Martini Henry Patt 1887 MkIII Sword Bayonet and Scabbard by Wilkinson Sword Company with India Contract Markings. 22402 - 22402 The pattern 1887 MKIII is distinctive in that there are no fullers in the blade. The Wilkinson as this one is, are clearly marked on the ricasso, and the contractor was given discretionary power as to the mode of securing the cross piece, by riveting or brazing. In 1892, Henry Rifled Barrel Co was awarded the contract for 30,000 Martini-Henry I.C.1 Cavalry carbines from the Indian Government. These examples were manufactured over a two-year period under full Governmental Viewing in the now mostly obsolete .577/.450 chambering. The blade is 46 ½ cm (601 mm overall). There is a WD and arrow over crown 35 W to one side of the ricasso and crown V.R. above ‘89’ (manufactured in 1889) above ‘Wilkinson Sword Company London’ amongst other inspection stamps (see pictures). The pommel has is numbered ‘9285’. The crossguard and throat of the scabbard have clear Indian markings *see images*. The leather chequered grips are held with two pins and are in very nice condition. The leather scabbard thought to have been used by Indian troops is in equally good condition with the polished furniture, leather and stitching all in good condition. The chape *loose but intact* has an inspection stamp imprinted and ‘8001’ on the throat. See ‘British & Commonwealth Bayonets’ by Ian D. Skennerton and Robert Richardson. The price includes UK delivery. 22402. (Martini Box) £295.00