Victorian Joseph Haywood & Company Glamorgan Works Sheffield Folding Bowie With brass Fittings & Open Top Scabbard. Sn 22244 - 22244 Sheffield born Joseph Haywood was first listed in a directory in 1845 as a merchant and steel, file, edge-tool, saw, and cutlery manufacturer in Victoria Street. The business moved to Livingstone Works, Holly Street, and then to Garden Street, from where a silver mark was registered in 1880. The workshops were soon moved to Glamorgan Works, Little Pond Street. Haywood traded as a ‘general merchant’ in cutlery, partly through a London office at No. 56 Holborn Viaduct. Pocket, sportsman’s, and budding knives were staple lines, though the firm also made By 1881, according to the Census, he employed 165 workers (101 men, 41 women, and 23 boys). In 1902, the firm’s marks, goodwill, and stock of electro-plate and premium sportsman’s knives were offered for sale (Sheffield Daily Telegraph, 18, 19 March 1902). The goodwill and marks of the business at Glamorgan Works, Pond Street, were sold for £660. The purchasers were Needham, Veall & Tyzack and Thomas Turner & Co, who purchased them co-jointly. This is an excellent Victorian era Bowie made at Joseph Haywood & Company at their Glamorgan Works. The 8” long, steel blade with medial ridge and drop point has chequered Walnut scales secured by German Silver pins. It has brass bolsters at the cross guard, swivelling hinged 2 bar finger guard secured to the blade shank by a single pin allowing movement of the cross guard as normally found on folding Bowies and brass lined steel frame. The blade shank, on one side is crisply signed by the maker ‘Joseph Haywood & Company Glamorgan Works Sheffield’. The polished steel blade has just light age related staining. The blade is released for closing by depression of a German Silver button on one of the grip scales. Open the knife is 12 ½” overall length, closed 9 ½”. Its original bucket type brown leather scabbard has a German Silver Throat mount with German Silver hanging ring. All leather & stitching of the scabbard are clean & intact. The price for this excellent Victorian folding Bowie includes UK delivery. Sn 22244 (drawers office)