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Bayonets - American

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WWII Dated U.S. M1905E1/M1 1943 Bayonet and Scabbard for the Garand Rifle. 20821:6. - 20821:6.
This is a nice M1905E1/M1 1943 bayonet that has been cut down from a M1905/M1942 bayonet. This occurred from August 1942 when it was discovered that the M1925 and M1942 bayonets were too long, especially for jungle fighting. The first bayonets merely had cut down blades which are readily identifiable by the fullers which run down to the point. Later bayonets had a new blade with standard fullers. This example has a cut down blade marked to the ricasso with A.F.H. (Union Fork and Hoe Company of Geneva, Ohio) U.S. and a Flaming Grenade (Frankford Arsenal) and 1942. The scabbard is a standard M3 green plastic with a metal throat stamped with U.S. within a flaming grenade. See ‘The Bayonet Book by Watts & White pages 412 & 436. The price includes UK delivery. 20821:6. (USA & Knife Bayonets)

*Mint* ‘M7’ Colt 62316 Marked Bayonet and U.S M8A1 Scabbard Made in West Germany. BAYO 337. - BAYO 337
This is a bayonet made by Eickhorn in West Germany under contract with Colt. Manufactured throughout the 1970’s this Bayonet with plastic grips (no screws like the earlier M7) was made for the M16 assault rifle (Today, the lone remaining maker of combat-deployed M7 bayonets is Ontario Knife, though the knife is still available from at least one other company (Smith & Wesson). Despite being issued by the United States military, the M7 was also made in Canada, West Germany, Australia, and in several countries in Asia). In near mint condition retaining 99% of its original paint the blade is marked ‘Colts 62316 Hartford Conn U.S.A Made in W-Germany’. The grips are totally unmarked. The scabbard with webbing frog is in equally good condition, marked to front ‘U.S M8A1 Made in W-Germany’. See page 441 No 942 of the bayonet book by White & watts for reference. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 337. (American Knife Bayonets)

American M1 'Field Made' Fighting Knife/Bayonet & M8 P.W.H Scabbard. 20672:25. - 20672:25
Made in the field by shortening the M1942 sword bayonet, this fighting knife/ bayonet measures 16 ¾ cm (28 ½ cm OA) for use on the Garand rifle see page 436, No 928 of ‘White & Watts’. The spring catch works as it should and the black ribbed plastic grips are intact but showing signs of service wear. The blades fuller goes to the tip and the metal is painted olive drab and is wearing in places. The USM8A1 scabbard was made by P.W.H ((Pennsylvania Working Home for the Blind) and is stamped to the locket. The number ‘240’ is stamped to the front of the scabbard. The green web frog is in good condition and the metalwork and stitching is intact. The price for this unique pairing includes UK delivery. 20672:25. (American Knife/Bayonets Box)

**MINT**UN-ISSUED**WW2 U.S. Army M4 Knife Bayonet By Camillus (Cutlery Co New York) For M1 Carbines & M8A1 Scabbard By PWH (Pennsylvania Working Home For The Blind) Fitted With Thigh Cord. Sn 20574 - 20574
This is an original WW2 U.S army M4 Knife Bayonet by 'Camillus' complete with its M8A1 scabbard by PWH (Pennsylvania Working Home For The Blind) all in near mint, un-issued condition. The bayonet has the correct compressed leather rings handle which is undamaged. Its clean parkerised steel blade measures 6 ¾”. The cross guard is stamped 'US M4 Camillus'. The steel pommel has the correct ‘pincer’ bayonet release catch. Its olive green plastic/ fibre scabbard has a holed tip for cord with metal chape and an integral webbing frog with belt loop which has a single retaining strap, brass stud fastener and steel belt bar. The chape is fitted with lace thigh cord. The steel throat mount is correctly stamped 'U.S. M8A1' and with 'PWH' manufacturer detail. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 20574

*U.S. Model ‘1917’ Remington Bayonet and Scabbard. 20565:3. - 20565:3
This is a nice clean ‘P1917’ bayonet made in ‘WWII’ for the ‘P17 30-06’ rifle. It can be differentiated from the ‘P13’ which it resembles by the markings on the blade. This example is marked to the blade with ‘1917’ over Remington in a circle, meaning manufacture by ‘Remington’ (founded in 1816 by Eliphalet Remington (as E. Remington and Sons) in Ilion, New York, it was one of the oldest gun makers in the US and claimed to be the oldest factory in the US that still made its original product) who made over 2 million bayonets. The other side of the blade carries the flaming grenade and eagles head over ‘U, S’. and inspection marks. The grips are wooden *with age related marks* with two grooves cut across them which is where it resembles the ‘P13’ and was interchangeable with the ‘P13’ except for the ‘P17’ rifle being 30.06 instead of the British .303. The scabbard which is showing signs of use is the standard American ‘P17’ version with belt hooks attached. These bayonets were often issued to the Home guard in WWII. See ‘Skennerton’ item B289 page 236. A scarce piece, for the collector. The price includes U.K. delivery. 20565:3. (Box 1)

*Scarce* U.S. Remington Rolling Block Rifle Bayonet M1902 & Scabbard. BAYO 325 - BAYO 325
This is a scarce M1902 bayonet produced initially for Mexico and the Latin American market, however, the Remington rifles and bayonets were supplied to France during WWI and these are marked t the fuller with ‘Remington Arms-Union Metallic CTG. Co. Rem Works. Ilion. NY. U.S.A.’ The scabbard was originally steel with a leather hanger, but this example is in later P17 version which often happened with these bayonets, however, it is priced accordingly. The blade is showing signs of age related wear, the wooden grips are in good condition held with two pins. The scabbards metalwork has a nice patina and the stitching on the leatherwork is intact. See White & Watts item 919, pages 411 & 433. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 325. (U.S. Box 1)

*Scarce* American Remington Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 322. - BAYO 322
This is a scarce bayonet and was used in the U.S. by the militia and the U.S. Navy. It was also exported in small quantities especially to Mexico. This example carries no marks to the blade but the grips carry an impressed C.R. however, the leather scabbard which is steel mounted with an integral belt loop which carries a feint oval with ‘U.S. Ord Dept. & Naval Yard’ stamped to the leather. The other side carries the initials ‘C.R.’ twice as appear on the grips. The blade is in good order, as are the wooden grips, only showing minor signs of age. The scabbards metalwork and leather are in good condition. See Martin J. Brayley ‘An Illustrated History of Bayonets’. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 322. (U.S. Box 2)

*Mint/Scarce* Blade Marked U.S. M3 Bayonet and Scabbard. 20444:7. - 20444:7
This is a virtually mint example of a blade marked M3 bayonet. The blade marked bayonets were thought to weaken the blade and were only made for 6 months before markings were moved to the crossguard. This blade is marked ‘M3-UTICA’ and retains most of its original parkerised finish with only a minor mark to one edge. The leather washer grip is in perfect condition as are the crossguard and pommel. It is contained in its early ‘U.S. M8’ scabbard by ‘B.M. Co’ (Beckwith Manufacturing). A lovely example of an early M3 fighting knife. The price includes UK delivery. 204447:7. (U.S. Fighting Knives)

U.S. 1942 Dated M1 Bayonet and Scabbard. 20436. - 20436
This is a newly made M1 bayonet for the M1 Garand (The M1 Garand or M1 rifle is a semi-automatic rifle that was the service rifle of the U.S. Army during World War II and the Korean War) and not a cut down M1905 or M1942 blade. The blade carries the flaming grenade and ‘1942’ on one side and ‘U.S.’ on the other. The blade is fullered and predominantly unmarked with only minor signs of use related wear. It is carried in its correct green plastic scabbard with ‘U.S.’ within a flaming grenade to the top mount. The scabbard is undamaged and has a nice aged patina. See ‘An Illustrated History of Bayonets’ by Martin J.Brayley pages 231 to 241. The price includes UK delivery. 20436. (Knife Bayonets)

**American M1917 Bayonet by Remington, Scabbard and Leather Frog. BAYO 301. - BAYO 301
This is a good condition M1917 bayonet made by Remington. It is nicely stamped on the ricasso with ‘1917 Remington’. The other side is stamped with the 'Flaming Grenade' over "US" and the eagles head inspection mark. The wooden grips which are showing signs of use have two grooves cut into them and there is an oil hole in the pommel. It is carried in a later pattern British scabbard, later scabbards have the belt hooks attached to the top mount. The American scabbards also have a small drain hole drilled in the bottom of the chape, unlike British versions which did not have the hole. The Scabbard has a date stamp ‘1918’ and an illegible makers mark to the rear. The frog has a nice patina *top strap missing* A nice early and complete pattern 1917 bayonet and scabbard. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 301.
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