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Daggers and Knives

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WW1 Era Imperial German Fighting / Trench Knife By Gottleib Hammesfahr Solingen Foche & Scabbard With Integral Belt Loop. Sn 19835 - 19835
An original German WW1 Fighting / Trench Knife and scabbard with integral frog (see page 44 of ‘German Combat Knives 1914-1945’ by Christian Mery where a Gottlieb knife & scabbard the same as ours is illustrated). The knife has a blackened 6” blade with medial ridge and has an overall length of 11 ¼”. The blade is crisply marked "Gottlieb Hammesfahr Solingen Foche " on one side, the reverse has a small Imperial Crown Inspection mark. The grips are wooden with typical nine diagonally carved grooves. The grips are secured with 2 brass rivets. It is complete with its original metal scabbard which has traces of original black paint. The throat has a leather belt loop riveted to it. The belt loop has a single retaining strap with press stud fastener. The leather of the belt loop has service wear but is intact and secure. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 19835

WW1 Era Imperial German Fighting / Trench Knife & Scabbard With Integral Belt Loop. Sn 19834 - 19834
An original German WW1 Feldzug Fighting/Trench Knife and scabbard (see page 30 of German Combat Knives By Mery where a similar knife is illustrated and page 81 of the same book where a WW1 trench dagger scabbard the same as ours is illustrated). The knife has a 5 ½” long blade and re-curving blackened steel finger guard. One side with finial the other holed for wrist cord. It has an overall length of 10”. The grips are wooden with typical nine diagonally carved grooves. The grips are secured with 2 rivets. The blade has no visible date or maker markings. It is complete with its original metal scabbard painted black which has an integral riveted hessian / webbing belt loop with leather retaining strap and press stud fastener. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 19834

**UN-ISSUED**WW2 MK 2 U.S. Navy MK 2 Robeson Cutlery Company (RCC) Ka-Bar Fighting Knife With USN Mark 2 Grey Plastic Scabbard By BM Co (Beckwith Manufacturing Company & VP (Victory Plastics). Sn 19869 - 19869
This is an original un-issued condition WW2 era USN Mark 2 Ka-Bar fighting knife & Scabbard (see page 78 of the book ‘United States Military Knives Collector’s Guide By Silvey & Boyd). This example is in excellent condition. The grip is constructed of the correct compressed smooth leather washers, correct finger guard and has a pinned steel pommel. The guard is marked ‘USN MK 2’ and by the manufacturer RCC which is the Robeson Cutlery Company. It has a 7” parkerised, bowie blade with fullers. It is complete with its correct grey plastic scabbard with integral webbing frog and retaining strap with press stud fastener. The throat mount is stamped to the front ‘USN MK 2’ and the rear ‘NORD-8114 (stores code), BM Co (Beckwith Manufacturing Company) 1/6’ and ‘VP’ (Victory Plastics). All markings are illustrated. The scabbard is holed for thigh cord. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 19869

**RARE**WW1 French Model 1916 ‘Abourgad’ (Variant of "The Avenger of 1870") Fighting Knife & Scabbard. Sn 19873 - 19873
From 1915 the French began to develop trench weapons at the Châtellerault arms factory, with Lieutenant-Colonel Coutrot experimenting by converting existing military swords and bayonets into combat daggers. Several designs were decided upon and then sent to be manufactured by private firms. Despite such variety of knives being issued to French troops during the War, there was only one, the Modèle 1916, that received an official military designation. Given this fact, it is strange that the dagger was in fact devised by the cutlery manufacturer Astier-Prodon of Thiers, rather than Châtellerault. It was subsequently produced by a number of other civilian manufacturers to keep up with demand. Early models lack a metal reinforcing ferrule, to strengthen the connection of blade to hilt found on later examples. Some of the Modèle 1916 daggers are marked 'Le Vengeur de 1870' on the blade, referencing the fall of Paris and French defeat in the Franco-Prussian war. This is an excellent, rare to find French Model 1916 Fighting Knife. WW1 variants by French makers available to French troops are identical to the Avenger of 1870 examples but without the Avenger inscription, see page 29 items 109 & 110 of Fighting Knives by Fred Stephens where a similar Model 1916 / Avenger variant to ours is illustrated, with a scabbard identical to ours. Our knife by the French maker Abourgad has a 6 ¼” long steel double edged dagger blade with medial ridge and is correctly the same form as those found on European manufactured versions of the American pattern 1918 knuckle daggers. The blade is without Avenger inscription, the shank is manufacturer marked ‘Abourgad’, the name forming the pony tail of their oriental man’s head trademark. The flat, shaped steel cross guard has a small acceptance stamp ‘B’ and is numbered ‘558’ (the number 8 is double struck). The knife measures 10 ¾” overall length. The original solid wood grip has a flat, round steel pommel tang screw / bolt (the 2 tone colour of the handle which can be seen in the images is just grain colour variation not a crack or damage). The hilt has a metal ferrule at the cross guard indicating mid to late war production. The blade and grip are totally secure with no movement. The correct original scabbard is steel has correct elongated belt loop bar. The scabbard is stamped ‘383’ at the throat. The scabbard has some minor dents and scuffs to the original black paint finish consistent with age and service use. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 19873

**VERY RARE**WW1 French Francais Armes & Cycles St Etienne Factory Made Aluminium Hilt Trench Fighting Knife With M1871 Gras Bayonet Blade & Original Steel Scabbard. Sn 19858 - 19858
This a very rare, WW1 era trench fighting knife factory made to a high quality by the French arms manufacturer Francais Armes & Cycles St Etienne (see page 27 plates 93 & 94 of Fighting Knives by Fred Stephens where an example without scabbard is illustrated). The 9” long ‘T’ section blade is correctly made from the tip of a Model 1871 Gras bayonet and the cast aluminium hilt with integral cross guard and pommel end is finely chequered. The blade has just light staining consistent with age. The cross guard is marked on one side ‘Manufacture Francais Armes & Cycles St Etienne’ and the reverse ‘Brevete’ (patents). The knife measures 13 ½” overall length. The original steel scabbard, factory made from a section of Gras bayonet scabbard has no dents and retains its original black paint and factory applied steel belt clip. The price for this very rare WW1 piece in excellent condition includes UK delivery. Sn 19858

Victorian English Lingard Sheffield ‘Superior Cutlery’ Small Cutlery Hilt Spear Point Bowie Knife & Scabbard - 19697
Several Lingard family members lived on Pea Croft (now Solly Street) in the nineteenth century. John Lingard was listed as a maker of spring knives, Spanish dirks, and bowie, dagger and hunting knives. In 1850 he registered a switchblade design in which a large dagger blade is released when you press on a smaller penknife blade, the same type of mechanism which is used in the knife at the top of this page. John Lingard was one of the hundreds of cutlers that worked on a small scale and had their workshops within their home. This type of working was more usual within Sheffield than the large scale factories that began to be established from the 1830s onwards. John Lingard also ran The Star pub from his work and home address, 83 Pea Croft, which was one of the six pubs with a named keeper on the road in 1852. It was very common for cutlers to have more than one source of income in Sheffield, so that if there was a downturn in trade there was money still coming in to support them and their families. This is a small Victorian cutlery handled spear point Bowie by Lingard. The knife has a typical Victorian era cast white metal cutlery form handle decorated with stylised foliate design. The hilt has an oval finger guard. The 5 ½” long, steel spear point Bowie blade has staining consistent with age. One side of the blade is signed by the maker ‘Lingard Superior Cutlery’. The knife measures 10” overall. The original red hue open top leather scabbard has German Silver or brass throat mount and chape. The leather has tooled foliate decoration. All leather and stitching are intact with just light surface wear. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 19697

English Clements (London) / Ibberson Sheffield Hand Forged Horseman's / Coachman's Multi Bladed Folding Knife With 10 Blades / Tools & Stag Antler Scales. Sn 19696 - 19696
Chas Clements were a long established firm of early 20th Century cutlers based in London. Some Clements of London knives were manufactured by Ibberson Sheffield for Clements'(see pages 19 & 20 of British & Commonwealth Military Knives by Flook). This is an English Sheffield made Horseman's / Coachman’s Multi Bladed Clasp Knife by Clements, most likely Chas Clements. The knife has 7 fold out tools, a screw driver tip forming part of the frame and 2 removable tools. The blades are marked ‘Clements Hand Forged’. The blades and tools which can be seen in the images fold neatly into its steel frame which has undamaged Stag antler scales secured by brass pins. The scales have German silver bolsters and German silver shackle. One scale has a void German silver escutcheon. Slotted into the scales are 2 tools which consist of a spike and most likely a pair of steel tweezers (the tweezers? are tightly fitted in the frame and to avoid possible damage we have not tried to remove them). Closed the knife measures 4 ¼” length. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 19696

**RARE** FR693 / FR271 Cold War British WD Wilkinson Royal Marines Admiralty Contract 3rd Pattern Fairbairn Sykes FS Commando Fighting Knife With No.3 Mould Mark & Correct FR693 Designation (Made From WW2 Re-Furbished FS Examples) & FR271 Scabbard. - 19736
This is a rare, 1960’s British Wilkinson Royal Marines Admiralty Contract 3rd Pattern Fairbairn Sykes FS Commando Fighting Knife, Designated FR693 & Correct FR271 Designated Scabbard (see page 166 -173 of The Fairbairn Sykes Fighting Knife & Other Commando Knives By Flook). In his book there is a reference to a quantity of knives being supplied to the Admiralty by Wilkinson contract in 1964 for Royal Marine Commando issue stamped ‘FR693’. He also states that even though Wilkinson supplied these knives in 1964 its origins go back to at least 1955 and possibly earlier. Some of these knives were made using re-furbished WW2 examples. The knives were designated ‘FR693’ & the scabbards ‘FR271’. Our example is in excellent condition. The knife has an undamaged blackened brass 3rd pattern hilt. The hilt is stamped with ‘FR693’ stores code and number 3 mould mark indicating that this is a WW2 knife re-furbished and re-designated to fill the contract. It has a 177mm long double edged blued steel blade with medial ridge. It is complete with original scabbard with external blackened brass chape. It retains its original 4 sewn on leather tabs & elastic retaining strap. The rear of the scabbard is impressed with correct ‘FR271’ designation. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 19736

**RARE, WW1 MAHARAJAH OF JODPHUR SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT ALLOY HILT**British Military Gurkha Kukri With 2 Alloy Hilt Skinners Scabbard & Frog. Sn 19711 - 19711
During the Great War, the Maharajah of Jodphur, out of respect and friendship to the British nation raised a Regiment of troops to be sent to France to fight alongside British forces. Each soldier was equipped with a specially manufactured kukri. These knives had hilts of white metal instead of the more usual wood. They also had blued blades with the Maharajah’s crest (see page 31 plate 116 of ‘Fighting Knives’ by Stephens). This is an original Alloy hilt Kukri as found on the Maharajah of Jodphur’s special consignment kukris. The sturdy military grade weapon is 16 ¼” overall length. The alloy hilt has brass bolsters and brass pommel cap. The curved 12” steel blade has the distinctive Kukri ‘notch’. The blade has fullers and just staining consistent with age. There is no visible blueing or crest visible on the blade which may have been removed by cleaning and sharpening throughout its life. The scabbard made of wood is covered in leather. It has 2 small pockets for the skinners at the throat. One skinners blades is 3 ¼” length the other 2 ¾”, both are typically curved and have light staining consistent with age. Their alloy hits are secure and undamaged. Both have brass pommel caps. The scabbard is fitted with its leather frog which has 2 belt loops. All leather and stitching are intact. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 19711

Early 1883 Pattern Japanese Naval Officer's Dirk With Suya Sword Shop Tokyo ‘Harp’ Marked Cross Guard & Scabbard. Sn 19620 - 19620
This is an early, original 1883 Pattern Japanese Naval Officer's Dirk & Scabbard. These dirks were worn by all commissioned Officers. Towards the end of WW2 they had simulated sharkskin grips made from plastic or composite material and celluloid cross guards. Early examples had Shark skin covered grips and ornate finished fittings (see pages 70-73 of Military Swords Of Japan By Fuller & Gregory). This dirk has the correct early shark skin covered wire bound grip with brass mounts & recurving cross guard (one side of the hilt’s skin covering has an old stable and secure split which can be seen in the images). The pommel cap and both sides of the hilt have Imperial chrysanthemum ‘Mon’ devices. The cross guard has a crisp inspection stamp the same as found on a naval dirk illustrated on page 73 plate 97 of Fuller & Gregory’s book which is the Suya Sword Shop Tokyo ‘harp’ mark, see page 185 Fig 15-1 (i) of Dawson’s book ‘Swords Of Imperial Japan)’. It has a clean 8 ¾” single edged blade with fullers. It measures 13” overall and the hilt is slotted for retaining lug which is mounted on its scabbard. The polished Ray skin bound wood scabbard has brass mounts embossed with prunus blossoms. Each side throat mount has brass hanging rings. The upper mount of the scabbard has the correct press button retaining lug. The price for this Japanese Naval piece includes UK delivery. Sn 19620
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