German Technische Nothilfe Cuff Title. N 136. - N 136 Technische Nothilfe (abbreviated as TN, T.N, T.H, Tech Nh, TeNo, TENO; lit.R01;'Technical Emergency Corps') was a German organisation. It began as a strikebreaker organisation after the First and Second World Wars, but developed into a volunteer emergency response unit. During the Nazi period TN became in charge of technical civil defence. The TN was founded on September 30, 1919 by Otto Lummitzsch with the stated purpose to protect and maintain vital & strategic facilities (e.g. gas works, water works, power stations, railways, post offices, agriculture concerns and food production activities). At the time (1919–1923), these vital infrastructure facilities were under threat from sabotage and attack during a period bordering on civil war, which was caused by the collapse of German economy following the end of World War I and exacerbated by a spate of politically motivated wildcat strikes, usually by left-wing elements. In effect they were strike-breakers. Measuring; 415 X 38mm machine embroidered with silver coloured thread. The price includes UK delivery. N 136. £55.00