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ARTILLERY Ammunition 37 mm +

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INERT DEACTIVATED. Unfired German WW 1 Gruson 53mm Balloon Gun (53x176R) High Explosive (HE) Round. - O 1745
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a rare unfired German WW 1 Gruson 53mm Balloon gun (53x176R), (also called a fortress gun) High Explosive (HE) round. The gun was first used in the Gruson Fahrpanzer, a two man turret for static defence with a 2 man crew. The gun had all around traverse and limited elevation. Later in the WW1, the guns were dismounted form the Fahrpanzer and put on wheeled carriages. The brass cartridge case is headstamped MRZ 1893 AWS (in a monogram) 22 and AWS 37 (in a monogram) . The steel projectile has a 10mm wide copper driving band with two grooves and is stamped on the base 1Gwk15. The projectile is fitted with a brass percussion nose fuse which is stamped 5cmGrZ. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to retain this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1745

INERT DEACTIVATED. 19th Century Large Explosive Whale Harpoon Head. - MISC 914
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a 19th Century explosive whale hunting harpoon head. The 4 ½ inch diameter heavy cast iron hollow harpoon head was attached to the harpoon shaft and fired from the harpoon gun at the front of a whale hunting ship. The heavy harpoon cast iron head measures 17 ½ inches in height and has four penetrating flutes to the front. The head has a casting mark CMV on both sides at the bottom of the projectile. The base of the body is threaded internally to screw onto the shaft which would have had a primitive fusing mechanism on it. This harpoon is one of the larger heads, there being a smaller one made which was 8 ½ inches long. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this harpoon head in the U.K. if retained as part of a collection or display. MISC 914

INERT DEACTIVATED 1943 Dated Unfired German WW2 5cm Patr 39 Armour Piercing Caped, High Explosive Tracer (APC/HET) Round For The Pak 38(PanzerAbwehrKanone 38) Anti-Tank Gun and the KwK39, L/60 gun the main armament of the Panzer lll tank. - O 1729
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a 1943 dated unfired German WW2 5cm) (50 x 420R) Patr 39 Armour Piercing Caped, High Explosive Tracer (APC/HE/T) round for the KwK38 (Kampfwagenkanone) gun, the main armament of the Panzer lll tank and the Pak 38 (PanzerAbwehrKanone) anti-gun. The brass washed steel case for this round has two crimp rings and is nicely headstamped mp-b 215 6360St 5cm Pak va (Kabel- u. Metallwerke Neumeyer AG, Nurnberg) amp 288 43 (1943 date) Waffenampt WaA836. The cartridge retains most of its original black stencilling on the side above the base 5cm Pak 38 260g NzBl P.6 6 and various other faded stencilling. The base retains the traces of white stencilling Sprg = Spreng explosive) with the filling charge details on it. The unfired armour piercing caped, high explosive, tracer (APC/HE/T) projectile is fitted with a single sintered iron driving band and is stamped on its base 42 (1942 date) ayi 83C FES (cintered iron driving band) Y 19 . The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1729

INERT DEACTIVATED. Rare, British Crimean War & Victorian Era, Unfired Land Service, 8 Inch Mortor, High Explosive & Boxer Long Mortor Fuse. - O 1719
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a rare, unfired British cast iron 8 inch high explosive mortor complete with its original Boxer long mortor fuse. The mortor was a short barrelled gun, fitted onto a shirt fixed cast iron bed and fired at a high angle of elevation to deliver a large high explosive at moderate distances. This mortor shell has a hollow centre with a 1 ¼ inch diameter fuse hole it the top. The wooden Boxer fuse is in excellent condition and is called the ‘Fuse Time Wood Boxer Mortor Large’ and was used in 13, 10 and 8 inch mortor high explosive projectiles. This fuse measures 7.4 inches in length as opposed the normal Boxer fuse which was half the length. This fuse was designed to be used in very large projectiles enabling the fuse to reach the explosive content. The fuse has radial graduation rings round the body, 1 inch apart from the base with holes drilled spirally from the 1 inch ring to the number 6 ring. These graduations were used to give a maximum delay of approximately 30 seconds. The mortors were used in British forts in the Victorian era and were also used as artillery in the Siege of Sevastopol during the Crimean War. See pages 11 and 12 in Early British Artillery Fuses by David J Ibbetson. No licence is required to possess this cannon ball and fuse in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price includes UK delivery. O 1719

INERT DEACTIVATED. WW1, German 21cm Mors (210x230R) Cartridge Case. - O 1669
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a WW1 German 21cm Mors (210x230R) brass cartridge case from the Krupp 21 cm which fired a 250 lb projectile up to a maximum range of 12,100 yards. The gun was used extensively during WW1 by the Germans and although the gun was designated as a mortor, it was a heavy howitzer which used a separate loading of the cartridge case and projectile. The guns were used extensively on both the western and eastern front lines and were very effective during opening of offensives. One of the cartridge cases are headatamped POLTE OCT 1917 (October 1917 date) MAGDEBURG and the other is headstamped Rh ME SEPT 1917 (September 1917 date) DUSSELDORF. The price is per cartridge case and includes UK delivery. No licence is required to possess this inert cartridge case in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. The price is per cartridge case and there are two cartridge cases available. O 1669

INERT DEACTIVATED. Israeli Mint 60MM (60x410R) HVMS HE (High Explosive) Dummy Tank Round. - O 1659
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a near mint Israeli made 60mm (60x410R) HVMS HE (High Explosive) tank dummy round, developed by the Israelis in the early 1980s as an upgrade for the M-60 Sherman tank supplied to the Chilean government when they disposed of their old Sherman tanks. This modification included the replacement of the main gun with a 60 mm High-Velocity main gun and a new Detroit Diesel engine. This dummy round consists of a rimmed brass cartridge case which is headstamped M-052-60MM TZ 1/86 (January 1986 date) and two number 85s in a circle. The case is fitted with a screw in percussion brass primer and is stencilled in black round its circumference DUMMY AMM LOT IMI (Israeli Military Industries) – 86-K-006. The steel projectile is fitted into the cartridge case with a single ring crimp and has a grooved copper driving band. The projectile retains all of its original light blue finish and is stencilled in white round its circumference 60G DUMMY M-55 a1 LOT IMI 86 K 006. The projectile is also stamped PH 1-86 60MM M52. The round is fitted with an alloy dummy nose fuse. No licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display Price includes UK delivery. O 1659

INERT DEACTIVATED. Russian WW2 T34/85 Tank Unfired Three Quarter Sectioned 85mm Tank Gun (85x629R) HEAT/T (High Explosive Anti-Tank/Tracer) (Hollow Charge) (Fin Stabilised) Round. - O 1649
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a Russian T34/85 unfired Three Quarter Sectioned 85mm Tank Gun (85x629R) HEAT/T (High Explosive Anti-Tank/Tracer) (hollow charge) (Fin Stabilised) round for the T34/85 tank introduced in 1944. This gun was an improvement over the previous 76.2mm gun original fitted to the T34 tank and this gun was fitted from 1944 onwards. The projectile has a quarter section taken out of it to reveal the copper penetrating cone and the fold out stabilising fins. The projectile has a single iron band and retains most of its original grey paint with black stencilling. The projectile is stencilled in black A – IX – 1 BK2M . The driving band is stamped with an X . The quarter sectioned brass cartridge case is headstamped 26 over 55 30 6 over 8. The cartridge case is stencilled in back UBK 1M 85 D-44 85 SUiCZOLG 11/7 3/76 - 361 12/1 TR 3/76 -361 WTCh-10 4/76 -361 97 – 87 – 6 . The quarter sectioned steel primer is stamped KW-4 and 132 in an oval . All propellants and explosives have been replaced with inert substances. No licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display Price includes UK delivery. O 1649

INERT DEACTIVATED. Russian T34/85 Tank WW2 1944 Dated Unfired 85mm Tank Gun (85x629R) APCR/T (Armour Piercing Composite Rigid/Trace) Round. - O 1648
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a Russian T34/85 unfired 85mm Tank Gun (85x629R) APCRT (Armour Piercing Composite Rigid/ Trace) round for the T34/85 tank introduced in 1944. This gun was an improvement over the previous 76.2mm gun original fitted to the T34 tank and this gun was fitted from 1944 onwards. The arrowhead projectile has two copper driving bands and is waisted in its middle. It has inside is a tungsten core for armour piercing. There is an alloy ballistic cap fitted at the top of the projectile. The projectile retains most of its original grey paint with a 10mm white band at the bottom of the ballistic cap . Above the white band is stencilled in black SZKOLNY . The top copper driving band is stamped SZKOLNY. The brass cartridge case is headstamped SZKOLNY 02 51r KO.. The cartridge case is stencilled in back UBR-367pk 85-39 85-d-44 58-SUiCZOLG 9/sw4/-361 18/tr/4/7-361 32-74-6 FD . The steel primer is stamped SK KW-4 31-53 27 in an oval No licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display Price includes UK delivery. O 1648

DEACTIVATED INERT. Unfired Mint American 57mm T15 Recoilless Rifle (57x410R) High Explosive (HE) Round For The 57mm T15 Recoilless Rifle. - O 1644
DEACTIVATED INERT. This is a near mint unfired American 57mm (57x410R) T15 Recoilless Rifle High Explosive (HE) Round. this gun was developed from a captured German 10.5cm Leichgeschutz 40 recoilless gun that had a blow out breech plug and the Americans improved upon it by giving the bottleneck steel cartridge many holes in the sidewalls to release the propellant to the rear and also a pre engraved driving band to reduce thee initial pressure spike on firing. The gun was introduced in early 1945 and was fitted on a ground tripod. The gun was used to good effect mainly the pacific theatre where it gave the infantry a weapon that could fire both high explosive and smoke rounds. The gun proved very useful to the infantry in the battle of Okinawa and later on in the Korean War. This is near mint round for the 57mm T17 gun The brown lacquered steel cartridge case is headstamped 75MM-M31A1 SAP-1-2 1976. The base of the cartridge case is also stencilled in white AMM LOT SAP.1.8 SHELL M310A1 75MM RIFLE. The high explosive projectile retains most of its original green paint and is stencilled in yellow T 51 TNT SHELL M3094 ++. The projectile is also stamped over the pre engraved copper driving band LOT Y-E 1952 IP M309A1 XY-50 . The round is fitted with a brass and alloy point detonation nose fuse with a brass delay screw. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1644

INERT DEACTIVATED. British WW2, PIAT (Projector Infantry Anti-tank) HEAT (High Explosive Anti Tank) Round With Fuse. Sn - 19579
INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a rare British WW2, PIAT (Projector Infantry Anti-tank) HEAT (High Explosive Anti Tank) round. The round is complete with its original nose fuse. The PIAT was designed in response to the British Army's need for a more effective hand-held infantry anti-tank weapon. It consisted of a steel tube, a trigger mechanism and firing spring, and was based on the spigot mortar system and instead of using a propellant to directly fire a round; the spring was cocked and tightened. When the trigger was pulled, it released the spring that pushed the spigot forward into the rear of the bomb. This detonated the cartridge in the base of the bomb, was then thrown forward off the spigot and if lucky re cocked the weapon for firing again. The PIAT possessed an effective range of approximately 100 yards. This system meant that the PIAT had several advantages, which included a lack of muzzle smoke to reveal the position of the user, the ability to fire it from inside buildings. The PIAT entered service in 1943, and was first used during the Allied invasion of Sicily that year; it remained in use with British and Commonwealth forces until the early 1950s. The PIAT replaced the .303 Boys anti-tank rifle which was adopted in 1937 and soon proved itself unable to defeating heavy armour. As well as being used in the anti-tank role, the PIAT was an effective way of opening doors on buildings at a safer distance and the resulting explosion was usually enough to subdue opposition in the building. This projectile retains some of its original green painted finish and is complete with its original alloy nose fuse and screw on fuse holder. The PIAT has its original hollow charge nose cone which is held on by a screw on pressed steel collar. The price for this round includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess this inert round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Sn 19579
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