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Bayonets - British

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*Very Good* British Enfield 1876 Pattern Socket Bayonet and Scabbard for the Martini Henry Rifle. BAYO 458. - BAYO 458
This is a Pattern 1876 socket bayonet for the Martini Henry rifle (The Martini–Henry is a breech-loading single-shot rifle with a lever action that was used by the British Army. It first entered service in 1871, eventually replacing the Snider–Enfield, a muzzle-loader converted to the cartridge system. Martini–Henry variants were used throughout the British Empire for 47 years. WD and arrow over an inspection stamp on the ricasso with another arrow and 5/85 denoting manufacture in May 1885. The bayonet measures 25.1" overall with a blade length of 21.7" and the socket 3". The scabbard is the Mk II version with 2 rivets in the scabbard *stitching loose by ¼ to the rear*. The locket has WD over crown over E23 . See Skennerton Item B187 on pages 145 – 147. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 458. (Martinis)

WWII British No5 (Jungle Carbine) Bayonet Scabbard and Webbing Frog. 21718. - 21718
This is a nice wartime No5 bayonet by Wilkinson for the Jungle Carbine (When Henry Nock died in 1804, he left the company to his foreman and adopted son-in-law, James Wilkinson when James's son Henry Wilkinson joined the company it was renamed James Wilkinson & Son (also known as simply Wilkinson & Son). It became the Wilkinson Sword Company in 1891) and carries their wartime code of ‘S294 & W.S.C’ to one side of the blade and a Broad Arrow and bend mark to the other which is in good condition with a few age related blemishes. The grips are showing very minor signs of service wear. See Watts & White item No 844 pages 328 & 401. The scabbard is the early No5 MkI with steel mouthpiece and is virtually unmarked. The webbing frog has stores codes to the rear, see images. A lovely WWII example in excellent condition, the price includes UK delivery. 21718. (Box 2)

Australian L1A2 Knife Bayonet for the FAL Rifle with No5 Scabbard and Green Webbing Frog. BAYO 454. - BAYO 454
The L1A2 was an Australian produced bayonet, following the British L1A1 pattern. The Australian bayonet has no identifying marks on the grip and retains the protruding press-stud design. The L1A2 was produced at the Small Arms Factory Lithgow, from 1958-1984. The earliest L1A2 bayonets had the squared fuller like the British pattern, but changed to the rounded fuller from 1960. This example has the rounded fullers and a blackened blade. The blade is excellent, the No5 scabbard and grips are showing signs of wear and green webbing frog is very good. See page 404 White & Watts for reference. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 454. (All other Countries Box 2)

British L1A3 Knife Bayonet for the FAL Rifle No.5 Scabbard & Webbing Frog. BAYO 451. - BAYO 451
This is a British L1A3 bayonet and scabbard (see Skennerton’s book, British & Commonwealth Bayonets Book, page 261, item B322). The bayonet was first adopted on the 31st December 1958. The bayonet has a blackened pommel. This example showing the new press stud which is shortened and partially countersunk (see Watts & White page 329 & No 853 for reference) Both grips have the designation L1A3, NATO stores number 9600257. The 8” drop point steel blade is single edged and has fullers. There are no major visible marks on the blade. The bayonet has its original near mint No5 metal scabbard with brass mouth piece and is fitted with an original webbing frog. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 451. (Box 2)

18th Century Socket Bayonet for the Brown Bess Muzzle Loading Flintlock Muskets. BAYO 450. - BAYO 450
The Brown Bess socket bayonets named after the weapon they were made, for were the standard bayonet of the 18th century for the British army and continued in use until C1842 (see item 656 of the bayonet book by Watts & White where a Brown Bess socket bayonet with 4” long socket similar to our 3 ¼“ example is illustrated and page 286 of the same book). The typical triangular blade is 333mm in length and it measures 430mm overall length. The face of the blade is marked REEVES over crown B 54. The bayonets blade is straight and the metal work of the bayonet has just light staining consistent with age and no rust. The scabbard is leather with brass chape and locket *both are intact- locket has age related damage* with a tear shaped frog *slight play* *the leather is aged/worn in areas and the stitching is secure. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 450. (British sockets Box)

British L1A3 Bayonet Scabbard and Leather Parade Frog. BAYO 434. - BAYO 434
This is a British L1A3 bayonet, scabbard and black leather parade frog (see Skennerton’s book, British & Commonwealth Bayonets Book, pages 261 – B322). The bayonet was first adopted on the 31st December 1958. On this polished example the grips carry the designation ‘L1A3 9600257’ and the chromed blade *areas of distress, see images* ricasso carries the number ‘F60’ denoting manufacture in 1960. It has the early waisted crossguard and the pommel carries the Broad Arrow. The No5 MkI scabbard retains all of its black paint and has minor marks. This is contained in a black leather parade frog stamped B.H.E. over 1978. (Barrow, Hepburn Equipment Ltd.) frog. A nice addition to any collection. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 434. (Box 1)

British Pattern 1842 Lovell’s Catch Socket Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 432. - BAYO 432
Although not adopted until late in 1844, the bayonet is referred to as the Pattern 1842 in most references and saw use with nearly all of the Pattern 1842 muskets produced, as well with many of the earlier Pattern 1839 muskets that were upgraded to the Lovell Catch system. Originally, the Pattern 1839 British Musket has used the Hanoverian bayonet catch, a carryover from the short lived Pattern 1838 Musket. The Pattern 1838 was designed by the new small arms inspector George Lovell and was the first general issue percussion musket in British infantry service. The new musket utilised a back action lock mechanism inspired by the French. For a number of reasons, the Pattern 1838 musket was almost immediately replaced by the Pattern 1839 percussion musket, which utilised a conventional lock and allowed existing stocks of older flintlock parts on hand (particularly barrels, stocks, furniture, etc.) to be used up. Both muskets used the Hanoverian spring catch system under the barrel of the musket, forward of the nose cap, to secure their socket bayonets. This was a major improvement over the friction fit system that had been used for British musket bayonets through the entire flintlock era. In 1844, Lovell introduced the improvement of the Lovell’s Catch to the new Pattern 1842 musket. It was an improved spring loaded catch, located in the same location as the old Hanoverian catch, which secured the bayonet and required positive pressure from the soldier in order to release the bayonet. Over the next few years, thousands of P1842 Lovell’s catch bayonets would be produced for the new P1842 Muskets, and thousand more older P1839 bayonets would be altered to the new Lovell system. The Lovell spring catch would remain in use on the Pattern 1851 Minié Rifle as well and would eventually be replaced with a French style rotating locking ring with the adoption of the small bore Pattern 1853 Enfield Rifle Musket. The sockets were mortised for top stud and had a simple 3-step “zigzag” mortise cut. These dimensions were essentially the same as the earlier Pattern 1839 Bayonet that had been used with the Hanoverian catch system. The Hanoverian version had a reinforcement ring with a rounded notch at the rear of the socket, which the Hanoverian spring catch would engage when the bayonet was secured to the musket. The later Lovell’s catch required a larger, eccentric ring at the rear of the socket that was rotated into the locking position with the catch on the musket and required the catch to be released with thumb pressure to free the bayonet. The blade measuring; 42 ½ cm overall and in good condition with no apparent markings. The brown leather scabbard is in good condition with stitching and metalwork and frog stud in good order. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 432. (British Sockets Box)

British Pattern 1853 Socket Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 429. - BAYO 329
This triangular tapered socket bayonet was the first universal issue British Army bayonet to have a locking ring, modelled on a French design. It was introduced with the new Pattern 1853 Enfield Rifle Musket. This British-made accoutrement is an original angular socket bayonet made for the Model 1853 Enfield musket. The Enfield bayonet has the distinction of being the first universal issue bayonet to the British Army that employed a locking device. The blade was made of the best cast steel and had an iron socket welded to it. The bayonet with its French-style locking ring has a triangular tapered blade with fullers on each face and is carried in a brass-mounted leather scabbard. This example is 20½” long overall with a 17 ¼ ” long blade and a 3” long socket. The blade has various stampings on the shoulder near the socket. The blade is in good overall condition. Production of the 1853 pattern socket bayonet continued throughout the life of the Enfield muzzleloader and the Snider Rifle and was finally terminated in 1875. The black leather scabbard has a triangular body mounted with its original brass throat *with play but intact*, clasp hook with number 754 and tip *play but intact*. The leather body is in excellent strong condition with no flaking or crazing and the stitching is intact. A good 1853 pattern bayonet with its original and complete leather scabbard. See page 106 B145 of Skennerton for refence. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 429. (British sockets box)

WWII Dated British 1907 Bayonet Scabbard and Frog by Manufacturer Vickers. 21602:3. - 21602:3
The 1907 bayonet was designed to be used with the Short Magazine Lee Enfield (SMLE) rifle. The pattern 1907 bayonet with hooked quillon removed, the important change was decided for the removal was in 1913, and the official approval date was 29/10/13. This bayonet is made by Vickers which is stamped to the ricasso along with ‘1907’, ‘7’18’ (July 1918) and some inspection marks. The pommel has a circled war dept arrow. The blade is in good condition for its age and appears to have been re sharpened. The wooden grips are held with two screws and have aged well. The scabbards furniture is in good condition and the leather stitching is intact. The webbing frog is excellent. A good 1907 bayonet and scabbard for the collector. See page 187 B235 of Skennerton for reference. The price includes UK delivery. 21602:3. (07 Box 2)

**RARE** Belgian FAL Type A Bayonet with Scabbard. 21602:2 - 21602:2
Knife bayonet for use on the 7.62 mm. NATO caliber Fabrique Nationale - Fusil Automatique Leger (Light Automatic Rifle), or FN–FAL, selective-fire rifle produced by FN beginning in 1953. The FAL was used by more than 50 countries and became known by FN's clever Cold War advertising slogan: "the free world's right arm."It measures 12 ¾” overall. It has dark wood smooth grips secured with screw bolts. The grips are excellent. It has no stamp on the tang edge between the grips, the pommel bears the number ‘22944’. The single edged blade is polished steel and measures 8” long. The scabbard is metal, painted black *loose fit*. The price for this rare trials bayonet with scabbard includes UK delivery. 21602:2 (Box 1)
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