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Bayonets - German

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German WWI M1898/05 ‘Butcher Bayonet’ and Scabbard. BAYO 767. - BAYO 767
The Bayonet M1898/05 should succeed the M1898 long bayonet. It had a much stronger design but was still very long. In the beginning of the Great War it came with high ears and without flash guard. The M1898 ‘New Pattern’ was missing the ‘ears’ and is characterised by the addition of a thin sheet of steel as muzzle fire protection on top of the grip. The original German First World War butcher blade bayonet was used with the Mauser Gewehr 98 (GEW 98) the standard issue service rifle of Imperial Germany. This example was manufactured by ‘V.C.Shilling – SUHL’ as stamped on one side of the ricasso. The undersid of the spine has a number ‘3’ stamped and the top of the spine is stamped with a date code ‘W 15’ (1915) and inspection stamps. The top of the pommel has two further inspection stamps. The wooden grips are held with two studs, one of which has an inspection stamp. The correct steel scabbard is showing signs of age related wear. See ‘White & Watts’ The bayonet Book, pages 114 & 123, No 267. The price includes UK postage and packing. BAYO 767.

Original 1943 Nazi German K98 Bayonet By byf (Mauser-Werke) With Later Etched Blade ‘Deutsches Kriegsmarine 1940 Srhlarhtsrhiff Prinz Eugen’, & 1941 Dated Scabbard By ‘agv’ (Berg & Co, Solingen). BAYO 751 - BAYO 751
An original WW2 dated Nazi K98 rifle bayonet with later beautiful etching that makes this a collector’s piece in its own right. The 10" single edged fullered blade is marked by the Nazi wartime manufacturer code marked at the ricasso ‘byf’ (Mauser-Werke). The spine is dated ‘43’ (1943). The blade is numbered ‘71830 above 360’ and is beautifully etched on both sides with panels ‘Deutsches Kriegsmarine 1940’ & 'Srhlarhtsrhiff Prinz Eugen’ (Translation: German Kriegsmarine 1940 Srhlarhtsrhiff Prinz Eugen’ (Prinz Eugen was an Admiral Hipper-class heavy cruiser, the third of a class of five vessels. She served with Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during World War II. Prinz Eugen saw action during Operation Rheinübung, an attempted breakout into the Atlantic Ocean with the battleship Bismarck in May 1941. The two ships destroyed the British battlecruiser Hood and moderately damaged the battleship Prince of Wales in the Battle of the Denmark Strait. Prinz Eugen was detached from Bismarck during the operation to raid Allied merchant shipping, but this was cut short due to engine troubles. After putting into occupied France and undergoing repairs, the ship participated in Operation Cerberus, a daring daylight dash through the English Channel back to Germany. In February 1942, Prinz Eugen was deployed to Norway, although her time stationed there was curtailed when she was torpedoed by the British submarine Trident days after arriving in Norwegian waters. The torpedo severely damaged the ship's stern, which necessitated repairs in Germany. Upon returning to active service, the ship spent several months training officer cadets in the Baltic before serving as artillery support for the retreating German Army on the Eastern Front. After the German collapse in May 1945, she was surrendered to the British Royal Navy before being transferred to the US Navy as a war prize. After examining the ship in the United States, the US Navy assigned the cruiser to the Operation Crossroads nuclear tests at Bikini Atoll. Having survived the atomic blasts, Prinz Eugen was towed to Kwajalein Atoll, where she ultimately capsized and sank in December 1946. The wreck remains partially visible above the water approximately two miles northwest of Bucholz Army Airfield, on the edge of Enubuj. One of her screw propellers was salvaged and is on display at the Laboe Naval Memorial in Germany). The pommel has an etched panel on one side ‘ Kriegsmarine anchor device & Swastika within panel’. The pommel is Waffenamt and has original red felt in the mortise slot. The bayonet has undamaged wood grips. Its steel scabbard is dated ‘41’ (1941) together with manufacturer detail ‘agv’ (Nazi manufacturer code for Berg & Co, Solingen). The ball end of the scabbard is Waffenamt. The price for this desirable collector’s piece includes UK delivery. BAYO 751. (Box 3)

*German ‘G3’ Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 738. - BAYO 738
This is a ‘G3’ bayonet to fit the German ‘G3’ rifle. Based on the Spanish ‘CETME’ rifle and introduced in ‘1959’. It has undamaged ribbed plastic grips and a blade similar to the American ‘M3’ knife blade. The bayonet fixed to the rifle in an inverted position above the barrel and was secured by a plug which fitted into the gas port of the rifle. The original German issue scabbards also followed the American pattern of ‘M8 & M8A1’ types. As the popularity of the ‘G3’ rifle grew it was exported to over 60 countries, and our example is one of these export versions being in a black plastic scabbard with a fixed belt frog. This is a nice example that has seen some use. See ‘Martin. J.Brayley- An Illustrated History of Bayonets’ pages 87 – 101

**UNAVIALABLE**WWII Nazi German Municipal Police Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 730. - BAYO 730
This is an exquisite German Police Bayonet and Scabbard by ‘Weyers berg Kirschbaum & Co’. It is marked to the 13” blade with their trademark of ‘Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Co. Solingen’ on one side and their Knights head trademark on the other. The spine carries a small inspection mark. The grips are Stag Antler with one grip carrying the Police Eagle badge. The crossguard carries the unit number ‘S.B. 14173’ and the Eagles head pommel has lovely feathering. It is the version without the rifle slot and working mortice button. It is contained in its black steel mounted leather scabbard and a later frog. A very nice collectable Nazi Police bayonet. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 730.

German S84/98 Bayonet and Scabbard. - BAYO 680
German S84/98 Bayonet and Scabbard. This is a wartime production bayonet and scabbard and is a third pattern with wood grips. It is marked to the blade with 42 cul which is the wartime code for WKC, Waffefabrik, Solingen Wald. This is repeated on the mouth of the scabbard. The other side of the blade carries 5940 and the pommel has two Waffenampt stamps. The scabbard is steel and has the numbers 963? Stamped to the top. The tip of the scabbard also carries a Waffenampt stamp. The bayonet has obviously seen action but is in good collectable condition for a wartime dated example. See Martin.J.Brayley, an illustrated history of bayonets page 86. £175. BAYO 680.

German M98 Dress Bayonet, Scabbard & Frog - BAYO 678
German M98 Dress Bayonet, Scabbard & Frog. This is a nice other ranks M98 Dress bayonet with the longer 9 ¾ “ blade. The shorter 7 ¾ “ blade was for the Non-commissioned officer (N.C.O). These were worn with the walking out dress uniform, much the same as officers wore dress daggers. This example was made by Alcoso and is marked to the blade with their trademark of Alcoso, Scales & Solingen. The grips are chequered black plastic and the pommel has a working press stud and rifle mortise but could not be fitted to a rifle as the slot was too small for the attachment lug on the M98 Mauser rifle. The scabbard is black painted steel and is contained in a black leather frog. See German clamshells and other bayonets by Gary. L Walker & R.J Weinand page 15. £175. BAYO 679

German late WW2 M88/89 3rd Model Bayonet & Scabbard. - BAYO 677
This is a late production K98 bayonet made in 1944 by E & F Horster and marked to the blade with their wartime code of 44asw. There is only one visible waffenampt stamp to the pommel and the overall finish is not up to the usual standard. The scabbard is also a late war version with the finish not being as good as normal. This is marked to the top with 44cof which is the wartime code for Carl Eickhorn. A nice late war combination and a must for the serious collector. See White & Watts No 296 pages 115 & 133. £175 BAYO 677.

WW1 Imperial German Ersatz Bayonet. - BAYO 665
This is a nice M99/98 all steel Ersatz bayonet similar to No335 in White & Watts, the bayonet book. It is nearly 16 ¾ “overall with a fullered blade length of 12”. The stepped muzzle ring is open at the top of the steel hilt has an oil drain hole behind the cross guard. Unfortunately there is no scabbard as is often the case with Ersatz bayonets. A nice example of an Ersatz bayonet. BAYO 665

German WW1, 1916 Dated Model 1898/05 G98 Mauser 'Butcher Knife' Bayonet By Simson & Co., Suhl, Complete With Steel Scabbard - BAYO 635
This is a German WW1, 1916 dated Model 1898/05 G98 Mauser 'Butcher Knife' bayonet by Simpson & Co. The ricasso is stamped SIMPSON & SON SUHL and the top of the blade is stamped W16 (1916 date) and a stylised M acceptance stamp. The hilt is stamped with two acceptance marks. The top of the grip has the later flash guard and a trimmed muzzle ring. The grips are undamaged. The bayonet is contained in its original steel scabbard carrying the mark of Fabrik Mauser-AG Obenddorf aN above an iron cross stamp. The frog is the standard German leather version. See White and Watts, item 267 on pages 114 and123. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 635

German WW1, 1915 Dated 1884/98 Bayonet With Sawback Removed And Scabbard - BAYO 281
This is a German WW1, 1884/98 bayonet which has had its sawback removed. These bayonets were in production from 1915 until at least 1917 although most of the dated examples (when they were dated at all) indicate that production peaked in 1915. This example has had its sawback removed, necessitated by the accusation in the British press that the sawback bayonet was a barbourous weapon. The bayonet ahs a feint F.K and So on the ricasso which is more than likely F. Koeller and Co., Solingen but the rest is badly rubbed. The wooden grips are held by 2 screw bolts and the black painted steel pommel carries an Imperial inspection stamp. The scabbard is black steel and undamaged. This is a nice M1884/98 with sawback removed bayonet. See White and Watts, item 286 on pages 115 and 129 for an unaltered example. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 281
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