WWII German Army Dress ‘KS98’ Bayonet and Scabbard with Frog and Officers Dress Knot. BAYO 6278. - BAYO 6278 In Germany, army officers typically wore swords as a sign of their rank while conducting formal activities in the public view. Beginning in the last part of the 19th century, some German NCOs and enlisted soldiers, when dressed for “walking out” (leaving the barracks for non-duty activities such as going on leave) or while wearing formal parade uniforms, began to sport brass or wood handled “dress” bayonets, decorated with coloured tassels designating their individual units. This German ‘walking out’ or Parade bayonet has a bright Nickel plated hilt with ‘Birds head’ pommel, with functioning bayonet catch, and cross-guard with swept-forward quillon. The black Bakelite grips are held by two dome head plated rivets. An excellent 246 mm single edged, single fullered nickel plated blade (397mm overall length), Ricasso marked with the maker ‘A. Evertrz Solingen’, Complete in black Japanned steel scabbard which has some age related marks to it. The original frog comes with a green and silver thread Dress Knot/Portepee which are both in good used condition. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 6278. £245.00