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ARTILLERY Ammunition 37 mm +

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WW2 Unfired Inert Soviet 45mm (45x310R) Tank and Anti-Tank HE (High Explosive) round. Sn. O 1028 - O 1028
This is an inert WW2 45 x 310R Soviet HE (High Explosive) round, 1944 dated for the M1932, 37 & 42 anti-tank gun and other Soviet guns and tanks of this calibre introduced in 1932 and steadily improved. This round is in excellent condition and retains nearly all of its original finish. The headstamp is 39r 8 and 184 in an oval. The brass cartridge case has traces of black stencilling round its circumference. The unfired high explosive projectile has a copper driving band and retains much if its original black paint. The projectile is stamped 1/41 under the red band. The steel nose fuse is stamped 3VA KIM-1 396-4??. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or displays. O 1028

INERT DEACTIVATED. German Unfired WW2 7.5 cm Pak 40 (75 x 714R) PzGr39 APCBCHE/T (Armour Piercing, Capped, Ballistic Capped, High Explosive, Trace) for the 7.5cm Panzerabwehrkanone 40 (Pak40) Anti-Tank Gun. - O 1500
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an inert unfired German WW2 7.5cm PzGr39 (75 x 714R) PzGr39 APCBCHE/T (Armour Piercing, Capped, Ballistic Capped, High Explosive, Trace) round for the Pak40 (Panzerabwehrkanone 40), the main anti-tank gun used from 1942 onwards, especially on the Eastern Front. The PzGr 39 APCBC (Armour Piercing, Capped, Ballistic Capped) projectile has a single iron driving band and has its pressed steel ballistic cap on the top. The lacquered steel has been refinished to its original dark brown colour and is headstamped 75cm075H 44 The case is fitted with its correct screw in primer. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display Sn O 1500

DEACTIVATED INERT. Rare Inert Unfired Cockerell 90mm gun (90x352) ½ sectioned HEAT-T (High Explosive Anti-Tank – Trace) (M620A1) (Fin Stabilised, Hollow Charge) Round for the Cockerell Mk3-MA1 90mm gun. O 1490 - O 1490
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a rare inert unfired 90mm Cockerell (90x352) ½ sectioned low pressure Gun HEAT-T (High Explosive Anti-Tank – Trace) (Fin Stabilised) round for the Cockerell Mk3-MA1 90mm gun fitted to turrets of several armoured vehicles, including the Scorpion 90 and Indonesian Anoa 6x6 armoured car. This ½ sectioned hollow charged round is screwed onto a wooden base. The steel projectile body has a single copper driving band and a steel cone. It is stamped WH-1-21955-FIN M8 above the driving band. The alloy base of the projectile has 3 of the original 6 investment cast alloy fins that extend sideward when fired through propellant gas presure . Price includes UK delivery. O 1490

DEACTIVATED INERT. Unfired America ½ Sectioned WP Smoke (White Phosphorous Smoke) Round For The 57mm T15 Recoilless Rifle. O 1489 - O 1489
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a unfired American ½ sectioned WP Smoke (White Phosphorous Smoke) round for the 57mm T15 Recoilless Rifle. This gun was used as a ground gun or mounted on a Willis Jeep. This round has a dark brown coloured anodised and perforated steel cartridge case. The cartridge case is headstamped 57MM LOT SY1-1-34-195(195? Date). The primer is stamped 1-21-0MA M60 1955 (date). The projectile body retains most of its original grey paint and stencilled in yellow WPSMOKE 57 R SHELL M308A1. The projectile is also stamped over the engraved copper driving band T-OMA-11-12 1955 (1955 DATE) -WP57MM . The alloy nose fuse is stamped FUSE PD M503A1 OMA-1-14 8-55 (August 1955 date). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1489

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired ¾ Sectioned 40mm Bofors L/70 40 mm Anti-Aircraft Gun (40 x 365R) High Explosive/Trace (HE/T) Round for the Bofors L/70 Anti-Aircraft Gun. Sn 16365 - 16365
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a ¾ sectioned unfired WW2, 1944 dated 40mm L/70 Bofors 40 mm anti-aircraft gun (40 x 365R) High Explosive/Trace (HE/T) round. The sectioning shows the component parts of the round including inert propellant, explosive and primer substitute, together with the fuse innards. The Bofors L/70 gun was developed from the WW2 Bofors L/60 and produced a gun with a higher rate of fire and a higher velocity of the projectile. The brass cartridge case is headstamped 40M/M L/70 61. The high explosive /trace projectile retains most of its original dark green finish and is stencilled in yellow 40 L/70 RDX/TNT/AL M/SPL . The alloy nose fuse is stamped E FZ 104 M12 LOT BOF S 2 . The brass percussion primer is stamped 10 – 61 RA LOT 7 . The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn. 16365

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired WW2 1944 Dated ¾ Sectioned 40mm Bofors QF 40 mm Mark I Gun (40 x 311R) High Explosive/Trace (HE/T) Round for the Bofors L/60 Anti-Aircraft Gun. Sn. 16321 - 16321
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a ¾ sectioned unfired WW2, 1944 dated 40mm Bofors QF 40 mm Mark I gun (40 x 311R) High Explosive/Trace (HE/T) round. The sectioning shows the component parts of the round including inert propellant, explosive and primer substitute, together with the fuse innards. The brass cartridge case is headstamped 40M/M M25 1944 (date). The high explosive /trace projectile retains most of its original dark green finish and is stencilled in yellow 40MM SHELL MK 11 T/L/. The projectile is also stamped round its COPPER DRIVING BAND 40mm-MK II T /LA LOT-S. The alloy nose fuse is stamped L S-7-178. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn. 16321

INERT DEACTIVATED. British 20 Pounder Tank Gun (84x618R) Unfired Brass Cartridge Case. O 1451 - O 1451
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an unfired brass cartridge case for the British 20 pounder tank gun (84x618R) fitted to the British Centurion tank in 1948 and was used until it was replaced by the 105mm L7 gun developed in Britain which used the same mountings as the 20 pounder gun, thereby up gunning the tank without too much redesign. The 105mm L7 gun used a necked up 20 pounder cartridge case. This cartridge case is headstamped 20Pr Mk1 LOT 20 RLB (Royal Laboratories) 1956 (date of manufacture) and a crowfoot. No licence is required to possess this cartridge case in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1451

INERT DEACTIVATED. Early First Type, 1952 Dated Unfired British 20pr Practice APDS/T (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot/Trace) Pot Sabot Projectile. O 1450 - O 1450
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a scarce unfired British 20pr tank gun practice, first type APDS/T(Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot/Trace) pot sabot projectile fitted to the early British Centurion tank. The 20pr gun replaced the WW2 17pr tank gun originally fitted to the tank with the bore of the gun increased from 3 inches to 84mm. This is the original discarding sabot projectile for the 20 pounder tank gun and was soon discarded for the petal sabot projectile. The projectile is a 20pr Mk3/ APDS/T (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabo/Trace) practice projectile and consists of a steel core sheathed in a thin steel sheath, fitted inside a light alloy sabot or sheath. Upon firing, the sabot is discarded and the reduced calibre projectile with trace carries on to the target. This projectile was made in the Royal Laboratories in November 1952 and carries most of the original paint. The side of the alloy pot sabot is stamped PRAC D.S./T20PRMK/1 R.L. 11-52. The projectile retains most of its original paint and stencilling and has a yellow band near the base of the projectile and a red LOT 37 on the penetrator. The base of the projectile also carries various inspection stamps. No licence is required to possess this projectile in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1450

INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired British 20pr APDS/T (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot/Trace) Petal Sabot Projectile. O 1449 - O 1449
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a scarce unfired British 20pr tank gun APDS/T(Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot/Trace) petal sabot projectile fitted to the early British Centurion tank. The 20pr gun replaced the WW2 17pr tank gun originally fitted to the tank with the bore of the gun increased from 3 inches to 84mm. The projectile is a 20pr Mk3/ APDS/T (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabo/Trace) practice projectile and consists of a steel core sheathed in a thin steel sheath, fitted inside a light alloy sabot or sheath. Upon firing, the sabot is discarded and the reduced calibre projectile with trace carries on to the target. This projectile was made in the Royal Laboratories in April 1955 and carries most of the original paint. The 20pdr mark 4 APDS/T (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot/Trace) pot petal projectile made by RLB (Royal Laboratories) in July 1956. The side of the alloy sabot is stamped R.L. 4/64 (Royal Laboratories in April 1964) MK4 a crowfoot inspection mark O A. The projectile retains most of its original paint and stencilling. The projectile is also stencilled in white 20 PR G APDS SX2 68 GF AND 23 over GD 111/65 L76. The projectile is also stencilled in red T (tracer symbol) and LOT 63. . The base of the projectile also carries various inspection stamps. No licence is required to possess this projectile in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1449

INERT DEACTIVATED. Early 1956 Dated Unfired British 20pr Practice APDS/T (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot/Trace) Petal Sabot Projectile. O 1448 - O 1448
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a scarce unfired British 20pr tank gun Practice APDS/T(Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot/Trace) petal sabot projectile fitted to the early British Centurion tank. The 20pr gun replaced the WW2 17pr tank gun originally fitted to the tank with the bore of the gun increased from 3 inches to 84mm. The projectile is a 20pr Mk3/ APDS/T (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabo/Trace) practice projectile and consists of a steel core sheathed in a thin steel sheath, fitted inside a light alloy sabot or sheath. Upon firing, the sabot is discarded and the reduced calibre projectile with trace carries on to the target. This projectile was made in the Royal Laboratories in April 1955 and carries most of the original paint. The projectile, a 20pdr mark 3 practice made by RLB (Royal Laboratories) in July 1956. The side of the alloy sabot is stamped BMBM 2070 PRAC 20PDR DS/T MK3 RL M a crowfoot within a diamond A. The projectile retains most of its original paint and stencilling and has a red tracer ring on the penetrator together with a yellow band above the driving band. The projectile is also stencilled in red with the tracer symbol and L75CY 9-56 and 30 with a circle. The base of the projectile also carries various inspection stamps. No licence is required to possess this projectile in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1448 £475
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