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Rare Vickers 1918 07 Sword Bayonet by Vickers with MkII Leather Scabbard. BAYO 350. - BAYO 350
The quillon of the P1907 Mark I was subsequently found to be unnecessary, and on the 29th October 1913, List of changes 16755, it is recorded that a P1907 sword bayonet without the hook on the crosspiece had been sealed to govern future manufacture. In December 1915 it was suggested at official level that a hole be bored through the pommel of the P1907 bayonet to pass directly through the bottom of the locking slot. The function of this hole was to release dirt which accumulated in the groove, allowing the bayonet to be locked on to the rifle. Early in 1916 the committee dealing with this matter approved of the change and asked that the decision be brought to the notice of General Headquarters in France in case it is desired to take steps locally to effect this alteration to bayonets now in service. The blade length is 17” with the overall length being 21.75”. The blade is marked; 1907 – 2’ 18 (February 1918) VICKERS (In 1911 the company name was changed to Vickers Ltd and expanded its operations into aircraft manufacture by the formation of Vickers Ltd (Aviation Department) and a Vickers School of Flying was opened at Brooklands, Surrey on 20 January 1912. In 1919, the British Westinghouse electrical company was taken over as the Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Company; Metrovick. At the same time they came into Metropolitan's railway interests) to one side and with the Broad Arrow, bending mark and other inspection marks *see images*. The pommel has the hole and the wooden grips are in very nice condition with crown over GR stamped to them. The MkII thick leather scabbard is in very good condition with all metalwork, leather and stitching in good order. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 350. (07 Box 2)

Italian Model 1891 Carcano Bayonet Fluted Scabbard and Leather Frog. BAYO 345. - BAYO 345
The hilt has a straight cross guard, stamped ‘V.G 9786’ to one side and ‘RP’ within an oval to the other. With a muzzle ring diameter of 12.5 mm and plain wooden grips which are showing minor signs of service wear are held to the tang by two screw bolts. The pommel has a small T section slot and a spring loaded button release catch. The single edged blade has a maker’s mark (illegible) on the ricasso and has a single fuller to each side to within 75 mm of the double edge spear point. The fluted leather scabbard and leather frog with integrated belt loop is stamped ‘A.R.E.T. 1931’ has a brass chape and locket which are all in good condition with all of the stitching intact. Overall length; 414mm, blade length; 298mm. See page 194 No 431 of Watts & Whites ‘The Bayonet Book’ for similar. The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 345. (Box 1)

WWI Modified Canadian Ross Mk II Bayonet and Scabbard BAYO 344. - BAYO 344
This is a nice Mk II Ross bayonet with a modified blade profile. This modification was authorised in October 1915 to give better penetration over the more rounded original blade shape tip. The pommel carries the Canadian Government ownership mark of an arrow within a Capital C, the Ross factory inspection mark of a crown over 4 and the date of manufacture 11 over 7/15 (July 1915 date). The other side carries Ross Rifle Co. Quebec Patented 1907. Both of the grips carry the Ross factory inspection mark. The spine of the tang also carries 2 Ross factory inspection stamps. The scabbard is the Mk II version with a wider belt loop and internal locket and chape and carries the Canadian Government ownership mark of an arrow within a Capital C. See British and Commonwealth Bayonets by Skennerton & Richardson item C7 on pages 300-304.The price includes UK delivery. BAYO 344. (Box 1)

*Rare* Dutch Geweer M. 95/M1895 Mannlicher Infantry Bayonet and Scabbard Marked A.C.S. (Alexander Coppel GmbH (Alcoso), Solingen). 20821:19. - 20821:19
A nice Dutch *M1895 Mannlicher (The Geweer M. 95, also known to collectors as the Dutch Mannlicher, was the service rifle of the armed forces of the Netherlands between 1895 and 1940 which replaced the obsolete Beaumont-Vitali M1871/88. At first it was produced by Steyr for the Dutch, but after 1904, production took place under license at a Dutch state weapon factory in Zaandam known by the name of close by Hembrug bridge. Although often regarded as being based on the earlier Mannlicher 1893 Model, the rifle is in fact a modification of the Mannlicher rifle by August Schriever and the Dutch rifle commission. The Dutch issued about 470,000 M.95s.)Infantry bayonet, the blued steel partial cruciform blade is 35 ½ cm (47 ¾ overall), marked ‘A.C.S over scales’ (Alexander Coppel GmbH (Alcoso), Solingen) *re-purposed by the Germans*on one side, with inspection mark on the other side, unit mark on the crosspiece ‘2881 N’, the spring catch is working as it should. The riveted wood grips are solid with minor service wear marks as are the blued pommel and cross guard. The bayonet comes with its original brown leather scabbard and integral frog *hole to rear of belt hook*, which are in good condition *minor repair to lower stitching on rear* The frog is stamped ‘6509’ and ‘1919’ to the rear. The price for this rare bayonet includes UK delivery. 20821:19. (Box 1)

Belgian M1924 Mauser Sword Bayonet & Scabbard. 20821:17. - 20827:17
The M1924 Mauser rifle was widely exported and made with two bayonets with identical hilts but different blade lengths they were made to be exported with this highly successful rifle. These rifles were sold worldwide to Argentina to Yugoslavia with scores of countries in between. See pages 26 & 41 No 99 of Watts & White ‘The Bayonet Book’. Blade length; 38 ¾ cm (51 ½ cm overall) The wooden grips are solid with only minor service wear. The metalwork is black and retains the overall majority of its colour. The polished blade is in very good condition. The all steel scabbard has a teardrop frog and ball end cap. It has aged well and has only minor service wear. The price includes UK delivery. 20827:17. (Box 1)

WWI German M88/98 All Steel Construction Ersatz Bayonet & Steel Scabbard. 20821:16. - 20821:16
A WWI German M88/98 Ersatz bayonet and steel scabbard (see item 338, page 153 of The Bayonet Book By Watts & White). The all steel construction bayonet has a polished steel single edged blade with sharpened back edge point & central fuller. The blade measures 12.25” in length. It has a steel one piece cross guard with open muzzle ring. The spine of the blade has a small inspection mark ‘Crown over D’?. The steel pressed steel grip has an oil hole near to the cross guard. It has a push button bayonet release which works correctly. The grip retains original brown paint. It is complete with its steel scabbard which has a tear drop frog stud. The scabbard has no visible dents or markings. The price includes UK delivery. 20821:16. (Box 1)

WWI Austrian M1895 Mannlicher Bayonet and Scabbard. 20821:15. - 20821:15
In 1895 Austria adopted another Mannlicher rifle, and with this firearm a new bayonet. This is of smaller dimensions to the M1888, but the new bayonets most notable feature is that the blade edge faces towards the muzzle ring. This is a nice other ranks M1895 Mannlicher bayonet. The blade is marked with the double headed Imperial eagle denoting use by the Imperial forces and not for export. The blade is 9 ¾” in length and has rounded fullers *note that the blade faces towards the muzzle ring. The cross guard is secured by 2 rivets, the grips are wood secured by domed rivets and the pommel is steel. The scabbard is steel with a brazed frog stud. See Martin J.Brayley An illustrated history of bayonets centre example on page 31. The price includes U.K. delivery. 20821:15. (Box 1)

Portugese M1885 Guedes & M1886 Kropatschek Rifle Bayonet and Scabbard. 20821:14. - 20821:14
A Portugese bayonet and scabbard for the M1885 Guedes (The Guedes 8 x 60R mm calibre rifle was the last military single shot rifle based on the falling block design which was made obsolete soon after its adoption by the introduction of bolt action repeating rifles. The rifles were produced by Steyr, Austria, on contract for the Portuguese military but were soon replaced by bolt action designs. ) and the M1886 Kropatschek rifle (A Kropatschek is any variant of a rifle designed by Alfred von Kropatschek. Kropatschek's rifles used a tubular magazine (constructed of nickel-plated steel) of his design, of the same type used in the Japanese Murata Type 22 and the German Mauser Gewehr 1871/84) with Austrian CE over WG on the ricasso and ’73’ on the spine. See page 243 of Watt & Whites ‘The bayonet Book’ No 543. Blade length; 47 cm (60 cm overall). The wooden grips are in excellent condition and are held by two pins. The fullered blade is in good condition with only minor signs of age related wear. The metal scabbard is ball tipped, has a frog stud and is in good condition with an aged patina. The price includes UK delivery. 20821:14. (Box 1)

Italian Model 1891 Carcano Bayonet and Fluted Scabbard Manufactured by TERNI. 20821:13. - 20821:13
The hilt has a straight cross guard, stamped B 452, with a muzzle ring diameter of 12.5 mm and plain wooden grips which are showing minor signs of service wear are held to the tang by two screw bolts. The pommel has a small T section slot and a spring loaded button release catch. The single edged blade maker’s marked ‘TERNI ‘ (Fabbrica D'Armi Di Terni) on the ricasso and has a single fuller to each side to within 75 mm of the double edge spear point. The fluted leather scabbard has a brass chape and locket which are all in good condition with all of the stitching intact. Overall length; 414mm, blade length; 298mm. See page 194 No 431 of Watts & Whites ‘The Bayonet Book’ for similar. The price includes UK delivery. 20821:13. (Box 1)

WWII Dated Turkish M1935 Bayonet Scabbard and Leather Frog. 20821:12. - 20821:12
This is a standard pattern M1935 bayonet. This could have been newly made, but countless variants exist made up from a number of older Turkish and foreign weapons. This bayonet was probably not produced before 1938. Whilst generally the designation of the 1935 bayonet has been retained in this work it is believed that the Turks actually only began streamlining their vast array of rifle bayonet types reworking them to a ‘standard’ (1903-style rifles and 250mm bayonet blades) in 1938. See pages 219 & 221 of An Illustrated History of Bayonets by Martin J. Brayley. The blade is 25 cm long (38 cm overall). The pommel has ‘2133’ stamped to one side and the ricasso has ‘44’ (1944) and Turkish lettering to one side. The flashguard has a number of inspection stamps. The metal scabbard frog stud has the number ‘60056’ imprinted to it. The leather frog is made from thick brown leather and has an integrated belt loop which is in very good condition. The price includes UK delivery. 20821:12. (Box 1)
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