the driving band and on the base IV. The projectile is stenciled in white A5532 152akr rj60/60-NP/23 ghs 0.15-1-50-60 AseV4 210460TM . The projectile is stamped on the reverse 00 761 13A ?? 7 44 (July 1944) . The projectile is fitted with a AZ23 percussion fuse and is stamped AZ23 orz43 and has a delay slot. The wooden transit container is stenciled in black Gesch.Kast. 152 Sprgr(r) and Herresmunitions. There is some remains of a original paper label affixed to the container. No licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Due to the weight of this item, delivery is by arrangement within the UK and at cost. O 1233

INERT DEACTIVATED. German, rare, 3.7cm Stielgranate 41 Hollow Charge, High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) For German 3.7cm Pak 36 Anti-Tank Gun. - O 1665
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a rareGerman WW2 Stielgranate 41 hollow charged fin stabilised projectile for the Pak 36 anti-tank gun used by the German army from the start of WW2. It was soon discovered that the gun did not have the penetration power to defeat later tanks and to enhance its penetrating power a Hollow Charged High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) projectile was developed that used a blank cartridge to launch it. The large projectile, 75cm in length was loaded at the muzzle and guided in the guns bore by a spigot attached to the fin assembly. Its penetrative power was great although a short range and low speed of the projectile limited its use. The projectile has an unfired AZ5075 alloy nose fuse, that was derived from the rifle grenade and is a direct action type armed by setback on firing. The fuse is stamped round its circumference eef (Heine u. Sohn, Voehrenbach) 42 (1942 date) 58 and waffenampt 54. The projectile has retains approximately much of its original green painted finish and is stamped round its circumference 95 Ge 9 42 (September 1942 date). The fin assembly retains approximately three quarters if its original green painted finish. A photograph shows a Pak36 with the projectile loaded, (See Hogg, German Artillery of WW2 pages 189 to 192). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1665

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired, British, L50A1 DRILL Carl Gustaf 84mm Anti-Tank Round. - O 2075
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired British 84mm Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle L50A1 DRILL round which was named after Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori who initially produced the rifle. The weapon is a shoulder-fired recoilless rifle, initially developed by the Royal Swedish Army Materiel Administration during the second half of the 1940s as a close-range anti-tank and support weapon for infantry. The rifle is a lightweight, low-cost weapon that uses a wide range of ammunition, which makes it extremely flexible and suitable for a wide variety of roles. Development of the initial model started from 1946 as one of the many recoilless rifle designs of that era and was in service from 1948. The weapon was in service with the British Army from 1962 and is still used in updated versions. This is a Drill L50A1 84mm Carl Gustaf round commonly called the Charlie G in the British Army and consists of an alloy cartridge case and a steel topped alloy projectile crimped into the cartridge case. The black anodised cartridge case has a solid brass base is held on by a steel crew and is stamped REFURBISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH EMER ARMT F327 MISC INS No10. The cartridge case is stencilled on the side 84mm INF DRILL ATK L42A1. The dark blue body of the projectile is stencilled in white round its circumference 84MM INF DRILL . The nose on the projectile is anodised in a dark brown colour. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2075

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired, British, WW2, 1941 Dated, 2pr (40x304) APT (Armour Piercing Trace) Tank And Anti-Tank Round. - O 2049
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired British 2pr (40x304R) APT (Armour Piercing Trace) round for the British 2pr anti-tank gun and the 2 pounder tank gun fitted to early WW2 British Valentine and Cruiser tanks. The anti-tank gun was also fitted on the back of a Morris or Chevrolet lorry and called a Portee. During the war, the 2 pounder tank gun was used in the Littlejohn trials with the squeezebore 40mm to 30mm adapter fitted to the 2 pounder gun. Post war, the gun was fitted to the early Saladin armoured cars. The brass cartridge case is headstamped 2PR No2 I (mark i) RLB (Royal Laboratories) 1941 (manufacture date) LOT 1203 CF (Cordite Full Charge) and a crowfoot. The cartridge case is fitted with a brass screw in number 12 primer which is stamped No12 G/N 423 12/41 (December 1941 date) and a crowfoot . The armour piercing projectile has a hole in the base for the tracer element. See page 73 to 75, Hogg, British and American Artillery of World War Two. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2049

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW2 Kriegsmarine 105mm Illumination Round For The 105mm (105x658R) SK C/32 Naval Gun. - O 2040
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a unfired German Illumination round for the 105mm (105x658R) SK C/32 Naval Gun fitted to type 1 IX and X type U-boats, various minesweepers and capital ships in the German Navy. This round was recovered from storage in Finland. The slightly waisted projectile has 2 iron driving bands and is painted dark green with a black painted 50mm high band under the nose fuze. The projectile is stamped on its side under the nose fuze 5499 over D over an inspection mark. The alloy nose ZZS/60 fuze is stamped round the circumference ZZS/60 hhi 23/ 1941 (1941 date) a marine waffenampt 256 and a nazi inspection mark. The price for this round includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 2040

DEACTIVATED INERT. Unfired WW 1, 1916 Dated, British Naval 3 Pounder (47x376R) Hotchkiss High Explosive Common Pointed Round. 17562 - 17562
DEACTIVATED INERT. This are an unfired WW 1 British 3 Pounder Hotchkiss common pointed high explosive round used in the British 3 Pounder Nordenfelt gun and first introduced in Royal Navy service in 1886 to defend their vessels against fast torpedo boats. The cartridge case is head stamped 3Pr III LOT42 a crowfoot and N (Naval service) CF (Cordite Full charge) 183 B 9 9 16 (1916 manufacture date). The brass screw in No 2 primer is stamped No2. 6/16 (June 1916) V.S.M. M (Vickers Son and Maxim). The common pointed high explosive base fused projectile is stamped above the driving band III V.S.M. (Vickers Son and Maxim). No licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Sn 17562
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