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Un-available UN-AVAILABLE British Pattern 1887 Early MK I Sword bayonet & Scabbard. BAYO 306 - BAYO 306
This is an early MK I Pattern 1887 sword bayonet newly made by Enfield in 1887 and not a converted 1886 Pattern. The blade has a fuller on each side and carries a Crown over "V.R." and the date "87" (1887). The other side of the blade carries the broad arrow over WD and an inspection stamp. The top edge of the blade also carries 2 inspection stamps. The grips are the first pattern knurled leather type, held by 4 steel rivets. The pommel carries N.E.P. over 8627 which is an unknown regimental marking. The scabbard is the standard steel mounted black leather type and the mouth of the scabbard carries the stamping FA800 and 265. See Skennerton's Bayonet Book, Pages 160 to 163 item B205. The price includes U.K. delivery. Sn. BAYO 306

Czech VZ 24 WW2German Occupation Manufacture Bayonet And Scabbard. BAYO 297 - BAYO 297
This is the scarce WW2 Czech VZ24 rifle bayonet and scabbard made under the German occupation in WW2. The bayonet carries the German military factory code of tgf designating manufacture by the Tscheckische Gewehr Fabrik (Czech rifle weapons factory). The Germans continued the manufacture of both the VZ23 and VZ24 bayonets through WW2 but not in the same large numbers as the Mauser K98 bayonet. This bayonet has a 298mm parkerised blade and a steel muzzle ring and pommel. The wooden grips are held on by 2 screw bolts. The scabbard is made of blued steel. VZ24 bayonets made under German occupation seldom appear on the market. See Martin J. Brayley, An Illustrated History of Bayonets, Pages 52 – 54. The price includes U.K. delivery. BAYO 297.

VERY RARE ‘THE FIGHTING 69th’ (U.S. 69th Infantry Regiment) Original WW1 1917 Dated Remington Pattern 1913 Presentation Sword Bayonet With Etched Blade. Sn 15156 - 15156
The 69th Infantry Regiment is a Regiment of the United States Army. It is from New York City and known as the "Fighting Sixty-Ninth" a name said to have been given by Robert E. Lee during the Civil War. An Irish heritage unit, it is also nicknamed the "Fighting Irish". The Regiment’s history dates back to 1849, when it was created as the 9th Regiment New York State Militia, and A Company, 1/69 can trace roots back to the American Revolution. The Regiment has seen combat in five wars: the American Civil War, World War I, World War II, the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War. It has also participated in 23 campaigns, so many that the staffs of its Regimental colors are authorised to be one foot longer than normal to accommodate them all. This very rare piece is an original WW1 1917 dated Pattern 1913 Remington bayonet for Pattern 1914 (P14) rifles which has been etched to the ‘Fighting 69th’ for presentation. The bayonet grips have two vertical grooves which distinguishes it from Pattern 1907 bayonets and are secured with two screw bolts. The pommel has a push release button which works as it should. The cross guard is waisted and has a muzzle ring. The 16 ¾” single edged blade is fullered. The ricasso has inspection marks on one side (including struck out British WD arrow) together with U.S. (Army Mark). The reverse has 1913 (pattern) above ‘5 17’ (May 1917 date) and Remington roundel. One side of the blade is etched ‘69th Infantry Div (The Fighting 69th) Army Of The United States Of America U.S. Army E Pluribus Unum (translation -out of many, one) 1917 France 1918 (The Great War)’. The blade has staining consistent with age but no damage or rust. The bayonet is without scabbard. The price for this very rare WW1 presentation bayonet to the ‘Fighting Irish’ includes UK delivery. Sn 15156

SOLD SOLD (13/01) German M98 Dress Bayonet And Scabbard. BAYO 289 - BAYO 289
This is a German M98 dress bayonet worn by German troops when off duty. The bayonet has the shorter carbine style fullered 7 ¾ inch blade and is marked on the ricasso with the manufacturer’s logo of Carl Julias Krebs of Solingen. The original black scabbard washer is in place at the top of the blade. The bayonet has black chequered plastic grips secured by two rivets. The crossguard has a single Quillon and the pommel has a working press stud which are nickel plated and are slightly worn in places through general wear. The scabbard has an unusual matte finish instead of the usual gloss finish but this appears to be contemporary. See German clamshells by Gary L. Walker and R.J.Weinand, pages 15. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 289

U.S. Rare M1 Garand Bayonet With Wooden Grips By A.F.H. and Scabbard. BAYO 294 - BAYO 294
This is a rare newly made M1 bayonet and not a cut M1905 or M1942 blade. The six groove grips are wooden instead of the usual plastic grips and are held to the bayonet by one screw bolt. This is unusual as the grips are normally of black plastic.. The fullers on the blade do not go down to the tip, stopping 2 ¾ inches from the tip. The bayonet is stamped on the ricasso with A.F.H. (Union Fork and Hoe) U.S. and has the Flaming Grenade (Frankford Arsenal). The bayonet is carried in its correct composite olive green plastic scabbard with a steel mouthpiece on which is stamped the U.S. flaming grenade and its designation M3. The bayonet is virtually identical to the one shown as in item 930 on pages 412 and 437 in The Bayonet Book by White and Watts. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 294

French Mannlicher Berthier M1892 2nd Pattern Artillery Carbine Bayonet And Matching Numbers Scabbard. BAYO 286 - BAYO 286
A French Mannlicher Berthier M1892 2nd Pattern bayonet and scabbard. This bayonet was made to be used with the Mannlicher Berthier Artillery Carbine and is a very nice design. This is the 2nd Pattern with wood grips and with the quillon partially removed. This was due to the bayonets serial number being on the lower part of the quillon. The bayonet has a straight sword like polished blade which measures 15 3/4" long. It is fullered; it has an unusual feature of a short fuller on the top edge of the blade near the tip which aided penetration. The blade has a notch on both sides near to the crossguard which locks the bayonet in the scabbard with a click. This is the later design with smooth wood grips secured with two rivets. The muzzle ring overlaps the grips and has a notch cut in at the rear which engaged at the rifles foresight. The quillon is stamped on one side with "95678". The ricasso is stamped on one side with inspection marks. The pommel has a push release which operates as it should. The scabbard is steel and has a metal belt loop which is also stamped with a matching number "95678". This is a very nice looking bayonet. (see White & Watts 'The Bayonet Book, pages 85 & 98 item 214 and An Illustrated History Of Bayonets by Martin Brayley, Page 72-74). The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 286

WW2, India Pattern No 1 MK.II Bayonet, Scabbard & Frog. Sn. 14931:5 - 14931:5
WW2, Indian Pattern No. 1, MK II bayonet and leather scabbard. This is a newly made and not a converted 1907 bayonet. The bayonet is marked on the blade with a crown over G.R.I. followed by MK II 7 43 (July 1943) and R.F.I. (Rifle Factory Ishaport) The blade, retaining all of its original bluing has a false edge to the tip. The bayonet has slab wood grips which are secured with two screw bolts. The pommel has the correct release button which operates smoothly and it has a clearance hole. The leather scabbard is the correct shortened Pattern 1907 with steel mounts. The bottom chape carries the stamp E.E. over 41. The frog is standard Pattern 37 webbing with a top loop. (see page 348-351, item 154 in Skennerton's 'British & Commonwealth Bayonets book). The price includes UK Delivery. Sn 14931:5

Original American Merrill Navy Rifle Model 1862 Bayonet and Scabbard. Sn 13928 - 13928
A scarce original bayonet for the Merrill Navy rifle. It has the typical brass grip of the period with a long Yataghan blade measuring 25.5", 31.5" overall. Attached to the rifle it became in effect a pike to repel boarders. There are no markings on the bayonet except for an indistinct number on the blade and "1152 on the top of the hilt. The blade is in very good condition. The scabbard is brass mounted black leather and is in excellent condition. (See 'Bayonets From Janzens Notebook' book by Jerry L Janzen, page 208 item No 3). This is a scarce bayonet in excellent condition. (Also see White & Watts No 893, page 424 where the overall length is given as 36.5". This is a print error and should read 30.5"). The price includes UK delivery. Sn 13928

WW1 1910 Dated British 1907 Bayonet By Enfield and Regimentally Stamped To Oxfordshire Light Infantry & Scabbard Converted For Drill Purposes. Bayo 303 - Bayo 303
This is a converted 1907 bayonet which has had the tip rounded off for drill purposes. It is stamped on the ricasso with a Crown over "E.R." followed by "1907 11 10 (Manufactured November 1910) and "E.F.D." (Enfield). The other side is stamped with a War Department Broad Arrow and several inspection stamps. The pommel is stamped with "OX" over "321" denoting regimental use by the Oxfordshire Light Infantry. The scabbard is the standard No 1 MK II with tear drop frog stud. (See Skennerton's Item B236 pages 188-189). The price includes delivery. Bayo 303

Dutch M4 Bayonet Dated 1952 by E&F Horster of Solinger for the M1 Carbine, Scabbard and Frog Sn 13877 - 13877
An original Dutch M4 bayonet dated 1952 by E&F Horster of Solingen for the M1 Carbine, complete with scabbard and webbing frog. The bayonet has a black steel blade which measures 6 3/4" long. The blade has no markings. It is in perfect condition. It is fitted with a crossguard which has a muzzle ring. On the underside of the crossguard it has the E&F Horster makers stamp. The bayonet has brown coloured plastic grips in imitation of the leather ringed grips on the US model. The grips are secured with two screw bolts. The steel pommel incorporates a bayonet release mechanism which operates smoothly. The scabbard is a wood patterned US style scabbard which has a green webbing frog. The scabbard is in very good condition. The frog is riveted to the scabbard with two rivets. It has a belt loop and wire belt clip. This is a very nice complete and original bayonet, scabbard and frog. (See White & Watts PageS 220 & 227). The price includes Uk delivery. Sn 13877
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