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Bayonets - German

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German Ersatz Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 420. - BAYO 420
This is a German M88/98 all steel bayonet with two piece hilt, open muzzle ring and unfullered blade, see White & Watts item No 336 page 153 for similar. The 26 cm blade (38 cm overall) is in good condition, only showing signs of service wear towards the tip. One side of the grip is stamped ‘3631’. The number ‘4062’ is stamped to the crossguard on one side. The all steel standard version scabbard retains most of its colour and only has a couple minor service wear marks throughout. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 420. (Box 1)

**Scarce** German 2nd Type M1884/98 Bayonet with Sawback Blade & Metal Scabbard with Brass Letters on the Grip. BAYO 6290 - BAYO 6290
This is the 2nd model of the M1884/98 with a flash guard and new pommel shape. The blade has the trademark of 'Gottlieb Hammesfahr-Solingen-Foche’ with a pyramid and cross logo. The grips have brass letters "SLII" affixed to one side which presumably was a personalisation by the soldier to denote his regimental allegiance. They are contemporary to the piece and are very attractive. The pommel and cross guard are lightly pitted but this does not detract from the overall appearance. This is a scarce bayonet from WWI. (See White & Watts 'Bayonet Book' Pages 115 & 129 item 286). The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 6290. (Box 2)

Pre WW2 1937 Dated Nazi German K98 Mauser Model 1884/98 (3rd Model) Bayonet By S/177 (Ernst Pack & Son Solingen) & WW2 1943 Scabbard By ‘asw’ (E&F Horster Solingen) With Leather Frog. BAYO 402. - BAYO 402
This is an original model 1884/98 Nazi German Mauser bayonet for K98 rifles. It is dated '37' (1937) on the back of its clean blade. The bayonet has wood grips which are undamaged and is stamped on the ricasso with the Nazi manufacturer code S/177 (Ernst Pack & Son Solingen). The reverse is stamped number '5722 b'. The pommel is waffenamt. It’s steel scabbard is numbered ‘2329’, has date ‘43’ (1943) and Nazi manufacturer code ‘asw’ (E&F Horster Solingen). The scabbard is undamaged with even patina and light areas of service wear. The ball end of the scabbard is waffenamt. The scabbard is fitted with an original dark brown leather frog. All stitching and leather are clean and intact. There are no visible manufacturer marks on the frog. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 402.

Nazi M98 Dress Bayonet By W.K.C. Scabbard & Frog. BAYO 114. - BAYO 114
An standard Nazi M98 dress bayonet and scabbard. The dress sidearm for military and civilian uniformed formations was designated the M98 Dress Bayonet. This bayonet represented a stylised form of the S. 84/98 bayonet purchased by the individual for wear with the walkout dress uniform and was worn by the mainly non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel. This dress bayonet has a rifle mortise and push button release. It retains the red felt in the mortise slot. This is the short version with a 7 3/4" blade which carries the makers logo along with "W.K.C." The polished steel blade is in excellent condition. The grips are chequered and secured with two rivets. It has a metal scabbard with lozenge shaped frog stud and leather frog. (see 'German Clamshells' book pages 15-16 by Gary L. Walker & R.J. Weinand). BAYO 114.

*Rare* German M1871 Dress Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 577. - BAYO 577
This is a rare maker, dress or walking out bayonet. It is marked to the blade with the trademark of Carl Kaiser & Co. of Solingen who were known as good quality manufacturers of walking out bayonets, although according to Anthony Carter, examples are very rare. The blade also carries etched foliate panels on both sides with staining consistent with age. The cross guard is steel with a muzzle ring, and the hilt is brass but with no provision for attachment to a rifle. The original red felt pad is present to the ricasso. The scabbard is brass mounted black leather with no bends or creases to the leather. A nice example of an M1871 walking out bayonet by a rare maker. See Anthony Carter ‘The models 98/02 & 98/05 page 80 for information about ‘Carl Kaiser & Co’. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 577. (Box 2)

*Unusual* Polish Conversion of a German S 98/05 Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 576. - BAYO 576
See ‘German Bayonets the Models 98/02 & 98/05 page 59 for reference. This appears to be one of the Polish post WWI conversions, as the flash guard has been partially removed and there is a number ‘7333’ stamped to the pommel. The blade carries the original makers mark of ‘Waffenfabrik Mauser’ and a crown over ‘W & 17’. The blade is clean, the grips are intact and only showing minor signs of service wear. The scabbard has staining relative to its age, with service wear marks. This is an unusual piece worthy of further research and a must for the German bayonet variations collector. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 576. (German Box 2)

*As Found* German ‘S84/98’ Bayonet (Sawback Removed) and Scabbard with Commemorative Inscription ‘Boche Moorseele Oct 1918’ (NOW ONE Available, PRICE PER BAYONET). BAYO 563. - BAYO 563
The word Boche is a derisive term for Germans and ‘Moorseele’ is a town in Belgium where the ‘Moorseele Military Cemetery’ is situated (he village of Moorseele (now spelt Moorsele) was captured by the 15th Royal Irish Rifles on 14 October 1918, after remaining in German hands during almost the whole of the war. The school attached to the Convent of the Holy Family was used by German medical units from October 1914 to October 1918, and they began the cemetery behind the convent in 1915. It was also used in October 1918 by the XIX Corps Burial Officer and the 3rd Australian and 64th Casualty Clearing Stations. After the Armistice, five graves were moved into the cemetery from MOORSEELE CHURCHYARD (which was used by the Germans until October 1917) and in 1929, one from CUERNE CHURCHYARD. In 1930, more than 800 German graves were removed to Mesen. The cemetery contains 98 Commonwealth burials of the First World War. These are standard ‘S84/98 bayonets with sawback removed. There are no visible markings to either blade, however, the grips are inscribed/painted on one side ‘BOCHE MOORSEELE OCT 1918’. The pair were found in his loft by the Grandson of a Royal Garrison Artillery Gunner who served during the Great War, presumably captured by him at Moorseele in Belgium in October 1918 and inscribed as a souvenir. The blades and scabbards are in very nice condition with a nice patina. The bayonets and inscription would benefit from further investigation . The price is each and includes UK delivery. BAYO 563. ( ONLY ONE AVAILABLE DARK GRIP )

German ‘S84/98’ Bayonet with Wooden Grips & Scabbard. BAYO 557. - BAYO 557
This a nice ‘M84/98’ 3rd model with wooden grips. The blades ricasso bears the mark ‘S/172.G’ which is the code for ‘Carl Eickhorn’ of Solingen with the ‘G.’ standing for the manufacture in 1935, the other side carries the serial number ‘9361a’ The scabbard bears the serial number ‘2371g’ and the code ‘ab44’ which is the code for ‘Mundlos A.G.’ & 1944. The blade and scabbard have a nice used patina *see pics* See ‘The German bayonet’ by John Walter pages 88-92 and ‘White & Watts’ item 295 pages 115 & 132. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 557. (Box 3)

**Scarce** German ‘S1914’ Sawback Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 558 - BAYO 558
This is a scarce ‘S1914’ Bayonet with sawback blade which is marked with both ‘Efurt’ on one side and ‘Gebr.Heller Marienthal’. Heller were makers of bayonets and machine gun parts, whereas ‘Erfurt’ was the State Arsenal so it would appear that the blade and hilt were made by ‘Heller’ and the bayonet finished at ‘Erfurt’. This was a fairly common occurrence. The ‘S1914’ bayonets are scarce as they were originally for export to South American but were pressed into service at the start at the start of WWI. This example is one of the few fitted with a flashguard for use with the ‘K98’ rifle. The scabbard *showing minor signs of age related use-see pics* is a later WWII issue. See ‘The German Bayonet’ by John Walter pages 74-76 & White and Watts item 280 pages 115 & 127. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 558. (Box 3)

German WWII ‘M1898/05 Sawback ‘Butcher’ Bayonet Scabbard & Leather Frog. 20122. - 20122
This is a late example made in 1917 by ‘Waffenfabrik Mauser A.G. Oberndorf’ and is stamped thus to the blade which is in very nice condition. The spine carries a crown over ‘W & 17’. The grips are wood and are held with two screw bolts, showing wear to the top *see pics*. There is a flash guard fitted. The scabbard is the metal version with feint makers marks to the rear and is in as equally good condition as the bayonet. The frogs stitching is intact and the leather is good. See ‘White & Watts’ No 270, pages 114 & 124. The price includes UK delivery. 20122. (Box 2)
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