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1903 Japanese Mauser Siamese Contract Type 46 (German Mauser G98) 8 x 50mm Calibre Bolt Action Infantry Rifle With Sliding Breech Dust Cover. Sn 18196:22 - 18196:22
Facing the threat of Western colonial expansionism in Southeast Asia during the later part of the 19th century, King Rama V of Siam (now Thailand), sought new weapons as part of a modernization program to ensure the kingdom's independence. After experiments with other rifles, the Siamese military decided to purchase a Mauser rifle based on the Gewehr 98 design as their principle service rifle and designated it the Type 46 rifle. Through various modifications, adaptations, and using various cartridges, the Siamese Mausers served as the main infantry weapon of Siam until after World War II. Some features and characteristics of the Japanese Type 35 rifle (under development in the same arsenal at that time) were also incorporated, such as the sliding dust cover. Type 47 carbines were also made on the same design lines and in 1923 Type 46/66 rifles and carbines were introduced. This is an original Siamese Type 46 rifle. It has all original woodwork and metal and has forward and rear sling swivels. It has a steel butt plate, cleaning rod, block & blade fore sight and adjustable rear sight & sliding dust cover. The metal work has Siamese crest and script characters which we believe translate to ‘1903’ date as found on other examples of this model of rifle. The rifle is serial number 754. Deactivated to UK specification in 2002 the rifle cocks and dry fires crisply. The price includes deactivation certificate & UK delivery. Sn 18196:22

Columbian Military Contract, Belgian FN K98 Mauser Bolt Action 7.62mm NATO Calibre Bolt Action Rifle Converted Or Made Using Parts From a WW2 Nazi German Mauser K98 Rifle & Sling. Sn 18196:18 - 18196:18
This is a Belgian K98 Mauser in 7.62mm NATO calibre. These weapons were produced by FN (Fabrique Nationale) in Belgium for Columbian Government Forces. Its woodwork and metal is all original and undamaged. The underside of the wood shoulder stock has poker work ‘7.62’ (calibre). It is fitted with an adjustable rear sight and shrouded block with blade fore sight. It has a steel butt plate, bayonet bar & its sling swivels are fitted with sling. The top of the breech is stamped with Columbian Government roundel and the left side of the breech stamped with the manufacturer's detail ' FAB NAT ARMES DE GUERRE HERSTAL BELGIQUE'. The rifle has matching numbers on the 7828 on the breech and bolt. The magazine plate is Waffenamt WaA63 (WW2 Nazi manufacturer code for Mauserwerk Oberndorf ) & numbered ‘883’ indicating that this rifle was converted from a Nazi WW2 rifle or made using parts from a Nazi WW2 rifle. Deactivated to UK specification in 2001 the rifle cocks and dry fires crisply. The price includes deactivation certificate & UK delivery. Sn 18196:18

**RARE**Cased, British WD Inter War 1919 Dated Prideaux Patent 6 Round ‘Rapid Loader’ For Webley .455 Calibre Service Revolvers With 6 Inert Deactivated Rounds Of .455 Calibre Ammunition. Sn 17999:4 - 17999:4
Developed just before WW1 by William de Courcy Prideaux, these speed loaders designated ‘Rapid loaders’ were all steel construction & were an improvement to his Patent of 1914 and were used for speed loading the Military .455 Revolvers (see page 245 of Webley revolvers by Bruce & Reinhart’ where a Prideaux rapid loader with a case the same as ours is illustrated). By exerting downward pressure the cartridges are released into the chambers. Our example is in excellent condition with no rust or damage and is fully functional. Commercial versions had Prideaux patent information stamped on the handle. Our British War Dept version is correctly without Prideaux patent detail and has correct markings ‘ WD arrow P-L2 & Crown 55B inspection mark’ together with 1919 date. The 6 inert deactivated .455 calibre rounds have brass cases and conical lead bullets. Some of the head stamps are visible ‘Eley 455’. The loader and rounds are held in their period brown leather case with hinged lid, retaining strap that fastens to a brass stud and rear belt loop. All leather and stitching of the case are clean and intact. The price for this rare piece includes UK delivery. NB No licence is required to own the inert deactivated rounds in the UK. Sn 17999:4

Early 20th Century, McCarthy Buck & Co London 12 Bore Double Damascus Barrel Side By Side Hammerless Box Lock Breech Loading Top Lever Break Action Sporting Shotgun **UK/EU DEACTIVATION CERTIFICATED** D 1469 - D 1469
McCarthy Buck & Co, traded from 40 St Andrew’s Hill, London EC, 1899-1900 and may still have been in business up to 1914. This is a double barrel hammerless sporting shotgun by McCarthy, Buck & Co made sometime in the early 20th Century. It has 30” Damascus steel barrels. The barrels, set side by side have a central flat top barrel rib and bead foresight. The rib is signed ‘McCarthy Buck & Co London’. It has its original walnut stock which has just the knocks, bumps and bruises to be expected with age and use and double triggers. The wrist & fore stock have chequered panels and the underside of the stock has an inlaid German Silver escutcheon. The action is signed by the maker ‘Chas Osborne & Co’ on the left & right sides. The shotgun is number 8648. Deactivated to UK / EU specification the weapon’s top lever break action opens the breech and its safety catch slides. The price includes UK /EU deactivation certificate & UK delivery. D 1469

WW2 Nazi German Occupied Belgium Made, Browning FN Model 1922 7.65 mm Semi Automatic Pistol. Sn 18048:19 - 18048:19
The FN Browning Model 1922 saw extensive service in WW2, and continued to be manufactured by the Germans after their occupation of Belgium and seizure of the FN factory. This is an excellent original Nazi Marked Browning Model 1922 in 7.65mm calibre, made at the captured Belgian FN Herstal factory during WW2. The left side of the slide bears the 'Fabrique Herstal' (FN) Factory address together with browning patent, crisp Nazi Waffenamt 'WaA103' & Nazi German national emblem ' Eagle with Swastika' army acceptance mark. The right side of the frame, the receiver and barrel are stamped with matching numbers '47906' which is in the serial number range for Nazi German occupied Belgium M1922 pistols and has the correct WaA103 Waffenamts (20000 to over 200000 serial range, see page 83 of Axis Pistols by Still). The pistols Bakelite FN roundel chequered panel grips are undamaged. The weapon’s removable magazine is also Waffenamt WaA103. Deactivated to UK specification in 2016 the pistol cocks and dry fires. The price includes deactivation certificate and UK delivery**we can arrange for this firearm to be brought up to the latest UK/EU specification for UK customers (customers can purchase on our lay-away scheme. The weapon will then be brought up to EU specification and the relevant certificate obtained prior to the transfer of ownership and delivery). Sn 18048:19

1970’s Harrington & Richardson USA ‘Springfield Stalker’ American Civil War U.S. Army Model 1863 Springfield Sporterised .45 Calibre Muzzle Loading Rifle**UK/EU DEACTIVATION CERTIFICATED**D 1463 - D 1463
The iconic American Civil War U.S. Army Model 1863 Springfield rifle were recreated in the modern era in quality live firearms quality weapons by American & Italian Firearms companies. Made in the 1970’s this Harrington & Richardson USA rifle is a faithful live firing black powder replica of the 1863 Springfield in sporterised form deactivated to UK/EU specification in 2020 ( the hammer & trigger move). It has a 27” blued barrel and measures 43 ¼” overall. The barrel has inspection marks is numbered AM292552 together with manufacturer detail and model designation ‘Springfield Stalker’ & ’45 Cal’. The rifle has blued steel furniture and excellent woodwork. The rifle’s metal work retains all of its blue finish. The rifle has a block & blade fore sight and flip up rear sight. It has a wood ram rod with brass end cap. The action plate is stamped with American Eagle and U.S. Springfield similar to marks which would have been found on original period U.S. Army rifles. The price includes UK/EU deactivation certificate & UK delivery. D 1463

Korean War Era Soviet Russian PPS-43 7.62mm Calibre Sub Machine Gun With Folding Stock & Sling**UK/EU DEACTIVATION CERTIFICATED**D 1465 - D 1465
The Russian PPS-43 was designed and manufactured inside Leningrad during the WW2 900 day siege. This is an excellent Soviet PPS-43 SMG. It's metal work is undamaged and excellent throughout. The top of the breech is stamped 1952 date, number PK-11390 and ‘number 6 within circle mark’. The number is repeated on the frame and cocking lever. Its curved box magazine has un-matching numbers. It is complete with its original folding skeleton stock, undamaged composite grips and fixed sling rings fitted with webbing and leather sling. Deactivated to UK specification in 2020 the weapon’s stock folds as it should and the magazine can be removed. Its trigger and slide do not move. The price includes UK/EU deactivation certificate and UK delivery. D 1465

MATCHING NUMBERS, Luger M90 (Browning Hi Power) FEG Hungary 9mm Calibre Semi Automatic Pistol. Sn 17693:7 - 17693:7
Branded Luger M90, these semi auto pistols were actually produced by FEG of Hungary and is identical to their P9R model. Based on the Hi Power design the M90 differs in that it has a slide mounted safety/decocker and a chunkier frame. This example has fixed combat sights and has its original blue finish. It has model designation ‘Luger M90’ on the left side of the slide together with 9mm Parabellum Calibre detail. The breech, slide & frame have matching numbers ‘R64725 / 64725’. The magazine is stamped ‘A 3968’ & ‘Belgium 9mm NATO Luger’. It has undamaged chequered panel wood grips and the back of the grip frame is grooved for grip, the pistol’s slide & the trigger & the magazine can be removed.Currently the pistol strips, cocks and dry fires. The price includes deactivation certificate and UK delivery**we can arrange for this firearm to be brought up to the latest UK/EU specification for UK customers (customers can purchase on our lay-away scheme. The weapon will then be brought up to EU specification and the relevant certificate obtained prior to the transfer of ownership and delivery). Sn 17693:7

SCARCE, British L59A1 (No.4 SMLE) .303 Calibre Drill/ Instructional Rifle With Sectioned Inspection Ports & Original Webbing Sling **UK / EU DEACTIVATION CERTIFICATED**D 1491 - D 1491
After WW2, some No. 4 Enfields were converted to non-firing Drill Purpose rifles and were issued a new model designation ‘L59A1’. Most of the L59A1 rifles that have been available to collectors have been in very poor condition due to their drill use however this rifle is in excellent condition. The all original wood is undamaged. It is crisply marked with the model designation at the breech (illustrated) and is fitted with original webbing sling. It has the correct winged fore sight, flip up ladder rear sight & the brass butt plate has the correct trap. It is serial number ‘8651’. This example has small red highlighted sectional cut out inspection ports on the left and right sides of the action, only visible on close inspection. The L59A1 makes an excellent demonstration rifle. Deactivated to UK/EU specification in 2020 the rifle’s bolt and trigger move and the magazine can be removed. The price for this scarce military training rifle includes UK/EU deactivation certificate & UK delivery. D 1491

American Civil War Remington (Harpers Ferry) Model 1863 ‘Zouave’ .58 Calibre Muzzle Loading Percussion Rifle By Zoli Italy With Sling, Brass Hilt Bayonet & Scabbard **EARLY UK/EU DEACTIVATION CERTIFICATED**. D 1567 - D 1567
Also known as the "Zouave Rifle," the.58 calibre muzzle loading 1863 Remington was referred to as "Harpers Ferry Pattern" in official Army documents. These rifles were issued to Zouave Light Infantry Regiments of the U.S army during the civil war, named, so as their uniforms were fashioned on those of Colonial North African French troops. The Remington design lives on today in live firing firearms of Italian manufacturer’s such as Zoli. This is an excellent Zouave rifle made in the modern era by Zoli.. It has an undamaged stock with hinged patch box and blued metal work. It measures 49” overall with a 33" barrel. The barrel has the Italian manufacturer’s details. The weapon has brass furniture, block & blade fore sight and flip up 2 leaf rear sight, heavy hammer, ram rod & sling swivels fitted with leather sling. The action plate is crisply marked with the American Eagle mark. It is serial number 34529. Deactivated to early UK/EU specification in 2018 the rifle cocks and dry fires. The weapon comes with a brass hilt bayonet which has a clean 20” long steel blade with fullers. The scabbard is leather with brass mounts. The price includes UK/EU deactivation certificate & UK delivery. D 1567
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