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Daggers and Knives

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Scandinavian ‘Puukko’ Knife and Leather Sheath. 21043. - 21043
A puukko is a traditional Finnish general purpose belt knife with a single curved cutting edge, solid hidden tang and, usually, a flat spine. This lovely example has a stunning barrelled handle showing different coloured grains in the wood. The pommel is brass coloured metal and is shaped into a horses head. The fullered blade is 9 ½ cm long (knife 21 ¼ cm overall). The brass coloured metal bolster as with blade is uniquely inscribed with countries from around the globe from Scotland to Malta and Sierra Leone. The fitted leather scabbard has ornate artwork inscribed into the leather with a belt loop attached the scabbard is in very good condition with all stitching intact. The price includes UK delivery. 21043. (Drawers)

Swedish Folding/Barrel Knife with Carved Grip. ED 888. - ED 888
Swedish barrel knives are a take apart folding blade knife also known as a folding ‘sloyd’. They have been produced in Eskilstuna, Sweden since the mid-19th century until around 1952. Barrel knives were also produced in Germany, England, Finland, Norway and America. This example is brass tipped to the barrel and main body of the knife. The single edged blade is in good condition. The knife is secured inside a barrel shaped holder which is made from a dark hardwood and intricately carved. The blade is folded and stored within the barrel and is released by pinching the securing bar. There is a cap to one end with a hole to secure a lanyard. In the closed position the barrel including blade measures 11 ½ cm. The blade length is; 7 ¾ cm (including handle; 18 ¾ cm). The price for this nice example includes UK delivery. ED 888. (Folding knives Drawer)

*Unique* Small Bone Handled Scandinavian ‘Puukko’ Knife in a Reindeer Antler Sheath. 21041. - 21041
A puukko is a traditional Finnish general purpose belt knife with a single curved cutting edge, solid hidden tang and, usually, a flat spine. This knife made in Geilo in Norway (Geilo is centrally located between east and west Norway and known for tool making and skiing) is stamped to the blade on one side. The single edged blade is 8 ¼ cm long (29 ½ cm overall) inserted into a one piece bone handle entwined in leather. The unique sheath is made from a Reindeer antler held with brass rivets and capped with a leather shroud and belt strap. The price for this unusual knife and sheath includes UK delivery. 21041. (Hunting Survival Box)

C1962 U.S. Camillus Type 2 Jet Pilots Survival Knife and Sheath with Sharpener. 21066. - 21066
This Camillus Type 2 Jet Pilots knife was shortened to a 5” blade in 1962. It was developed by the U.S. Navys weapons bureau and Marbles Arms Corp in 1957. It was designed and engineered as a key weapon for use by the Navy Air Corps. Although Marbles Arms Corps was instrumental in developing this knife, most of those that furnished the Navy were made by Camillus Cutlery Co. Then re-designed in 1962 when the blade was shortened by one inch. See pages 147 & 148 of U.S. Military Knives by M.H.Cole. It has the correct undamaged compressed leather washer ringed handle. The riccasso has crisp marking ‘Camillus New York U.S.A.’ (Camillus Cutlery Company New York). The double edged blade is clean as is the saw toothed back edge. The hilt has two small holes which can be used to be fastened to the wrist. The oversized sheath with extra rivets is in excellent condition with the original sharpening stone present. The hexagonal butt plate/knob is designed to be used as a hammer. The price for this set includes UK delivery. 21066. (American Knives Box)

C1930’s Cased Iron Mongers / Cutlers Shop Window Display Of Various Knives & Tools For John Petty & Sons Sheffield With Original Illustrated John Petty & Sons Incorporating William Gregory & Sons, Joseph Mills, Trade Catalogue & Argyle Trade Leaflet. - 21161
In the 1850s, John Thomas Petty (c.1818-1887) appeared in directories as a grocer and shopkeeper at 58 Garden Street. By the 1860s, John T. Petty was forging blades again. In 1868, he advertised as a maker of farriers’ and oyster knives. He established a thriving business, which later passed to his sons (by his wife Sarah): John Thomas Petty (1848-1931) and Joseph Heald Petty (1856-1920). In the 1880s, John Petty moved to Crookesmoor Road (see Tweedale’s The Sheffield Knife Book page 248). The cutler William Gregory established his own business in 1843. He appeared in a Sheffield directory in 1865, making table and butchers’ knives in Peel Street, Broomhill. He died on 15 October 1909. The business was taken over by John Petty & Sons. Samuel’s son, Samuel Alfred, became the senior partner in Gregory Bros. William Gregory & Sons was still listed at Garden Street in Kelly's Directory of the Engineering, Hardware & Metal Trades, 1934, the location of John Petty & Sons. Joseph Mills was recorded as a Sheffield cutler in the 1860s. Joseph was a manufacturer of table and butchers’ knives in Allen Street. By the end of the 1880s, Joseph Mills had moved to Essex Works in Scotland Street, where he made table and butchers’ knives, cook and bread knives, and steel and cast steel cleavers. In the early 20th century, the works address was Court No. 5, Smithfield, and Scotland Street. Petty then acquired Mills’ trade mark. Charles Anthony Argyle (1859-1938) began business as a farriers’, plumbers’, and putty knife manufacturer. In 1901, C. A. Argyle & Co’s address was Pool Works, Burgess Street. The directory (1905) suggests that Argyle had acquired W. Grady & Co. By 1911, Argyle was based in West Hill Lane (off Devonshire Street). Argyle’s traded into the 1920s, when it became a limited company at Argyle Cutlery Works, 156 Rockingham Lane. However, it was liquidated in 1935. This is an original C1930 cased Iron Mongers / Cutlers Shop Window Display Of Various Knives & Tools For John Petty & Sons Sheffield. Many of the blades contained in the display bear the John Petty & Sons trade mark. The knives and tools are all mounted for display case with hinged glazed door with hook fasteners (to avoid damage we have not attempted to remove the tools and blades from their mounts). The glass of the door has bold gold leaf lettering ‘John Petty & Sons Sheffield’. All of the tools and blades are clean and fully functional. The rear of the case has mounts for wall hanging. An original Illustrated John Petty Trade Catalogue found with the display accompanies the case. The paper catalogue has 16 pages each containing many illustrations John Petty & Sons, William Gregory & Joseph Mills wares including descriptions of hilt types, sizes and prices. Inside the catalogue is a 2 leaf illustrated Argyle & Co Sheffield ‘VES’ trademark leaflet advertising their rubber tree tapping knives. The leaflet has a pencil hand written date ‘1930’ on the front cover. The price for this excellent cased set of blades & tools with associated period trade catalogue includes UK delivery. Sn 21161 (Office in front of storeroom doors)

**RARE**MINT**2007 GUINESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS, RECORD BREAKER**Original Boxed, Massive Wenger ‘Giant’ Swiss Army Multi Blade / Tool Knife (87 Tools 141 Functions) With Original Certificate Of Authenticity & Tools / Functions List. Sn 21060 - 21060
Wenger, known to be the more innovative of the two Swiss Army Knife manufacturers (the other being Victorinox), created this unique Swiss Knife Army that is still considered a marvel of modern Engineering. The Wenger Giant is the largest Swiss Army Knife (SAK) ever made. It is the only SAK that has the most tools, as it has every tool that Wenger has ever produced for their 85mm Swiss Army Knives. The Giant comprises 87 tools that can perform 141 different functions. The Wenger Giant did feature in the Guinness World Records. specifically, the Guinness Book Of World Records awarded it the distinction of being the ‘most multifunctional penknife‘. This is what Guinness says about the Wenger Giant: “The most multifunctional penknife is the Swiss Army Giant Knife 2007, manufactured by Wenger S.A. in Delemont, Switzerland, which contains 87 tools and offers 141 different functions”. The Giant ended up having 14 blades, three types of pliers, countless screwdrivers, saws, wrenches, and a lot of other tools. Wenger made it available for purchase around 2007, the year it won the Guinness Record. It comes only in standard red-coloured Wenger Branded scales. The Giant is an enormous SAK. Though impressive by design and craftsmanship, the model is so large that it is impractical for any type of actual use. It is not something you can carry with you anywhere, be it in your pocket or in your bag, however, Wenger has made it pretty clear that the Giant was not designed to be a practical knife, it was specifically used for promotional purposes by Wenger, mainly to attract the attention of dealers at trade shows. Our example is in mint condition with all of its original blades and tools including functioning torch & compass. Closed the knife measures 9 ¼” x 6”. The knife comes in its original Wenger labelled hard cardboard issue box. The box with removable lid measures 11”x10”x4”. The inside of the box is lined to protect the knife and contains the knife’s original certificate of authenticity and its original Wenger certificate listing all 87 tools and 141 functions (illustrated in the images). The price for this mint world record breaker which are no longer in production includes UK delivery. Sn 21060 (in white cardboard box shelves storeroom)

Victorian Nine Function Horseman’s Knife By Taylor of Sheffield. ED 2454. - ED 2454
This is a quality stag handled knife with two blades and seven tools made by Taylor of Sheffield. Three of the blades carry the company trademark of ‘EYE WITNESS’and ‘REAL KNIFE’ pus TAYLOR SHEFFIELD’. The company has been in existence for over 150 years and are still making knives in Sheffield to this day. This knife has a bland silver cartouche to one of the grips. The knife measures 4 ¼ inches long with an opened length of 6 ¾ inches. This knife has a blank silver car touche to one grip and wear and tear commensurate with its age. The price includes U.K. delivery. ED 2454.

WWI era H. Boker & Co Solingen Imperial German Uhlan Cavalry Officer's Multi Tool / Bladed Folding Lock Knife with Stag Antler Scales. ED 2437. - ED 2437
Boker of Solingen have been manufacturing blades since 1869. This form of lock knife were reputedly carried by Uhlan cavalry officers during WWI. The knife has 2 fold out blades, one of which, the hoof trimmer, locks into place and is released by depression of a steel bar on the back of the grip frame. The 3 ½” single edged blade is signed by the maker ‘H. Boker & Co Solingen’ and has their Tree trade mark. The 4” curved hoof trimmer blade is marked ‘Boker No 500’ and is DRGM marked. It also has the tree trademark. The blades have just staining consistent with age. The blades and corkscrew tool which can be seen in the images fold neatly into its steel frame which has undamaged Stag antler scales secured by pins and German silver bolsters. One scale has an inlaid brass Tree trademark roundel. Closed the knife measures 4 ½” length. The length with larger blade open measures 8 ½” overall. The price includes UK delivery. ED 2437.

**RARE**British GQ Parachute Co Ltd. RAF Air Crew Issue Swiss Victorinox Hunter Pattern Folding Multi Blade / Tool Clasp Knife (Swiss Army Type) With Stainless Steel Locking Blade. Sn 18094 - 18094
These knives were provided to the British Ministry of Defence by the GQ Parachute Co Ltd as part of their contracts for the provision of air crew equipment. The knives are Swiss Victorinox Hunter pattern (see page 229 item & plate 550 of British & Commonwealth Military knives by Flook where one of these knives is described & illustrated). The knife has a main locking blade, saw blade, corkscrew, punch. bottle opener / screwdriver, gutting blade (harness cutter) and the typical removable tweezers and tooth pick. The scales are of the red plastic material now found on most. In addition to the maker’s trademark, the logo of GQ parachutes and MRI GQ 1604 is present on one scale. The main blade is unlocked by sliding a plastic catch on the opposite scale. The main blade is etched ‘27c/7018504’ together with ‘Victorinox Switzerland Stainless Rostfrei’ & ‘Patented’ manufacturer detail. The price for this rarely seen knife includes UK delivery. Sn 18094.

*Unusual* Victorian Rubber Tapper's Plantation Knife by Saynor Cooke & Ridal Folding Pocket knife. ED 2451. - ED 2451
This is a scarce folding knife with one blade and a folding rubber tapping tool and tree scribe. These were used on rubber plantations for scoring the rubber tree and letting the rubber sap flow. Most were fixed blade knives so it is unusual to find one on a folding pocket knife. Saynor Cooke & Ridal, who were based in Edward Street, Sheffield at the Paxton works, were noted for their high quality knives of a horticultural nature and this was their speciality. Both blades carry the name SAYNOR COOKE & RIDAL and the firms trademark of a penny farthing bicycle. The grips are made of stag horn held by 4 pins. Both scales are perfectly secure. Closed the knife measures 5 7/8“ in length. The open length measures 7 1/8” overall. This is a unusual knife made for a Victorian rubber plantation owner. The price includes UK delivery. ED 2451.
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