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Rifles and Carbines

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German Mauser .22 Long Rifle Calibre Bolt Action Sporting Rifle**UK 2007 DEACTIVATION CERTIFICATED** D 6001 - D 6001
This is a German Mauser .22 Long Rifle Calibre Bolt Action Sporting Rifle in excellent condition. The woodwork and metal work of this weapon are in excellent condition. The stock has an alloy butt plate. The rifle has a shrouded blade fore sight and adjustable graduated rear sight. The metal work has maker and model detail together with calibre information and serial number 1779 (all illustrated). The stock is slotted for sling anchor & the rifle has sling swivels. Deactivated to UK specification in 2007 the weapon cocks and dry fires. The price includes deactivation certificate and UK delivery. D 6001

British Pattern 1853 Type Muzzle Loading .451 Calibre Volunteer Rifle Musket By Euro Arms Of America**UK/EU 2018 DEACTIVATION CERTIFICATED** Sn 21578 - 21578
The Enfield Pattern 1853 rifle-musket was a .577 calibre Minié-type muzzle-loading rifled musket, used by the British Empire from 1853 to 1867. The rifles were used by both regular and volunteer troops and saw action in all conflicts involving the British Empire during the period including the Crimean war. The pattern 1853 lives on today in quality live firearms produced by the Italian company 'Euro Arms Of America' This is a near mint deactivated Euro Arms made Pattern 1853 type percussion rifle. It has excellent undamaged wood stock and blued metal work. It measures 52" overall with a 36" barrel. The weapon is fitted with shrouded blade fore sight, graduated flip up rear sight, heavy military type hammer, sling swivels, ram rod and brass furniture. The colour case hardened action plate is crisply marked with Crown and Volunteer. The barrel is stamped ' Euro Arms Of America'. The weapon is serial number 21907. Sympathetically deactivated to UK/EU specification in 2018 the gun cocks and dry fires. The price includes deactivation certificate and UK delivery. Sn 21578

WW1 1917 Imperial German Mauser G98 7.92mm Calibre Infantry Rifle With 1915 Imperial German Stock & Co Berlin Marienfelde 'Butcher Bayonet' & Scabbard With Leather Frog**EARLY UK 1995 DEACTIVATION CERTIFICATED** Sn 21608:2 - 21608:2
This is an excellent WW1 dated Imperial German Army G98 infantry rifle. It has all original woodwork and metalwork with steel butt plate. The all original stock has just light bumps and bruises to be expected with age and service use. The barrel shank is stamped by the manufacturer ‘Waffenfabrik Mauser A.G. Oberndorf A/N’ & dated '1917'. The side of the housing is stamped with model detail 'G.E.W 98' (Gewehr 1898) and with Imperial German inspection marks. It has block & blade foresight, adjustable rear sight, bayonet slide, cleaning rod & sling swivels. The rifle is serial number 4521 and has other un-matching numbers. Deactivated to early UK specification in 1995 the rifle cocks and dry fires. The rifle is accompanied by an original German WW1 'Butcher Bayonet'. The bayonet has the correct 9 groove wooden grips which are secured with two screw bolts. Grips have just knocks bumps and bruises to be expected. Its push button spring release which operates as it should. The blade is marked with the manufacturer’s name Stock & Co Berlin Marienfelde. The spine of the blade has an Imperial inspection mark and ’15 date (1915). It's original steel scabbard with frog bar has even patina and just a few dings. The scabbard is fitted with original leather frog. All leather and stitching are intact. There are no visible manufacturer or date marks on the frog. The price includes deactivation certificate & UK delivery. Sn 21608:2

**MATCHING NUMBERS INCLUDING BOLT**WW1 1915 LSA Co Ltd SMLE No.1 Mk III *.303 Calibre Rifle, Sling, 1918 WD Wilkinson 1907 Pattern Bayonet & Scabbard**VERY EARLY UK 1986 DEACTIVATION CERTIFICATED** Sn 21608:1 - 21608:1
This is an excellent WW1 1915 dated SMLE No.1 Mk III .303 calibre rifle. The rifle has all original woodwork throughout and is stamped King’s Crown, LSA Co Ld (London Small Arms Limited), 1915, SHT L.E III*. It is complete with stripper clip loading bridge, winged fore sight and adjustable rear sight with wing protectors. It also has a brass butt plate with trap and original webbing sling. The breech, front barrel block and bolt have matching numbers M5451, there are no visible numbers on or under the rear sight. Deactivated to very early UK specification in 1986 the rifle cocks & dry fires and the magazine can be removed. The rifle comes with an original Pattern 1907 bayonet complete with scabbard. The ricasso of the bayonet is stamped by the manufacturer with partially visible 'Wilkinson' and King’s Crown together with what looks like ‘1 ’18 (January 1918 date). The reverse is stamped with WD inspection marks. The blade and its slab wood grips are undamaged. It has its original steel mounted leather scabbard. All leather & stitching of the scabbard are intact. The price for this very early UK deactivated WW1 SMLE includes deactivation certificate & UK delivery. Sn 21608:1

WW1 Era Canadian Ross M-10 (Model 1910) Straight Pull .303 Calibre Military Rifle Later Sporterised For Hunting With Original Military Sight Arrangement**UK/EU 2021 DEACTIVATION CERTIFICATED** Sn 17974. - 17974
The Ross rifle was a straight-pull bolt action .303 inch-calibre rifle produced in Canada from 1903 until 1918. The rifles were issued to the Canadian Army. Although these rifles were proven and popular target rifles they were found unsuitable for the conditions of trench warfare and in 1916 were withdrawn from Canadian Military service making these sought after rifles now hard to find. This is a WW1 Era Canadian Ross M-10 (Model 1910) Straight Pull .303 Calibre Military Rifle Later Sporterised For Hunting. It’s wood & metal are excellent. It has a 31” barrel, magazine & its steel butt plate has a hinged trap. The rifle is fitted with sling swivels and leather sling. Deactivated To UK/EU specification in 2021 the bolt and trigger move. The breech is crisply marked 'Ross Rifle Co Canada M-10 Patented' and has inspection marks. The rifle is serial number 2798. The price for this rare WW1 Canadian rifle includes deactivation certificate and UK delivery. Sn 17974

WW1, Imperial German, Mauser G98, 7.92mm Calibre, Nickel Plated Parade/Ceremonial Infantry Rifle. **EU 2024 DEACTIVATION**. - D 5980
This is an excellent WW1 ceremonial/ parade nickel plated Imperial German Army G98 infantry rifle. The nickel plating is old and dulled with age giving it a pleasing appearance. The rifle has all of its original woodwork and metalwork with a steel butt plate. The walnut stock has an old polished finish to it with just light bumps and bruises to be expected with age and service use. Due to the rifle being nickel plated, the stampings are feint with the preparation for nickel plating but at the top of the breech can be seen E U (ERFURT) and below that the number 1 which was part of the date. The rifle has a block & blade foresight, adjustable rear sight, bayonet slide, cleaning rod & both sling swivels. The rifle is serial number 1157. The left side of the butt has a regimental disc which is stamped 74LT (74 Infantry (1st Hanover) Regiment) 3.26. The rifle was deactivated to EU specification in 2024 and the bolt moves and locks. The price for this scarce ceremonial/parade rifle includes the deactivation certificate and UK delivery. D 5980

WW1 Era Austrian Kropatschek-Steyr Model 1886 Portuguese Contract Tube Magazine Bolt Rifle. **UK/EU DEACTIVATION CERTIFICATED** - D 5978
Alfred Ritter von Kropatschek (March 30, 1838 - 1911) was a General in the Austrian Army and a weapons designer of the late 19th century, who was responsible for several rifle and revolver designs in affiliation with the Steyr Company; these weapons were used by the armed forces of the Austrian Empire and several other nations. His rifles feature a tubular magazine under the barrel similar to a Winchester rifle. One of his designs was sold to the French Navy, and was later adapted by the French Army. Kropatschek patent weapons were used by the French Army and Navy during the First World War. This is an excellent example of a Portuguese contract Kropatschek Steyr Model 1886 rifle in calibre 8x56R, made by O.E.W.F.G. Steyr. The rifle measures 52" overall with a 32 ¼” barrel. It has an internal, 8 shot tubular magazine and the rifle cocks and dry fires. The rifle has all original undamaged woodwork which has just light bumps and bruises to be expected with age and service use. The breech is also stamped on the left hand side Mt 1886. The rifle is complete with correct sling swivels, block and blade fore sight, graduated ladder rear sight, cleaning rod and bayonet lug. The rifle has a feint manufacturers in the left hand side of the stock and is complete with its original brown leather sling. The price includes UK/EU deactivation certificate and UK delivery. D 5977

WWII 1941 Dated Nazi German Mauser K98 7.92mm Calibre Rifle, K98 Bayonet & Scabbard. **UK DEACTIVATION CERTIFICATED 2002**. Sn - 21393:2
This is an excellent 1941 dated German K98 infantry rifle made by Mauser complete with its bayonet and scabbard. The receiver is stamped byf (Mauser in Oberndorf am Neckar ) over 41 (1941 date) and carries the correct WaA655 stamps. The side of the receiver carries the designation Mod 98. The rifle has an adjustable rear sight, block & blade fore sight, bayonet bar & steel butt plate. The rifle retains much of its blued finish and its original wooden stock has just light bumps and bruises consistent with age and service use. The rifle has forward sling bar and the stock is slotted for a sling anchor. The rifle is well stamped and the stock carries the number 346. The rifle comes with a K98 bayonet which retains much of its original blued finish. The crossguard is stamped 9924 together with waffemampt marks on the pommel and release button. The wooden grips are intact and in good order. The scabbard is stamped 43 (1943 date) cul together with the number 3357 on the reverse. The scabbard has some minor dents front and back. Deactivated to UK specification in 2002 the rifle cocks and dry fires. The price of the rifle, bayonet and scabbard includes UK delivery. Sn 21393:2

Cold War 1951 Dated Russian Izhevsk Arsenal Simonov SKS-45 7.62 x 39 mm M1943 Semi Automatic Carbine With Folding Bayonet**UK 2015 DEACTIVATION CERTIFICATED**Sn 21266:20 - 21266:20
This is an excellent Russian Simonov SKS-45 7.62 x 39mm, Semi Automatic carbine. These rifles were designed by Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov. Production of this model commenced in 1946. The weapons were widely used throughout the Communist block and China. It is 40 inches overall length and has a 10 round box magazine. It’s all original wood work is excellent and it has the correct integral folding cruciform bayonet, steel butt plate with trap, sling swivel, sling bar, shrouded fore sight, adjustable rear sight and cleaning rod. The metal has the Russian Izhevsk arrow arsenal marks and 1951 date. The carbine is serial number ‘21029219’ which is stamped on the barrel action and wood. Deactivated to UK specification in 2015 the carbine’s trigger moves, its hinged box magazine opens and closes correctly and its folding bayonet operates as it should. The price includes deactivation certificate and UK delivery. Sn 21266:20

Inter War Military Contract, Belgian FN Mauser M1924 (K98 Type) Bolt Action 7.92mm Calibre Rifle & Sling. Sn 21266:18**UK 2009 DEACTIVATION CERTIFICATED** - 21266:18
This Mauser carbine was produced under licence by Fabrique Nationale (FN) of Belgium. FN established itself as a major exporter of firearms for International military contracts during the period between the two World Wars. This is a Belgian FN Mauser M1924 K98 Mauser type rifle. Its woodwork and metal is all original and undamaged. It is fitted with an adjustable rear sight and block with blade fore sight. It has a steel butt plate, bayonet bar & its sling swivels are fitted with leather sling. The barrel shank has indistinct marks (illustrated, unknown, most likely the foreign Government that contracted the rifle) the side of the breech is stamped with the manufacturer's detail ' FAB NAT ARMES DE GUERRE HERSTAL BELGIQUE'. The rifle is serial number 3227. Deactivated to UK specification in 2009 the rifle cocks and dry fires. The price for this rifle worthy of further research includes deactivation certificate & UK delivery. Sn 21266:18
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