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ARTILLERY Ammunition 37 mm +

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INERT DEACTIVATED. Rare, Unfired 1944 Dated German WW2 10.5cm FH18 (100x78R) Gr39 Hollow Charge Fixed Round. - O 1642
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a WW2 German 1944 dated 10.5cm FH18(100x78R) GR 39 hollow charge fixed round for the 10.5cm FH18 light field howitzer which was introduced into service in 1935, replacing the FH16. The howitzer was not powerful to be used as an anti-tank gun but with the introduction of the hollow charged projectile gave it an anti-tank capability. This round is a crimped in fixed round where the FH18 normally had a separate loaded cartridge case with incremental propellant charges. The round has the first type of hollow charged projectile, the H1 type and is complete with its original hollow charged cone and its steel AZ23 nose fuse. The projectile is stamped round its circumference 91 7 44. The steel cartridge case is headstamped 6391St I.J.G.18 Waffenampt 440 wa (Hasag, Hugo Schneider AG, Abteilung Lampenfabrik, Leipzig) . The steel screw in C/12nASt primer is stamped C/12nASt wg UHasag, Hugo Schneider AG, Altenburg plant) 1944 (1944 date) 2697. See Hogg, German artillery of WW2 pages 45 to 48. The price for this rare round includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1642

INERT. 1965 Dated Unfired British 105mm (105x617R) APDS/T (Armour Piercing, Discarding Sabot/Trace) Tank L21A1 Drill Round. Sn - 19530:15
INERT. This is an original British 1965 dated 105mm (105x617R) APDS/T (Armour Piercing, Discarding Sabot/Trace) L21A1 drill round for the British L7 105mm tank gun used on the British Centurion tank. This gun replaced the Centurions 84mm 20 pounder gun and has also been used in the German Leopard and early American M1 Abrams tanks. The APDS/T (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot/Trace) drill round resembles a full weight APDS round and is made of alloy and steel turned components by the Royal Laboratories in 1965, the company who originally made the L7 tank gun. The projectile, case shoulder and base are made of steel and the neck and body are made of alloy. The round is headstamped 105MM TK APDS RLB (Royal Laboratories) 1965 (manufacturing date) DRILL L21A1. The side of the round has been engraved DRILL APDS. The drill round is in excellent condition showing little signs of use. Factory drill rounds are amongst the most difficult rounds to find. No licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. (NO34) Sn 19530:15

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW2 1942 Dated, Unfired American 37mm M16 (37 x 222R), HE (High Explosive) Base Fused Tank/ Anti-Tank Gun Round. - 19530:14
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a scarce WW2, 1941 dated unfired American 37mm M16 (37 x 222R), HE (High Explosive) base fused Tank/ Anti-Tank Gun round with its complete brass base fuse. The brass cartridge is headstamped 37MMM16 LOT712 16 1941 (1941 Date). The brass primer is stamped WC 4-7994-44 M23A1 1942 (1942 date). The unfired high explosive projectile has a copper driving band which is stamped LOT-15643-72 E.G.B.37 MM. M63 1942 and an armoury mark. The projectile has a brass base percussion fuse which is stamped LOT5-22574O.A.42 108 B.D.FUSE 8?8 and is complete with its brass screw on gaine. See Hogg, British and American Artillery of World War 2, pages 83 to84. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess these inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 19530:14

DEACTIVATED INERT. 1992 Dated Unfired British 105mm (105x617R) APDS/T (Armour Piercing, Discarding Sabot/Trace) Tank Round. - 19530:13
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an original British 1992 dated 105mm (105x617R) APDS/T (Armour Piercing, Discarding Sabot/Trace) round for the British L7 105mm tank gun used on the British Centurion tank. This gun replaced the Centurions 84mm 20 pounder gun and has also been used in the German Leopard and early American M1 Abrams tanks. The APDS/T (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot/Trace) projectile consists of a tungsten core sheathed in steel, fitted inside a light alloy sabot or sheath. Upon firing, the sabot is discarded and the reduced calibre projectile carries on to the target. This projectile carries most of its original black paint and is stencilled in white on the alloy sabot 105 MM TK G APDS SX606 GF . The brass cartridge case has the correct crimp for the sabot projectile and is headstamped 105PzK M68 RLB (Royal Laboratories) -01/92 (January 1992 manufacture date). The APDS/T projectile retains its original black painted finish and is stamped round its circumference APDS 105MMSX137GE 4-78 (April 1978 manufacture date) SX 620. The projectile is also stencilled in cream 105MM TK APDS SX389GF TGD 11/78. The projectile is stencilled in white LOT 664 SB-LOT. The projectile is also stencilled in yellow TRACER FIRED. No licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. (NO34). Sn 19530:13

INERT DEACTIVATED. MINT, WW2 1943 Dated American 57mm (57x480R) Armour Piercing (AP) Drill Round For The 57mm M1 Anti-tank Gun. - 19530:2
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a mint condition WW2 1943 dated American 57mm Armour Piercing Explosive (AP) drill round for the American M1 anti-tank gun which was adopted from the British 6pr 7cwt anti-tank gun in 1941. This American gun was issued in 1943 to its ground troops. The black painted projectile was originally manufactured as an armour piercing projectile and reused in this drill round. The projectile is stenciled round its circumference 57MM M22 DRILL CARTRIDGE and has a copper driving band. The driving band is stamped round its circumference 57G M1 & 6 PR 7CWT, DRILL CARTRIDGE M22. Above this has a cancelled out stamping LOT 261 -23137-30 10-42 (October 1942 date) MY Co 57MM M70 and an inspection stamp. The lacquered steel cartridge case is stenciled on the side 1943 57 M.M. M23AB1 LOT CB 1 – 2. The steel cartridge case was used instead of a brass one due to its resilience to wear and damage. The projectile is held in the cartridge case by a neck crimp and a threaded steel bar screwed into a round nut where the primer would have been. See Hogg, British and American Artillery of World War 2, pages 85 to 86. The price includes UK delivery and no license is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 19530:2

DEACTIVATED INERT. Imperial German Naval 1900 Dated 37mm (37 x 94R) Pom Pom Nose Fused HE (High Explosive) Round. - O 1639
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a German Naval 1900 dated 37mm (37 x 94R) Pom Pom nose fused HE (High Explosive) round. The gun was introduced as the QF 1 Pounder Maxim Pom Pom in the late 1880s. The brass cartridge case is fitted with a brass screw in percussion primer and is headstamped C/97 98 IX 1900 (date) KARLSHRLE 21 2 x inspection marks and a German crowned M (Kaiserliche Marine) (Imperial German Navy) acceptance stamp. The nose fused steel projectile has a single 12mm wide copper driving band as opposed to the narrow later World War 1 driving bands. The base is threaded and is complete with its right hand threaded filling plug and a large brass screw in nose fuse. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1639

DEACTIVATED INERT. American 37mm Model of 1916 French TRP Puteaux Trench Gun High Explosive (HE) Common Pointed Round. - 19449
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an American made 37 mm base fused common pointed high explosive (HE) round for the French Canon d'Infanterie de 37 modèle 1916 TRP (37mm mle.1916) Puteaux trench gun. TRP stands for tir rapied Puteaux (fast firing Puteaux gun). The gun was introduced in 1916 as a light weight trench gun that found favour when the static trench warfare ended, the gun being easily used and carried due to its light weight and low silhouette. One of the main uses of the gun was against machine gun nests. This rimmed brass cartridge case measures 92mm long and headstamped 37MM GUN MODEL OF 1916 A.M.LOT 1079-27 P.E.&M.CO (Poole Engineering & Machine Company, Baltimore) 1097-83 LOT and the American ordnance symbol. The brass push in primer is stamped W.C.1073-30. The pointed steel projectile is fitted with a 19mm wide copper driving band and is stamped on the base P.E.&M.CO (Poole Engineering & Machine Company, Baltimore) 37M.M. STEEL SHELL MARK1. The right handed thread brass percussion fuse is stamped on the bottom B.P.F-MIN CAL-M A M CO LOT 1075-82. The gun was also fitted to the SPAD S.XII and the Beardmore W.B.V aircraft. The price of this round includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 19449

DEACTIVATED INERT. RARE, British Unfired WW 1, 1916 Dated, Naval Vickers 3 Pounder Mark 2, (47x411R) High Explosive Common Pointed Round. - 19403
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a rare unfired WW 1 British 3 Pounder Vickers Mark 2, (47x411R) common pointed high explosive round used in the British 3 Pounder Vickers gun and first introduced in Royal Navy service in 1905 as a more powerful gun, having twice the propellant charge to the 3 pounder Hotchkiss then inn use as a anti torpedo gun, which was first introduced in 1886. The 3 pounder Vickers was found to be ineffective in the First World War and were removed from most larger ships from 1915. During the inter war years, these guns were used to arm Monitors, (river craft) and lightly armed ships. A 3 pounder Hotchkiss is shown for comparison which has a shorter cartridge case in the last photograph. These guns were fitted to as an anti-torpedo boat gun to Capital and smaller ships. The cartridge case is head stamped 3Pr VICKERS II VSM (Vickers Son and Maxim) 1916 (date) a N and a crowfoot (Naval) LOT 17 CFF (Cordite Full Charge with a second reload to the cartridge case) A (the cartridge case has been annealed) L.H.139 & 210. The cartridge case is fitted with a brass screw in No 2 mark IVA percussion primer and is stamped No2 IVA B (Birmingham Metals) 3/17 (March 1917 manufacture date). The common pointed high explosive base fused projectile is stamped above the driving band III EOC. (Mark 3 projectile made by the Elswick Ordnance Company). The price of this rare round includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess inert rounds in the UK if retained as a part of a collection or display. Sn 19403

DEACTIVATED INERT. German Naval 1900 Dated 37mm (37 x 94R) Pom Pom Base Fused HE (High Explosive) Round. - O 1620
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a 1900 dated German Naval 37mm (37 x 94R) Pom Pom HE (High Explosive) base fused round. The brass cartridge case is headstamped C97/981900 (1900 date) IV KARLSHULE over11 and a naval crown over a M . The cartridge case has an unfired screw in brass primer with an integrated brass percussion cap. The steel projectile has a single copper driving band and is semi pointed with a 11 mm flat to the nose. The base is screwed for a percussion base fuse. No licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery. O 1620

DEACTIVATED INERT. British Boer War Era, Vickers Son & Maxim 37mm (37 x 94R) Pom Pom Nose Fused HE (High Explosive) Round. - O 1619
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is an early British, Boer War Era 37mm (37 x 94R) Pom Pom nose fused HE (High Explosive) round. The gun was introduced as the QF 1 Pounder Maxim Pom Pom in British service in the late 1880s and was used to great effect in the Boer War as did the Boers with their German made 1 pounder pom pom guns. The brass cartridge case is fitted with a copper percussion primer and has a feint VSM within a circle (Vickers Son & Maxim) monogramed headstamp as does the top of the brass nose. The side of the projectile is stamped VSM (Vickers Son & Maxim). The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to retain this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1619
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