Rare Vickers 1918 07 Sword Bayonet by Vickers with MkII Leather Scabbard. BAYO 350. - BAYO 350 The quillon of the P1907 Mark I was subsequently found to be unnecessary, and on the 29th October 1913, List of changes 16755, it is recorded that a P1907 sword bayonet without the hook on the crosspiece had been sealed to govern future manufacture. In December 1915 it was suggested at official level that a hole be bored through the pommel of the P1907 bayonet to pass directly through the bottom of the locking slot. The function of this hole was to release dirt which accumulated in the groove, allowing the bayonet to be locked on to the rifle. Early in 1916 the committee dealing with this matter approved of the change and asked that the decision be brought to the notice of General Headquarters in France in case it is desired to take steps locally to effect this alteration to bayonets now in service. The blade length is 17” with the overall length being 21.75”. The blade is marked; 1907 – 2’ 18 (February 1918) VICKERS (In 1911 the company name was changed to Vickers Ltd and expanded its operations into aircraft manufacture by the formation of Vickers Ltd (Aviation Department) and a Vickers School of Flying was opened at Brooklands, Surrey on 20 January 1912. In 1919, the British Westinghouse electrical company was taken over as the Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Company; Metrovick. At the same time they came into Metropolitan's railway interests) to one side and with the Broad Arrow, bending mark and other inspection marks *see images*. The pommel has the hole and the wooden grips are in very nice condition with crown over GR stamped to them. The MkII thick leather scabbard is in very good condition with all metalwork, leather and stitching in good order. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 350. (07 Box 2) £375.00