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ARTILLERY Ammunition 37 mm +

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DEACTIVATED INERT. French Naval WW1 1917 Dated French 37mm (37 x 94R) Pom Pom Nose Fused HE (High Explosive) Round. O 1367 - O 1367
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a WW1 1917 dated French Naval 37mm (37 x 94R) Pom Pom HE (High Explosive) round. The brass cartridge case is headstamped 37-85 9.17 (September 1917 date) 55 PDPs (Parc ‘dArtillery de Paris) flaming grenade inspection mark. The nose fused steel projectile has two copper driving bands and is fitted with a brass nose fuse complete with its original lead sealing washer. The brass nose fuse is stamped L314 18 naval anchor and has its original lead sealing washer under it. No licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery. O 1367

DEACTIVATED INERT. German Naval 1898 Dated 37mm (37 x 94R) Pom Pom Base Fused HE (High Explosive) Round. O 1366 - O 1366
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a German Naval 1898 dated 37mm (37 x 94R) Pom Pom base fused HE (High Explosive) round. The gun was introduced as the QF 1 Pounder Maxim Pom Pom in the late 1880s. The brass cartridge case is headstamped PATRONFABRIK KARLSHRLE XI 98 (1889 DATE) 42 and a German crowned M naval stamp . The base fused steel projectile has a single narrow copper driving band. The base is threaded to take a base fuse. No licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery. O 1366

DEACTIVATED INERT. British Unfired Early VSM (Vickers Son and Maxim) 37mm (37 x 94R) Pom Pom Nose Fused HE (High Explosive) Round. Sn. O 1365 - O 1365
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an unfired early VSM (Vickers Son and Maxim) 37mm (37 x 94R) Pom Pom nose fused HE (High Explosive) round. The gun was introduced as the QF 1 Pounder Maxim Pom Pom in the late 1880s by Maxim Gun Company. The brass cartridge case has a copper percussion cap and has no headstamped which was common with Vickers Son and Maxim early cartridge cases. The nose fused steel projectile has a copper driving band and a copper centering band above it. The projectiles is stamped between the two bands VSM (Vickers Son and Maxim). The projectile has its original threaded brass nose fuse and is stamped with the number 3. The base of the projectile retains some of its original black painted finish and has a large letter V stamped onto it. No licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery. Sn. O 1365

INERT DEACTIVATED, ALL MATCHING DATES, WW2 U.S. 1942 37mm Base Fused M16 Tank / Anti Tank HE Round With Original Paint. Sn 15588:4 - 15588:4
INERT DEACTIVATED WW2 dated U.S. 37mm base fused Tank / Anti Tank round. The undamaged projectile's copper drive band is crisply marked ‘LOT 17-23137-2-DMP-37mm-M63 1942 (date)’.The projectile has much of its original yellow paint & black stencilled lettering 'SHELL M63'. The hollow brass shell casing is head stamped ‘37mm M16 LOT 50035 89FA 1942 (date)’. The brass base primer is stamped ‘PA 3 -15585 -48 M23A1 1942 (date)’. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 15588:4

WW2 1942 Dated Scarce American 20 Round Wooden Ammunition Box For The 37MM M16 High Explosive Ammunition For The Tank and Anti-tank Guns. O 1341 - O 1341
This is an excellent, rare, substantial original WW2, 1942 dated American 37mm wooden ammunition box that originally contained 20 rounds of M16 M63 base fused high explosive rounds for the 37mm tank guns on the M2 light , M3 Stuart, M22 Locust and the M3 Lee tanks and also the M3A1 anti-tank guns used by the Americans at the start of WW2. The box measures 18 1/2" x 15" x 13" inches and is constructed of wood with iron fittings. It has 2 steel hinges and two steel hinged locking brackets attached with screws. The box is complete and undamaged with minor superficial scuffs to the body which is to be expected of an original WW2 piece and is consistent with Military use. The box is profusely stencilled to the upper 5 sides in its original black and white stencilling including 37MM M63 HE the date 11-42 (November 1942) 20 rounds shell H.E M63 and much other information as per the photographs. The hinges and locking brackets are painted with red paint. The wooden blocks on the ends of the box are used as carrying handles. The price includes UK delivery. O 1341

DEACTIVATED INERT. French Early WW1 Unfired and stencilled, 1915 Dated, High Explosive (HE) Round 1897 French (75x350R) '75' Field Gun. Sn. O 1320 - O 1320
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an early WW1 unfired and stencilled, 1915 dated, French (75x350R) high explosive round for the French 1897 ‘75’ field gun used extensively during WW1. The projectile has a single copper driving band and has a brass and steel fuse 24/34 Mod 99 fitted to a steel screwed adaptor in the nose of the projectile. The brass cartridge case is headstamped 75 DE C FRE. 61L.15X . The brass primer is stamped 1.15 (January 1915 date). The side walls of the cartridge case are stencilled in black 0.620 DSP D-05 91-15 TE ATS 8-15 TC . No licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery. O 1320

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired WW2 1943 American 40mm M25 Bofors (40 x 311R) Mark II/T High Explosive/Trace (HE/T) With A Half Sectioned Round for the Bofors L/60 Anti-Aircraft Gun. Sn. O 1319 - O 1319
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an American unfired WW2 1943 dated British 40mm M25 Bofors (40 x 311R) Mark II/T High Explosive/Trace (HE/T) round with a half sectioned projectile and nose fuse. The brass cartridge case is headstamped 40MM. M25 120 FA (Frankfurt Arsenal) 1943 (1943 date). The percussion brass primer is stamped -M23A2_ LS-1-19-43, The half sectioned high explosive projectile retains most of its original green finish . The projectile is also stamped round its driving band LOT-SIMCO-18 -1944-40MM-MKII/T/L/ . The half sectioned alloy percussion fuse is stamped MK – 27 – LOT 857 – 20 . The bottom of the projectile has a half sectioned tracer unit. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or displays. Sn. O 1319

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired German WW2 3.7cm Flak 18 (37x286B) HE (High Explosive) Round. O 1318 - O 1318
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a German WW2 3.7cm FLAK 18 (37x286B) HE (high explosive) round. The round has a steel brass washed cartridge case with the following headstamp 6348St 3.7CM Flak18 21 XIf P370 (Unknown maker) 1939 (1939 date) Marine waffenampt WaA87). The unfired high explosive projectile has a single iron driving band and retains approximately 40% of its original yellow paint. The projectile is stencilled in black round its circumference VK SNUZ cwg (Westfaelisch-Anhaltische Sprengstoff AG, Coswig plant) 4 .44 The steel nose fuse is stamped 3.7cm Kpf Z Zerl Pv 43 (1943 date) hns (unknown maker) 194? 678 WaA121. See Hogg, German artillery of World War Two, pages 150 – 151. No licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1318

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW2 1943 Dated, Unfired American 37mm M16 (37 x 222R), AP/T (Armour Piercing /Trace) Tank/ Anti-Tank Gun Round. Sn. O 1317 - O 1317
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a WW2, 1943 dated unfired American 37mm M16 (37 x 222R), AP/T (Armour Piercing Trace) Tank/ Anti-Tank Gun round. The unfired armour piercing projectile has a empty tracer cavity. The brass cartridge is headstamped 37MMM16 LOTBB 84 1943 (1943 Date) . The brass primer is stamped LOP-1-270 M23A2 1943 (date) . The driving band is stamped LOT SG-114-1943 37MM M51B1 . See Hogg, British and American Artillery of World War 2, pages83 to84. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess these inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn. O 1317

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW1 1916 Dated Unfired British Vickers Naval 2Pr Mk1 (40 x 158R) Pom Pom High Explosive Time Fused Round. Sn. 15095 - 15095
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired British Vickers Naval 2Pr Mk1 (40 x 158R) Pom Pom high explosive time fused anti-aircraft round for the Vickers 2pr anti-aircraft gun fitted to British naval ships during WW1. The brass cartridge case is headstamped 2Pdr 1 crowfoot over N2 1916 . The unstruck No5 Mk1A primer is dated 12/15 (December 1915) B .The steel copper driving banded projectile is stamped III 2Pr F.S. H C & S 1915. together with various other inspection stamps. The brass No 121 time fuse is stamped 121 II 7/16 (July 1916) V.S.M (Vickers Son and Maxim) 568 and is graduated up to 10. See Hogg, British Artillery Weapons and Ammunition 1914 – 1918 pages 28 - 29. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess his inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or displays. Sn. 15095
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