MINT UN-ISSUED, WW2 1945 USAAF (United States Army Air Force) Officer's ‘Fur Felt’ Peaked Regulation Service Cap With Cap Badge With Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot Stores Markings. Sn 15703:55 - 15703:55 This is an original WW2 dated USAAF Officer’s service cap in near mint un-issued condition. It is made from khaki ‘fur felt’ with braided head band. The brown leather peak and chin strap are complete and undamaged and secured by gilt USAAF buttons. To the front it has a gilt metal American Eagle officer’s cap badge. Inside it has a brown leather sweatband, the inside of which has Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot Stores Markings, cap designation, with ‘fur felt’ material detail and size 7 1/8 together with date January 2 1945. The crown has a printed card label covered with cellophane ‘Regulation Army Officers Service Cap’. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 15703:55