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*Rare Variation*German 1871 Pattern Dress Bayonet & Brass Mounted Leather Scabbard. BAYO 236. - BAYO 236
This is an 1871 pattern bayonet with feint etching to the blade on both sides, which corresponds to item No 382 in ‘White & Watts’ The Bayonet Book page 173. However, this example has been cut down from its original blade length of 19.875” to 10.875”, but the etching continues to the tip. The ricasso carries the trademark of ‘W.K & C. (Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Co). The blade retains its original red felt pad and the brass hilt has a non-working leaf spring. The scabbard is brass mounted black leather; all of the stitching is intact. The metalwork is in good order. A rare variation of an early dress bayonet. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 236. (Box 3)

German M98 Dress Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 234. - BAYO 234
An early Nazi M98 dress bayonet and scabbard. The dress sidearm for military and civilian uniformed formations was designated the M98 Dress Bayonet. This bayonet represented a stylised form of the S. 84/98 bayonet purchased by the individual for wear with the walkout dress uniform and was worn by the mainly non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel. This early dress bayonet has a rifle mortise and push button release. It retains the red felt in the mortise slot. This is the short NCO’s version with a 7 ¾ “blade. The polished steel blade is in good condition with minor age related marks. The grips are chequered and secured with two screw bolts *minor age related wear to one side*. It has a steel scabbard with lozenge shaped frog stud. (See 'German Clamshells' book pages 15-16 by Gary L. Walker & R.J. Weinand). The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 234. (Box 3)

WW1 1916 German ‘M84/98’ Bayonet and Steel Scabbard. BAYO 228. - BAYO 228
A German ‘M84/98’ bayonet with makers mark of ‘GEBR. HARTKOPF SOLINGEN’ to the blade with a serial number of ‘1830’. The spine carries a crown over ‘W 16’ and an inspection stamp. See White & Watts item No 283, pages 115 & 128. The pommel also carries an inspection stamp. The scabbard is the standard steel version with an inspection stamp to the tip. The wooden grips are held with two pins and are in very good condition. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 228. (Box 2)

*U.S. ‘M1 Garand’ Bayonet by ‘The Springfield Armoury’and Scabbard by ‘Victory Plastics’. 19966:33. - 19966:33
This is a nice ‘M1 Garand’ bayonet with an original blade and not a cut down ‘M1905’ or ‘M1942’. The fullers do not run through to the tip as with the cut down bayonets, but stop 2 ¾ “from the tip. It is marked to the blade with ‘S.A.’ (Springfield Armoury) (The Springfield Armory, more formally known as the United States Armory and Arsenal at Springfield located in the city of Springfield, Massachusetts, was the primary centre for the manufacture of United States military firearms from 1777 until its closing in 1968. It was the first federal armoury and one of the first factories in the United States dedicated to the manufacture of weapons) a 1920 date and a flaming grenade with the other side carrying ‘U.S. over a ’1163237’. The grips are black ribbed plastic held by a single screw bolt above cross guard with the numbers ‘4642519’. The scabbard is an olive drab, again freshly made and not a cut down version. It is marked to the top mount with a flaming grenade and U.S. the rear of the scabbard carries ‘VP 35’ denoting manufacture by ‘Victory Plastics’, see ‘An Illustrated History of Bayonets’ by Martin.J.Brayley, pages 231-241. A good collectors piece with maker marked scabbard. The price includes U.K. delivery. 19966:33.

WW1/WW2 Era Model 1886/93/16 French Brass Handle Epee Lebel Bayonet Without Hook Quillon & Scabbard. BAYO 3. - BAYO 3
This is an excellent original WW1/WW2 Era French Epee Lebel Bayonet & Scabbard for the Lebel Rifle (see No.209 of The Bayonet Book By Watts & White). The cross guard block is stamped 'e7476'. It's sprung muzzle ring catch with knurled button works perfectly. It has a brass hilt/ handle. The pommel end of the handle is marked '92'. It has a 20 ½ “cruciform blade. Its steel scabbard with fixed belt bar is in great condition with no dents. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 3.

*Uncommon Markings* Swedish M1867 Socket Bayonet For The 12.17mm Remington Rifle. BAYO 225. - BAYO 225
This is an M1867 socket bayonet for the 12.17mm Remington Rifle. This was adopted in 1867 and could take either a socket or a sabre bayonet. The standard issue was the socket bayonet and this has a cruciform blade which is in very good condition and a central locking ring. The blade is 19 ½ “long and the socket 2 ¾ “with a muzzle ring diameter of approximately 18mm. The shoulder is stamped with the Swedish Crown over "C" with initials "O.K." and "W.N." (Presumably inspectors marks). The other side also carries initials of "H.H." and "T.N." with the number "6350. There is also a regimental mark of "13R 7K" and "NO 99". An unusual socket bayonet which is not common on the collectors market and with these markings and is worthy of further research. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 225.

British 1876 ‘Lunger’ Socket Bayonet. BAYO 227. - BAYO 227.
The 22" Common socket bayonet was named the "Lunger" by the soldiers. Triangular in shape, the bayonet was purely a stabbing weapon, with no sharp edges. Known today as the Pattern 76', this is actually incorrect, the official name was the "Bayonet Common Long". Bayonets were marked with the War Department stamp, and the Enfield Viewing marks. From July 21st 1882 socket bayonets were marked with the date of manufacture. The majority of the Common bayonets were manufactured by the Royal Small Arms factory Enfield, however BSA produced 5000 in the 1877 production year. This is an 1876 pattern socket bayonet with a blued socket and elbow and a polished blade. The blade has several stamps including a capital "R" over the Broad Arrow and "W.D.", below this is a number "735" which has been deleted with a line stamped through it. There is also an inspection mark on one of the other sides of the blade. (See Skennerton's item B187 pages 145 & 146). The bayonet is a very nice example with only minor signs of age related wear. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 227.

German Mauser M84/98 2nd Model Bayonet, Scabbard with Leather Frog and Portepee. 19966:19. - 19966:19
M84/98 German bayonet 2nd model (The first pattern of S84/98 or M1884/98 bayonet was the 1871/1884 bayonet adapted so it could be used on the Gewehr 98. This was replaced in service by the 1898/05 bayonet. However during World War I the S84/98 began to be produced again under the designation S84/98 II. The German Imperial Army used this bayonet in World War I as a way of conserving scarce resources The S84/98 III was production of the S84/98 bayonet during the late Weimar period and during the time of Nazi Germany.. The hilt has clean wooden grips held to the tang with two screw bolts. The pommel has a mortise slot and locking bolt which secures it to the rifle nose cap The crossguard has no quillon or muzzle ring. The polished single edged spear point blade has a fuller on each side for about 180 mm. The riccasso has the makers name ‘Gottlieb Hammesfahr-Solingen Foche’. The scabbard is unmarked polished metal with leather frog and silver and black Portepee attached. A very good example for the collector, the price includes UK delivery. 19966:19. (Box 2 German Bayonets)

1943 Dated Nazi German K98 Bayonet By ‘asw’ (E&F Horster Solingen) with Later Etched Blade ‘Srhlarhtsrhiff-Tirpitz’ Kriegsmarine. 19898:7. - 19898:7
An original WW2 Nazi K98 rifle bayonet with later beautiful etching that makes this a collector’s piece in its own right. The 10" single edged fullered blade is marked by the Nazi wartime manufacturer code marked at the ricasso ‘asw 43’. The blade is numbered ‘0564’ and is beautifully etched on both sides with panels ‘Kriegsmarine above Mit-unsern-Fahnen-ist-der-Sieg’ translated: (Our flag/colours will be victorious/with our flag comes victory) and ‘Srhlarhtschiff – Turpitz’ (The Tirpitz was a German Navy battleship used duringWorld War II. She belonged to the Bismarck class and was named after the German Navy Secretary of State and Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz . Slightly heavier than her sister ship Bismarck due to minor design improvements, the Tirpitz is to date the largest battleship ever completed in Europe.. The pommel has an etched panel on one side ‘ Kriegsmarine anchor device & Swastika within panel’. The pommel is Waffenamt and has original red felt in the mortise slot. The bayonet has undamaged wood grips. Its painted steel scabbard is marked ‘3077’. The ball end of the scabbard is Waffenamt. The price for this desirable collector’s piece includes UK delivery. 19898:7. (Box 3)

Model 58 Czech Knife Bayonet & 1974 Dated Scabbard. ED 2209. - ED 2209
This is an excellent Czech Model 58 Knife Bayonet. The bayonet has a 6 3/4" parkerised single edged fullered blade with medial ridge. It measures 11 ½ " overall. It has a full tang which incorporates the bayonet bar slot and protrudes from the end of the grips to form a curved pommel. The blade is stamped with the number '26p52'. The back of the blade is stamped '135'. It has wood grips retained by 2 rivets & short cross guard with muzzle ring. It's leather scabbard is in similar excellent undamaged condition. It has a single belt loop, retaining strap and stud fastener. The rear is ink stamped with a cartouche which contains a '1974' date amongst other numbers & letters. (Illustrated). Price includes UK delivery. ED 2209. (Other Countries 2)
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