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ARTILLERY Ammunition 37 mm +

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INERT Unfired WW2 1941 British Vickers Naval 2Pr Mk II (High Velocity) (40 x 158R) High Explosive Practice Tracer Round for the Pom Pom Mark Mk II Gun. Sn. 11061:44 - 11061:44
This is an unfired British Vickers Naval 2Pr Mk II (High Velocity) (40 x 158R) high explosive practice tracer anti-aircraft round for the Vickers 2pr Pom Pom Mark ll anti-aircraft gun fitted to British naval ships during WW2. This gun was a single barrelled gun or the 8 barrelled mount nicknamed the ‘Chicago Piano’. This brass cartridge case is stamped 2Pdr No1 Mkll B in a diamond F naval crowfoot N over 194 crowfoot Lot 79 . The primer is stamped No5 1A KN 9/21 72 w. 1/36 . The steel copper driving banded projectile is stamped 2Pr HV. Over 1T/N over B S over BTHCo over 4/41 over 1 4 3 . The alloy No 143 fuse is stamped PLUG over No243 B&S over 1941 . Price includes UK delivery. Sn. 11061:44

INERT Near Mint Unfired British Naval Dummy Round (40 x 311R) for the 40mm Bofors QF 40 mm Mark 4 Gun. Sn. 11243 - 11061:34
This is an INERT near mint unfired dummy round (40 x 311R). for the British naval 40mm Bofors QF 40 mm Mark 4 gun (40 x 311R). The brass cartridge case is stencilled in black REPRESENTATIVE along its length and is headstamped 40MM MK4 RLB 1952 LOT 647 over N . The drill high explosive projectile retains most of its original blue paint and is stencilled in white REP . The projectile is fitted with a dummy No 251 Mk 111 fuse. The round has a blackened inert primer stamped No12 lll N HBA45. Price includes UK delivery. Sn. 11243

INERT Unfired Mint Oerlikon 35mm KDF (35 x 228) APDS (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot) Round. Sn 11061:8 - 11061:8
This is an INERT, unfired, virtually mint Oerlikon 35mm KDF (35 x 228) APDS (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot) Round round used mainly in a twin mounting controlled by the Skyguard radar controlled anti-aircraft system. This round has a white APDS projectile which has a white nylon sabot with three vertical slits in it. The projectile is alloy under the sabot and has a flat alloy tipped steel nose on top of it. The projectile is double crimped into a steel green finished case. The headstamp is 35x228 DM1001 over LOS DM-5-10-X. Price includes UK delivery. Sn 11061:8

INERT WW 1916 Unfired British Vickers Naval 2Pr (40 x 158R) Pom Pom High Explosive Time Fused Round. Sn. 10561:1 - 10561:1
This is an unfired crimped British Vickers Naval 2Pr (40 x 158R)Pom Pom high explosive time fused anti-aircraft round for the Vickers 2pr anti-aircraft gun fitted to British naval ships during WW1. The brass cartridge case is stamped 2Pdr 1 crowfoot over N ove rII 9/16 CF . The number 5 1 primer is dated 1/16 with the makers Kings Norton stamp. . The steel copper driving banded projectile is stamped III 2Pr F.S. V LTD C 5-16 together with various other stamps. The brass No 121 time fuse is stamped 121 II 7/16 V.S.M and is graduated up to 10. See Hogg, British Artillery Weapons and Ammunition 1914 – 1918. Price includes UK delivery. Sn. 10561:1

**UNAVAILABLE**UNAVAILABLE**INERT Unfired German WW2 3.7cm PAK 36 Round With An Unfired Armour Piercing Projectile . Sn O 946 - O 946
This is an INERT German WW2 3.7cm PAK 36 round, with lacquered steel case. The steel case retains much of its lacquer. It head stamp is, 6331St over 3,7cmPak over 10 P 105 VIII 16 1939 Waffenampt 244 .The primer is stamped 106/38Rhs425 C/13nA 162/37 .The iron driving banded steel projectile is an unfired armour piercing projectile. It retains approximately 80% of the original black finish. The driving band is stamped C wafffenampt352 a Price includes UK delivery. Sn O 946 £145

INERT Unfired German WW 1Gruson Ballooon Gun (53x176R) Round. Sn O 921 - O 921
This is a rare unfired German WW 1Gruson Balloon gun (53x176R), (also called a fortress gun) round. The brass case is stamped PATRONENFABRIK KARLSRUHE MAI 1915 with a 6 . The copper driving banded steel projectile is base stamped KT Sp 110 Sp 110. The brass nose fuse dissembles into 4 components. Price includes UK delivery. Sn O 921

**UNAVAILABLE**UNAVAILABLE**INERT German Unfired pre WW2 3.7cm PAK 36 Round With An Unfired Armour Piercing High Explosive Projectile. Sn O 935 - O 935
This is an INERT German pre WW2 3.7cm PAK 36 round, brass cased with the following head stamp, 3.7 cm Pak 6331 and a 6 pointed star Waa270 P131 1936 1. The primer is stamped Rhs 2/0/38C C/32nA 433G .The unfired armour piercing high explosive steel projectile with a single copper driving band is stamped Waa2 3015 and has traces of red paint round the circumference. The case has the correct single crimp ring to the neck. Price includes UK delivery Sn O 935

**SOLD**6/12**1940 7.5 x 54mm French MAS Rifle original Service Pack of 15 x INERT Rounds - NOW 0 x available ( O 739) - O 739
This is a rare original pack of 15 x INERT 1940 dated French 7.5 x 54 mm rifle rounds in their original packaging. Manufactured just prior to the fall of France these rounds were used in the French MAS 36 service rifle. The headstamp is ' LM 1 40' which indicates these were the 1st lot ( probably the last) of 1940 and made by ' Cartoucherie Mans' War dated rounds are hard to find and original packaging even harder. The price includes UK delivery. ( O 739)

**** OUT OF STOCK **** .577 Snider Rifle Rounds.( 0 x available) ( O 738) - O 738
These are inert black powder brass cased rifle rounds for the Snider .577 & 577 x 450 Martini Henry Rifles . In excellent condition they would sit alongside an obsolete calibre weapon. Please note that these are completely inert and we do not sell live rounds. The price is per round including UK delivery. (O 738) -

(Temporarily Unavailable) WW2 dated (1942/43/44), American 37mm, M16 H.E. Anti Tank/ Tank Gun Round. O 708 - O 708
These original WW2 dated ( 1942/43/44) American 37mm M16 Base Fused H.E. Anti tank/ Tank Gun rounds still bear original yellow paint and are brass cased. The headstamp, illustrated, bears the Manufacturer's mark SERVEL and that of the Frank Ford Arsenal. All of the rounds are in good unfired condition. The rounds have wide driving bands and the item illustrated has the driving band marking Lot 0311 2, GLSC 37mm M63 1942. Although all are good quality the rounds vary slightly in condition and the best condition rounds will be sent out first. Contact for best available. NB No licence is required to possess these inert rounds if retained as a part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. (O 708)
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