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ARTILLERY Ammunition 37 mm +

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SOLD SOLD (LAY-AWAY 22/10) INERT DEACTIVATED Unfired German WW2 3.7cm SC/30 (37x380R) Round With An Unfired HE (High Explosive Projectile). Sn O 1312 - O 1312
This is an INERT DEACTIVATED German WW2 3.7cm SC/30 high explosive trace (HET) round for the 3.7cm Schiffskanone SK C/30, a German naval pattern high altitude, high velocity, anti-aircraft/coastal defence gun. These guns were also fitted in a twin mount on surface vessels. The brass cartridge case is headstamped aux o 3.7cm 30St 58 41 (1941 date) . The unfired steel high explosive projectile has 2 iron driving bands and is stamped above the driving band dky 37/4212F31/40 marine waffenampt . The alloy KZ40 nose fuse is stamped 3.7cm KZ 40 cpn 9d/42 inspection stamp over. (See P 223 Hogg, German artillery of WW2) The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn O 1312 £245

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired German WW2 3.7cm Flak 18 (37x286B) HE (High Explosive) Round. O 1311 - O 1311
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a German WW2 3.7cm FLAK 18 (37x286B) HE (high explosive) round. The round has a brass cartridge case with the following head stamp 6348 3.7CM Flak18 87 p152 (Unknown maker) 1938 (1938 date WaA21). The unfired high explosive projectile has a single iron driving band and retains approximately 70% of its original yellow paint. The steel nose fuse is stamped 3.7cm Zerl Pv 43 (1943 date). See Hogg, German artillery of World War Two, pages 150 – 151. No licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1311

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired WW2 1943 British 40mm Bofors QF 40 mm Mark I Gun (40 x 311R) Semi Armour Piercing/Trace (SAP/T) Round for the Bofors L/60 Anti-Aircraft Gun. Sn. O 1298 - O 1298
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired WW2 1944 dated British 40mm Bofors QF 40 mm Mark I gun (40 x 311R) Semi Armour Piercing/Trace (SAP/T) round. The brass cartridge case is headstamped 40M/M I LOT469 PP/C (Palmisano & Pindel Cartridge) 40/56 (gun designation) crowfoot F crowfoot 33 . The semi armour piercing/trace projectile retains most of its original black finish with a white tip over a red ring designating semi armour piercing and tracer, a yellow ring with yellow 1131 below the band. There is also a red the tracer symbol Cr/C 4/44 (April 1944 date) and 50 within a circle. The number 14291 is stencilled in red below the yellow band. The projectile is also stamped round its circumference E14238 40MM VT MH/C P&S (Plasters & Stampers Ltd) O 2-44 (February 1944 date). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or displays. O 1298

INERT DEACTIVATED. Russian T34/85 Tank WW2 1944 Dated Unfired 85mm Tank Gun (85x629R) APCR/T (Armour Piercing Composite Rigid/Trace) Round. O 1295 - O 1295
INERT DEACTIVATED. Russian T34/85 Tank WW2 1944 Dated Unfired 85mm Tank Gun (85x629R) APCR/T (Armour Piercing Composite Rigid/Trace) Round. O 1295 INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a Russian T34/85 unfired 85mm Tank Gun (85x629R) APCRT (Armour Piercing Composite Rigid/ Trace) round for the T34/85 tank introduced in 1944. This gun was an improvement over the previous 76.2mm gun original fitted to the T34 tank and this gun was fitted from 1944 onwards. The arrowhead projectile has two copper driving bands and is waisted in its middle. It has inside is a tungsten core for armour piercing. There is an alloy ballistic cap fitted at the top of the projectile. The projectile retains most of its original grey paint with a 10mm white band at the bottom of the ballistic cap. Above the white band is stencilled in black SZKOLNY . The waist of the projectile has various lettering stamped round the circumference under the grey paint. The top copper driving band is stamped SZKOLNY . The brass cartridge case is headstamped SZKOLNY and various other Russian script. The cartridge case is stencilled in back UBR-3??pk 85-?? 85-d-44 58-SUiCZOLG 9/7sw4/74-361 18/1tr/4/74-361 32-74-6 FD . No licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display Price includes UK delivery. O 1295

DEACTIVATED INERT. WW2 1945 dated Unfired British 6pr 7cwt (57x441R) APDS/T (Armour Piercing, Discarding Sabot/Trace) Round. O 1291 - O 1291
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a rare British WW2 (1945 dated) APDS/T (Armour Piercing, Discarding Sabot/Trace) round for the British 6pr 7cwt tank and the towed anti-tank guns. The anti-tank gun was first introduced on November 1941. Later the gun was fitted to the Churchill III & IV, Valentine IX, Crusader III tanks and the AEC armoured car Mk III. The APDS/T (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot/Trace) projectile, introduced into service in 1944 consists of a tungsten core sheathed in steel, fitted inside a light alloy sabot or sheath. Upon firing, the sabot is discarded and the reduced calibre projectile carries on to the target. This projectile carries most of its original paint and is stamped APDS 6PR 7CWT 1BT JMR 1/45 (January 1945 date). The projectile is also stencilled in red round the circumference with the tracer symbol KBY2/45 (510) 19753 . The projectile has the following coloured rings at the tip white over red over blue over black over white. The cartridge case is headstamped a 6pr7cwt mark I 1943 RLB (Royal Laboratories). This round was issued from August 1944. See Hogg, British and American Artillery of World War 2, pages 75 to 78. No licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1291

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired German WW2 (1944 Dated) 3.7cm Flak 18 (37x286B) HE (High Explosive) Round. O 1284 - O 1284
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a German WW2 (1944 dated) 3.7cm FLAK 18 (37x286B) HE (high explosive) round. The round grey has a lacquered steel cased with the following head stamp, 6348st 3.7cmFlak18 aux (Polte-Werk, Magdeburg) 173 44(1944) Waa38 . The steel cartridge case retains most of its original copper wash finish. The unfired high explosive projectile has a single iron driving band and has some of its yellow paint remaining. The steel projectile has the following stamping on its circumference ctu (Christ u. Co., Gruenberg in Schlesien) 32 2 78 . The steel nose fuse is stamped 3,7cmKpf Z ZerlPv cso 1943 (1943 date) Waa342 . See Hogg, German artillery of World War Two, pages 150 – 151. No licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1284

SOLD SOLD (LAY-AWAY 04/12) DEACTIVATED INERT. German Made WW2 1942 Dated High Explosive Tracer (HET) 4.7cmPak (t) Round For Captured Czech 4,7 cm KPÚV vz. 38 Anti-tank Gun. Sn 14333:15 - 14333:15
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a German made (1942 dated) high explosive tracer round for the Czech 4,7 cm KPÚV vz. 38 anti-tank gun. These guns were captured by the German army during the early part of WW2 and re issued with German made ammunition for issue to the army. This round has a brassed steel case and is headstamped euk-t 55 va (Kabel- u. Metallwerke Neumeyer AG, Nuernberg) 42 (1942 date) 522St (gun designation with a steel cartridge case) 4,7cmPak(t)St Waa836 . It is also stenciled in white spur (tracer). The steel high explosive projectile has a copper driving band and retains some of its original green paint. It is fitted with a brass nose fuse with its original brass tear off safety and is stamped dbnc 16 4-42 (April 1942 date) WaA728 A B Z . The screw in steel primer is stamped No licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 14333:15

DEACTIVATED INERT. Unfired American Korean War Era HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) (Hollow Charge) Round For The 57mm T15 Recoilless Rifle. Sn 14527:3 - 14527:3
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a unfired American Korean War era HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) (Hollow Charge) Round for the 57mm T15 Recoilless Rifle. This gun was used as a ground gun or mounted on a Willis Jeep. This round has a lacquered perforated steel cartridge case which retains some of its original brown lacquer finish. The projectile body retains some of its green paint and is stamped LOT PI.1 84 1953 (date) 75mm M310A1 . A pre engraved copper driving band is fitted. An steel screw in nose cap unscrews to reveal a copper penetrator cone. The steel lacquered perforated cartridge case is stencilled in white AMM LOT N R O – 1 – m8 SHELL 310. The case is also headstamped 75MM M31A1 E 1954 (date). No licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. Sn 14527:3

DEACTIVATED INERT. Rare WW2, 1942 dated American 37mm, M16 Anti-Tank/Tank Gun Solid Brass projectile Dummy Round. O 1248 - O 1248
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a rare and unusual original WW2, 1942 dated American 37mm M16. Anti-tank/ Tank Gun solid brass projectile dummy round. The round is undamaged. The solid brass projectile round is headstamped 37MMM16 LOT6-23141-4 SMS-1942 (1942 DATE) S . There is no crimping to the case neck and there appears to be a steel bolt in the primer pocket connected to the projectile, thus securing the round together. No licence is required to possess these inert rounds if retained as a part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1248

DEACTIVATED INERT. British 12 lb HE No.1 Mk. 1 Experimental Air To Ground Practice Unguided Rocket Warhead. O 1246 - O 1246
DEACTIVATED INERT. .This is British 12 lb HE No.1 Mk. 1 Experimental 3.25 lb practice air to ground practice unguided rocket warhead filled with inert HE substitute and rocket motor, black body and projectile with 1/2" yellow band and alloy nose plug, projectile stenciled (yellow): HEAD PRACTICE 3.25 LBS NO 1 MK H.E.S GD-3-60 RA2/3070/10 SER NO 321 .The rocket body stenciled red EXPTL . The body is stamped at the bottom P5/10772 over RLB (Royal Laboratories) 9/58 (September 1958) LOT . The rocket is fitted with an alloy dummy No942 Mk1 nose fuse stamped PRF No942 Mk1 . No licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1246
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