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Bayonets - German

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WW1 Imperial German Ersatz Bayonet. BAYO 571 - BAYO 571
This is a scarce model of a German Ersatz bayonet with an extended muzzle ring. Ersatz bayonets usually have no muzzle ring or just a rudimentary ‘ears’ type configuration. This bayonet is similar to item 311 in The Bayonet Book by Watts &Watts and will only fit the Belgian Mauser M1889 rifle. The grip also appears to be the same shape as the Belgian model. This is a scarce variation that justifies further research. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 571

WW1 1916 Dated Imperial German Durkopp Werke Model 1898/05 G98 Mauser Butcher Bayonet And Steel Scabbard. BAYO 556 - BAYO 556
Durkopp Werke A.G were well established makers of sewing machines, Bicycles, cars & lorries before WW1. The Company’s distinctive trademark includes their company name & large ‘D’ enclosing a factory. They were producing bayonets in 1916 & 1917 some of which are dated & others as with our example are without date. Durkopp Werke made their own bayonets and finished blades by other manufacturers, notably Rich.A.Herder and F Koeller and Co. there is a feint Solingen mark on the left side of the blade which would suggest this was a blade made else where and finished by Durkopp Werke. This is a nice WW1 era Imperial German Model 1898/05 G98 Mauser Butcher bayonet by Durkopp. The back edge of the 14 ½” butcher blade has indistinct inspection marks and a 1916 date. The blade has just light staining consistent with age and is crisply marked with the Durkopp manufacturer name and trademark. The grooved wood grips are original and un-damaged. The steel scabbard is also original and in good order with just a couple of very minor dents to be expected. The price for this bayonet and scabbard includes UK delivery. BAYO 556

German WW1, 1915 Dated Model 1898/05 G98 Mauser 'Butcher Knife' Bayonet By V.C. Schilling Suhl Complete With Steel Scabbard. BAYO 542 - BAYO 542
This is a German WW1, 1915 dated Model 1898/05 G98 Mauser 'Butcher Knife' bayonet by V.C. SCHILLING SUHL. The ricasso is stamped V.C. SCHILLING SUHL and the top of the blade is stamped W15 (1915 date) and a stylised M acceptance stamp. The hilt is stamped with two acceptance marks as is one stamped to the release button. The top of the grip has the later flash guard and a trimmed muzzle ring. The grips are undamaged. The bayonet is contained in its original steel scabbard. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 542

German Mauser Export Bayonet And Scabbard. BAYO 538 - BAYO 538
This is the standard Mauser export made on Germany for export to the many countries who used the Mauser rifle. This bayonet appears to be for the Uruguayan 1908 Mauser Rifle and was made by SIMPSON & Co. SUHL. See An Illustrated History Of Bayonets by Martin J. Brayley on page 250. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 538

German Mauser Export Bayonet And Scabbard. BAYO 537 - BAYO 524
This is the standard Mauser export made on Germany for export to the many countries who used the Mauser rifle. This bayonet appears to be for the Uruguayan 1908 Mauser Rifle and was made by SIMPSON & Co. SUHL. See An Illustrated History Of Bayonets by Martin J. Brayley on page 250. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 524

WW1 (1917 Dated) German Imperial M84/98 2nd Model Bayonet, By J.A. Henckles, And Scabbard. Sn BAYO 524 - BAYO 524
This is a WW1 (1917 dated) Imperial German M84/98 2nd Model bayonet by J.A. Henckels. The bayonet is stamped on the blade J.A. Henckels below their trade mark. The spine of the blade is stamped with a Crown over W 17 (1917) along with an inspection mark. The pommel also is stamped with an Imperial inspection mark. The bayonet is complete with its steel scabbard. See White & Watts No 283 on pages 115 & 128. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 524

WW2 Nazi German Occupation Manufacture Czech CSZ Brno VZ 24 Bayonet, Scabbard & Frog. BAYO 505 - BAYO 505
This is a WW2 Czech VZ24 rifle bayonet and scabbard made under the German occupation in WW2. The bayonet carries the German military factory code of tgf designating manufacture by the Tscheckische Gewehr Fabrik (Czech rifle weapons factory). The Germans continued the manufacture of both the VZ23 and VZ24 bayonets through WW2 but not in the same large numbers as the Mauser K98 bayonet. This bayonet has a 12” blued blade with fullers marked CSZ (Èeskoslovenská zbrojovka a.s., Brno), together with V & H, steel muzzle ring and pommel. The wooden grips are held on by 2 screw bolts. The scabbard is made of blued steel. VZ24 bayonets made under German occupation seldom appear. Our example has post war marks including ‘crossed swords 50’ next to the Nazi manufacturer code indicating post post war refurbishment, most likely for Israel (see Martin J. Brayley, An Illustrated History of Bayonets, Pages 52 – 54). The scabbard is fitted with original leather frog. All leather & stitching of the frog are intact. The rear of the frog has an indistinct impressed mark. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 505. (German Box 1)

Imperial German WKC (Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Cie, Solingen) M1871 Brass Hilt Parade Sword Bayonet With Etched Blade & Scabbard For The 1871 Mauser Rifle. Sn 16618 - 16618
An Imperial German M1871 parade bayonet for the 1871 Mauser Rifle by WKC (Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Cie, Solingen) and scabbard. The bayonet has a brass hilt, smooth on one side and with grooved panel on the reverse. The hilt has a flat spring on one side and brass cross guard with muzzle ring. The ricasso is stamped with the manufacturer mark ‘WK&C’ (Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Cie, Solingen) which is partially visible together with trademarks. The single edged blade measures 19 ¼” length and has faint foliate etched panels on both sides. The scabbard is leather and has a brass top mount with frog bar and brass chape with tear drop end. All leather and stitching of the scabbard are intact. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 16618. (Box 3)

Imperial German WW1 Old Pattern Model 1898/05aA Without Flashguard Butcher Bayonet Complete With Steel Scabbard. BAYO 247 - BAYO 247
This is a nice old pattern 1898/05aA bayonet with no flashguard and extended muzzle ring ‘ears’. There are no markings on the blade but a capital S appears of the crossguard behind the blade and a 2 entwined S’s on the underside od the crossguard. This is a mark which we have been unable to identify. The pommel carries an inspection mark. The scabbard is the standard metal one with a few dents. This is a nice early ‘Butcher’ bayonet. See Martin J. Brayley, An Illustrated History of Bayonets, pages 83 – 85. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 247

1918 German Model 1898/05 G98 Mauser 'Butcher Knife' Bayonet By Mauser A.G. Oberndorf Complete with Steel Scabbard & Leather Frog. Bayo 289 - Bayo 289
A 1918 German Model 1898/05 G98 Mauser 'Butcher Knife' bayonet By Mauser A.G. Oberndorf. This is a very nice condition original Imperial German Pattern 1898/05 'butchers knife' bayonet and scabbard for the Gew. 98 Mauser Rifle. This is the later model with a trimmed muzzle ring and fitted with a flash guard. The ricasso is stamped "Waffenfabrik Mauser A.G. Oberndorf a.n.". The back edge of the blade is stamped with the Imperial Crown above "W 18" (1918). The blade is clean and the grips are original and un-damaged. The steel scabbard is also original and in good order with just a couple of very minor dents on the reverse as to be expected. (See image 267 in 'The Bayonet Book' by Watts and White). The price for this nicely marked bayonet and scabbard includes UK delivery. Bayo 289 (Box 1)
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