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German Ersatz Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 420. - BAYO 420
This is a German M88/98 all steel bayonet with two piece hilt, open muzzle ring and unfullered blade, see White & Watts item No 336 page 153 for similar. The 26 cm blade (38 cm overall) is in good condition, only showing signs of service wear towards the tip. One side of the grip is stamped ‘3631’. The number ‘4062’ is stamped to the crossguard on one side. The all steel standard version scabbard retains most of its colour and only has a couple minor service wear marks throughout. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 420. (Box 1)

*Scarce* Indian Pattern Bayonet and Scabbard. BAYO 419. - BAYO 419
This is a nice scarce version of the India pattern series of bayonets. The blade shows MK-I* but is the later variant of the No I Mk II shown in Skennertons book as No 153 on page 349. It has the freshly made unfullered blade and is not a cut down No I Mk-1* with fullers extending to the tip. It is dated ‘8 42’ denoting manufacture in August 1942. The wooden grips are in very good condition with minor service wear to the inside top of the left hand grip *see images*. The maker is ‘JU’ which is an unknown maker according to Skennerton. The scabbard is a cut down No I. The leather, stitching and metalwork is all in very good order. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 419. (Box 3)

**Scarce** German 2nd Type M1884/98 Bayonet with Sawback Blade & Metal Scabbard with Brass Letters on the Grip. BAYO 6290 - BAYO 6290
This is the 2nd model of the M1884/98 with a flash guard and new pommel shape. The blade has the trademark of 'Gottlieb Hammesfahr-Solingen-Foche’ with a pyramid and cross logo. The grips have brass letters "SLII" affixed to one side which presumably was a personalisation by the soldier to denote his regimental allegiance. They are contemporary to the piece and are very attractive. The pommel and cross guard are lightly pitted but this does not detract from the overall appearance. This is a scarce bayonet from WWI. (See White & Watts 'Bayonet Book' Pages 115 & 129 item 286). The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 6290. (Box 2)

British No7 Mk 1 L Bayonet for No4 SMLE Rifles & MK V Sten Sub Machine Guns with Swivel Handle and Scabbard. BAYO 418. - BAYO 418
An original No7 Mk 1 L, bayonet with swivelling pommel made for the No4 Rifle and MK V Sten Sub Machine Guns. The 'L' designation is for Land Service. It was only issued to the Guards and a few other selected units. It has a 7 Ύ “blade (12 Ό” overall) with bowie knife style blade and deep fuller to both sides. The blade and brown Tufnell grip are in great undamaged condition as is its steel scabbard. The blade is stamped on the ricasso 'No7 Mk1/L’. There are no visible manufacturer marks. The blade *small nick to the blade*, grips and scabbard are in very good condition. See Skennerton item B299 pages 242 to 244. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 418. (Box 1)

WWII British No5 Bayonet and No5 MkI Scabbard. BAYO 414. - BAYO 414
This is a nice wartime No5 bayonet by Wilkinson (When Henry Nock died in 1804, he left the company to his foreman and adopted son-in-law, James Wilkinson when James's son Henry Wilkinson joined the company it was renamed James Wilkinson & Son (also known as simply Wilkinson & Son). It became the Wilkinson Sword Company in 1891) and carries their wartime code of ‘S294 & W.S.C’ to the blade which is in good condition. The grips are showing minor signs of service wear * see images*. See Skennerton item B293 pages 238 & 241. The scabbard is the early No5 MkI with steel mouthpiece and is virtually unmarked. A lovely WWII example in excellent condition, the price includes UK delivery. BAYO 414. (Box 2)

British No7 MkI Bayonet and No5 MkI Scabbard. BAYO 413. - BAYO 413
This is a very nice No7 bayonet (the No. 7 bayonet was an advanced design that could be configured as either a blade or socket type bayonet, and could also be used as a fighting knife. It was intended to replace the No. 4 Bayonet in service and used the blade of the No. 5 Bayonet) with the designation No7 MkI/L stamped crisply to the ricasso. No other marks are visible. The scabbard is the No5 MkI with steel mouthpiece. The grips are solid and intact. See Skennerton item B299 pages 242-244. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 413. (Box 2)

**RARE**British Trials Pattern FN FAL X2E1 Bayonet & X1E1 Scabbard & Webbing Frog. Sn 20565:16 - 20565:16
A rare Trials X2 E1 Bayonet and scabbard. The bayonet is for a NATO 7.62mm FAL Rifle in particular the X8E1, Type A 1953-61 (see Page 256/7 of British and Commonwealth Bayonets by Skennerton). The bayonet has the F.N. 'elastique' design pommel and catch and has two flash hider prongs, projecting forward of the muzzle ring. It measures 12 Ύ” overall. It has dark wood smooth grips secured with screw bolts. The grips are excellent. It is stamped on the tang edge between the grips with 'X2E1' and with number 8251. The grip frame is also stamped with number 1. The double edged blade is polished steel and measures 7 ½” long. The scabbard is metal, painted black and on the mouthpiece it is stamped 'X1E1'. The scabbard is fitted with webbing frog. The price for this rare trials bayonet with correct scabbard & frog includes UK delivery. Sn 20565:16 (box 2)

Inter War, 1920 Dated, Australian, Lithgow, 1907 Pattern Bayonet Marked ‘4’ To The 4th Military District (South Australia), Scabbard & Webbing Frog. Sn 20565:13 - 20565:13
An Australian, Inter World War dated example of the Pattern 1907 bayonet for the SMLE rifle complete with scabbard & frog. The ricasso of the bayonet is stamped by the manufacturer ‘A’ star together with ‘1907 Within Shield' ‘Lithgow’ and '1920’ date. The reverse is double stamped with 'A' within Star Lithgow inspection marks. The blade is undamaged. It's wood grips are secured by the correct screw bolts. The pommel is stamped ' A 53147'. The cross guard is stamped ‘4’ most likely to the 4th Military District (South Australia). It is complete with its original steel mounted black leather Scabbard. The steel chape is stamped ‘WJH’ above ‘B’. All stitching of the scabbard are intact. Also included is an original webbing frog which is in excellent condition. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 20565:13 (07's box 2)

*Scarce* British ‘1903’ Pattern Bayonet Converted From ‘P1888’ Dated ‘1’04’ Leather Scabbard and Frog. BAYO 410. - BAYO 410
The ‘P1903’ design combined the ‘P1888’ blade and cross piece with a new pommel design. Many 1903 patter bayonets are actually P1888 bayonets that have been converted. This bayonet is a good example of a converted 1888. The blade length is 30cm and is double edged. On side is stamped with ‘EFD’ (Enfield The Royal Small Arms Factory was a UK government-owned rifle factory in Enfield, now part of north London, which produced British military rifles, muskets and swords from 1816) and the other with numerous inspection stamps, ‘1 ‘ 04’ ‘1903’. The press-stud locking mechanism works well. The wooden grip scales are in good condition with age related marks. The leather scabbard and frog have age related marks *WJB marked to the rear, possible soldiers initials. The stitching to the rear is intact. See Skennerton, item B230, pages 181 & 182. The price for this scarce set includes UK delivery. BAYO 410. (Box 1)

*Scarce* WWII Owen Sub Machine Gun Mk 1 Bayonet and Scabbard with Orange & Mangrovite Arsenal Markings. BAYO 407. - BAYO 407
This Owen Submachine Gun Bayonet was manufactured to fit the Owen Submachine Gun. The blade is single edge, single fullered on both sides with the entire blade having a blued finish. The hilt incorporates a basic steel bird's head with oil hole and features a push button internal spring latch and steel crossguard. The grips are made from wood and are held in place by two slotted head screw and nut assemblies. All steel parts are blued. It has markings - Orange Arsenal & Mangrovite Arsenal; 1907; 4 45 (April 1945) X bend mark and Broad Arrow. The wooden grips are in excellent condition and are marked ‘SLAZ 44’ (Slazenger supplied the grips during the war). The scabbard has a steel locket with a rounded frog attachment stud and a steel chape with a blued finish. The sheath is made from brown leather material and has Mangrovite stamped to it and the locket has ‘AO’ Orange Arsenal. The Owen Submachine Gun Bayonet was issued to the Australian Army during 1944 with Owen Submachine Guns and is a shortened version of the Pattern 1907 Bayonet. Blade length 10” - 15” overall. This set is hard to find and is in excellent condition. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 407. (Box 3)
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